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Subject:  woodchuck dens

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Topsfield, Ma.

Spring yard cleanup unearthed two woodchuck summer breeding
palaces ! Anyone know any good disincentives other than TNT ! I was ravaged last season by young'uns who managed to squeeze under 7'deer fence and thru chicken wire and 2x3"
mesh fencing !!! Thanks in advance. Duff

4/19/2003 7:10:59 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

If possible, electrify it.
$40+ for a box, $15 for a ground rod.
They'll only touch it once.

4/19/2003 7:57:58 PM

n.y. randy

Walton N.y.

if the holes are in a place that you can use those burrowing rodent smoke bombs( make sure that nothing but the bombs contents can burn )i've had good luck with them unless you have the time to watch the holes and give them a case of lead poisoning

4/19/2003 8:35:23 PM

Andy W

Western NY

i prefer the .222, but if you're in a resedential area, a bow works well. if you want to get them where they live, those smoke bombs work well. beware - i have heard of a guy putting gasoline down the hole, then dropping a match in. out ran a flaming woodchuck, right into the garage, promptly setting it on fire. i still get a chuckle out of that.


4/19/2003 9:31:54 PM


Montoursville, PA

I like to KO them before they get to me. If you have enough water they do not swim well. They breath carbon monoxide rather poorly. My garden tractor exaust has done in a few. When you feed one hole they come out another. At that point they don't like lead very well. In my state I am permited to trap them but there are to many dogs and cats in the area. My average is ma ma and two or three kids a year. I shoot them at the risk of paying a $100.00 fine for shooting in the political subdivision wherein I live. I do it when there is a lot on noise like a neighbor mowing yard or using a chain saw. Sometimes I set up my own noise cover.
Sometimes I can trap the hole under a neighbors shed. That is a no no to but a committee of one has few problems...if the chairman stays awake.

4/19/2003 9:47:53 PM


Garden State Pumpkins

Hey Duff I got 2 frolicking in the back now! Been setting a havahart trap since middle of last season to now! Caught plenty of raccoons as a matter of fact there's one in there now! and the squirrels kick it off all the time. I've been baiting it with strawberries but the wood chucks are never in it...I figured with slim pickings now would be the time to get em but I guess they're just waiting till the real salad bar opens up...Dang I wish I could use a 22...If anybody has any good bait ideas let me know...Oh also caught the neighbors cat twice???

4/20/2003 12:46:01 AM


Montoursville, PA

Cabbage, lettuce, celery!!! Check back of grocery store in dumpster about Thursday AM.

4/20/2003 4:15:54 AM


Western Pa.


Try apples! Always works for me!


4/20/2003 9:59:28 AM


Garden State Pumpkins

celery in today apples tomorrow Thanks guys!

4/20/2003 9:48:31 PM


Topsfield, Ma.

Thanks for all the replies folks. Little folks in the neighborhood precludes electic fence and .22's One den is in neighbor's yard, so don't want to risk burning down their house with smoke bomb ! Tried all the fresh veggies as bait without success. baited hav-a-hart with the end of a secondary and they couldn't resist. All got new zip codes!
Best of luck to all this season.

4/21/2003 8:35:18 PM


Garden State Pumpkins

That's pretty funny Duff but I might just grow one in the trap and keep resetting it!!!celery and apples are in now only thing green out there are daffodils and they don't seem to bother em! will keep ya posted! Chuck

4/21/2003 11:32:14 PM


ipswich, ma usa


Don't even think of bringing them chucks over to Ipswich!! Got plenty here myself. Are you seeing your critters already this season?

John (5150)

4/22/2003 9:28:55 AM



It's illegal as heck. But I sell a Warfarin containing gel in a little syringe applicator called Kaput Mole Gel. No surprise it's designed to control moles, voles & shrews. But it might work on Woodchucks too. I haven't tried it yet.
At $8.00 a tube, I may have to find a guinea pig around here & see.

ZP (zinc phosphide) tracking powder would work too but that's restricted & there are laws on the books that will send bad people like me right to jail if I even hint that it might work. So of course I won't.


4/22/2003 11:11:30 AM

basebell6 (christy)

Massillon, Ohio

you guys crack me up...my grandpa always said to 'never tell anyone' about how we get rid of them. so my lips are sealed. you never know where peta people are lurking.

around in these parts, they trap groundhogs in parks and transport them to let them go elsewhere. PLEASE. so we have to deal with the elsewhere in our own ways i guess.

4/22/2003 11:19:37 AM


Jackson Twp, Ohio

I've got the best Woodchuck control ever....Grandpa!!

At 91 hes a wood chuck expert, he traps, he watches, he even knows how they think. Woodchucks beware around my pumpkin patch (its at his house). So needless to say i don't have a problem with them, at least not right now.

4/22/2003 1:03:11 PM



Boy, I feel sorry for all those little critters.
Especially if Steve is after them.
Poor pet guinea pig.
Animal lover here.

4/22/2003 1:52:48 PM


Topsfield, Ma.

More good ideas folks, thanks and keep 'em coming !
No 5150, they haven't been sighted yet this season, but one has to be prepared. Since you cracked The 500lb mark your
rookie season, maybe I should handi-cap you with a couple critters...LOL...just kiddin !
Azkikin, I share your concerns about wildlife. I abut a
1200 acre Audubon Sanctuary and have found a suitable drop-off site that offers things other than my AG plants.
Uh Oh...5150...are you on the other side ???

4/22/2003 9:24:25 PM


Glenn Springs S.C.

PETA ( people eating tasty animals) shouldn't mind you killing the moles

4/22/2003 10:47:17 PM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

Hey we could get Booth to nuke the little critters...LOL

4/23/2003 12:56:50 AM

Pumpkin Doug

Ypsilanti Michigan

One year I had two right splat in the middle of my garden. I found out the hard way, them buggerts can dig a mighty deep hole. What I did (If you don't mind digging) was to place fence face down about two inches or so outside of the patch under ground. Hook it to the bottom of the existing fence, if you have a fence. Aint had no problems since. Except something small bites off a few of my blossems.........mabie chipmonks. Anyone know?

6/26/2003 8:54:05 PM

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