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Subject:  and STILL I have ants!

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Middle TN

I sprayed Bayer T&S (4 oz per gallon) on May 11th

I sprayed Cyonara 9.7 (half tsp per gallon) on May 13th

and STILL I have ants!! What am I doing wrong?!?!

Thanks for any advice,

P.S. my patch is 560 sq ft

5/19/2010 10:34:57 PM

Pumpkin Picker (Orange Only)

Western PA

Did you do a soil drench with the Bayer T&S?

I am not familiar with cyonara but I would assume it is a contact.. mybee this stuff is not powerfull enough for the ants.

The bayer t&s is a systemic so unless the ants are chewing on the plant I doubt they would be effected by the t&s.

Are the ants actually eating the plant??

5/21/2010 3:40:40 PM


Middle TN

they dont seem to be eating it, honestly I dont see them actually ON the plant, they are just in their 'hills' all over the patch. They are on my sunflowers though.

I may not have used the Bayer T&S correctly. I thought I was supossed to cover the entire patch so I sprayed it very lightly to have enough to cover the whole area. Im not exactly sure how to do a 'soil drench' (sorry Im new) but from the sound of it I did the exact opposite :(

Yes, cyonara is a contact and I used it in the same way as the Bayer T&S. Maybe I should mix up another batch and spray again, concentrating on the area closest to the vine instead of covering the whole patch.


5/21/2010 4:03:58 PM

Pumpkin Picker (Orange Only)

Western PA

Well the ants are not eating the plant which is a good thing!!

When I use bayer t&s The stuff I have is 1.47 imploidid (spelled wrong) I do a soil drench in the main root zones around the crown area and along the main vine. if the soil is somewhat moist I mix in a total of 5oz to about 4-6 gallons and drench that area. if the soil is real dry you might have to add a little more water.

I personally have never had a issue with ants eating my plants or roots. They are around though.

If you really wanted to get rid of them it seems like you could just hit them with the cyonora where they are at, I would get a shovel flip there mound and spray at will. (NOTE: I would not flip the dirt anywhere near the plant due to a chance of disturbing the roots. I would just spray more on those mounds.

Good luck

5/21/2010 4:16:24 PM



I have european red ants all over patch and yard. they are a nuissance. they sting like crazy and get into every crevice of your body. they enver hurt any of my plants. matter of fact the cleaned up the dead leave tissue and left the healthy. they arealso very territorial and attack any other insects around. I grow organically and will be sprying with spinosad, which is a bacteria that destroys the nervous system of bugs. it must be eaten by them though. sadly this will kill my patch protectors if they eat it. you can get spinosad under many names, put a cookie out and spray it with the spinosad and ants willbe gone in a few days. Spinosad has a lifetime in the sun of less than a week so it has to be reapplied regularly. It will definitely get rid of the ants if they eat the cookie. hope this helps

5/22/2010 5:35:58 AM



They will only die if they eat the plants. Since they don't; why worry?

5/22/2010 11:22:50 AM



Why kill a bug that does not affect the plant? We all probably have ants in our patch. LOL

5/22/2010 12:08:18 PM


Salem, NY

It's better than skunks!!

5/26/2010 6:40:11 PM


Westford, MA

50%-50% mix of sugar and Borax laundry soap(20 mule team)
mix them well and sprinkle some where you see ant activity.
They carry it back to the nest and cyonara.

Reapply after moisture event.
Takes a couple days, but has worked for me.

Hey bry, EVERY crevice?!? YIKES!!

5/27/2010 3:07:40 PM


Middle TN

thank you klancy, I'll try that

5/27/2010 4:31:16 PM

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