Pests, Diseases and Other Problems
Subject: Is this spider mite damage?
Date Posted
Hurricane Chuck |
For the past few weeks I've noticed leaves aging around the stump and decided to cut a few off today. It seems to early in the season for it to be old leaves. I did the shake test with a white piece of paper this morning and found two (what I think) are spider mites moving on the paper. One very little red bug too. Bought some neem oil today but want to make sure that's what the problem is before I go trampling through the patch spraying under each leaf. Any assistance is appreciated. Here's what the leaves I cut look like...
This is the area the leaves were cut from. You can see other leaves around the main look ok but far from great for mid July. I don't see this problem on other plants and it's the only plant I used a soil heating cable this year. Wondering if that has anything to do with it.
7/13/2011 7:53:57 PM
Milford |
milford, CT,
I had spider mites and aphids bad last year..Your leaves look just like mine did..from the picture I'd say you're right..The spider mites sucked out he moisture from the leaves and they get very dry, thin and crumbly. I sprayed Merit WP, and then neem oil. I know you might be saying Merit is a drench..but it worked well. It was recommended to me to do 3 sprayings of the neem 3-4 days very careful the neem is pretty tough on the leaves especially if it is going to be really hot and sunny. DO NOT go above the recommended mix ratio..I forget what it is but stick to the recommended rate..don't get greedy..Good luck..mark
7/13/2011 9:13:02 PM
Venari |
I deal with mite or thrips as well. I product that works well is avid. A bit pricy, but work very well. 28 drop per gallon for a folliar treatment. One pint is about $ 125.00, give or take. Just make sure that you also are spraying underneath the follage as well as the top.
7/13/2011 9:25:32 PM
wally34 |
long Island
Spider mites took my whole plant down last year. One by one, they sucked the life out of every leaf. It took me over a month to figure out what it was, and by then, it was to late. This year I decided to start spaying for them before they show up. I have been spraying some stuff I got from a Hydroponic store on E--Y. I don't remember what it is called but it is specifically for spider mites and it works, "so far". It comes in a tiny bottle and the mix is 16 drops per gallon. I have been using it every week since day one of this season.
7/13/2011 9:39:40 PM
wally34 |
long Island
This is what it is called AVID 0.15 EC 1/2 oz MITICIDE
It is also very good if you need some rain. It seems that every time I spray this stuff a surprise, pop up rain shower comes. It happened tonight. 5 minutes after I got done spraying we had a rain shower, from nowhere, for about 3 minutes. Just enough to wet the leaves. I guess I will have to re apply tomorrow. Unbelievable.
7/13/2011 9:44:58 PM
wally34 |
long Island
Hi Venari. You beat me to the answer.
Are we using the same strength Avid? If we are maybe I need to go with the 28 drops. The directions that I got with the tiny bottle was clearly marked, 16 drops per gallon. Maybe that's not Pumpkin strength. 16 drops might be "cash crop strength". What do you think I should do? Bump up the mix?
7/13/2011 9:52:10 PM
Hurricane Chuck |
Thanks for your advice guys. I hear nothing but good things about avid but can't bring myself to spend that kind of money. I'm going to try the neem oil. Mark... did you stop after the 3 applications?
7/13/2011 10:48:01 PM
wally34 |
long Island
You don't have to spend a lot of money on the Avid. I will send you the link. I think It only cost me 8 bucks. Very small bottle, but it has enough drops in it to make many, many one gallon sprays.
7/14/2011 11:42:22 AM
wally34 |
long Island
7/14/2011 12:00:54 PM
wally34 |
long Island
I hope that posting that link is allowed.
7/14/2011 12:03:36 PM
wally34 |
long Island
I am also still waiting for an answer from Venari. I wanted to get his opinion before I bump up my mix.
7/14/2011 12:05:49 PM
Venari |
Hey wally, no problem. Yes, my pint says Avid 0.15.
Got mine at a Lesco/John Deer Lawn and care distributer.
They guys that sold it to me told me that the gallon per mix is 2.3 ml or 28 drops or 0.08 oz per gallon.
Have used it at that rate for the past two sesons with no ill effects to the plants.
When you start to see mite or thrip damage, I use it about once a week. Depending on how agressive they are during the season. Just keep a good watch on the leaves as they try to go from leaf to leaf to suck the life out of it.
7/14/2011 4:22:36 PM
once you have them you can't get rid of them totally
7/14/2011 5:10:40 PM
Milford |
milford, CT,
Chuck..I agree with is a season long battle...even if you think you are in the clear check often for any signs and keep up with your spray program. After I felt they were under control I went to a 7-10 day spray schedule. Like I said..there is a down side..leaves looked pretty aged...mark
7/14/2011 9:15:16 PM
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