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Subject:  woodchucks

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Burt NY

Has anyone live traped them what kind of bait is best.

6/22/2003 3:27:26 PM


Topsfield, Ma.

Tried the apples, lettuce, beans, broccoli, etc etc etc !
Bagged a couple young-uns over the years, but the seasoned
critters always eluded capture ! Finally baited with the tips of pruned secondaries and they couldn't resist the tender new growth ! I know it's early for pruning, but consider taking a couple secondaries to thin out the plant.

6/22/2003 5:20:20 PM




6/22/2003 6:49:27 PM

n.y. randy

Walton N.y.

just a note if you plan to relocate your trapped critter in many states it's illeagle to transport ''nusence animals " and if stopped by police while the animal is in a trap in your car there could be a fine at least $200 in n.y. state so you might want to end the pests life and save yourself some money

6/22/2003 8:15:54 PM


Western Pa.

Around here, apples always work!

6/22/2003 9:12:35 PM


Pulaski Tn blkcloud@igiles.net

why would you want to live trap them? get you a couple of them conibear traps like i show in my diary and you wont have any mo groundhogs...

6/22/2003 10:11:58 PM


So. Maine

I use a Have a Heart cage to catch em ( Granny Smiths Apples do the job , wash them and wear gloves to cut down on the human scent when cutting the apples and baiting the trap), but for some reason I lose my heart and feed the critters lead.

6/23/2003 12:17:59 AM


Central Connecticut

Yellow squash has worked well for me...Chris

6/23/2003 1:14:53 PM


Montoursville, PA

While I fool around with traps they keep running into lead.
Fine for shooting in the village is $100.00 and much more for messing with transporting wildlife if caught. They make good compost by fall.

6/23/2003 1:50:35 PM


Montoursville, PA

Nice thing about it here whistle pigs start showing up end of June. Ties in nicely with the fourth of July. Keep a couple of crackers handy for the second and third or so shots if I feel the need for a little diversion, for the neighbors..

6/23/2003 3:28:52 PM

n.y. randy

Walton N.y.

the reason why i put that post about the fine is that some people i know that spend their summers in the catskill mountains didn't want to kill the chucks that were eating their flowers and veggies got caught releasing a chuck and were gven a ticket and had to apear in court the fine $200 for being gentle hearted around my place i believe in the Iseeem rule if i see 'em i shoot 'em

6/23/2003 8:37:47 PM


Spanish Ontario

deaqd is best

6/24/2003 9:52:10 PM


Burt NY

Shot one with 22.

6/28/2003 4:26:23 PM


Pulaski Tn blkcloud@igiles.net

more sucess today...2 mo dead pigs!!

6/29/2003 12:07:14 AM


Burt NY

one more dead woodchuck shot with 12 ga.

7/8/2003 8:46:38 PM

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