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Subject:  Aliette

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Cranston, Rhode Island

Is anybody familiar with this fungicide. I'm going to start using this for the first time and curious to know how well the stuff works.

7/30/2003 1:10:08 PM



Hey Will,

Aliette is primarily a fungicide used to treat for pythium & phytophthora. As good as it gets for these 2 diseases. But they're the only 2 it controls. Mix with Mancozeb & look out. These 2 are the only fungicides in the world that synergize when mixed together. And as a team, they really are amazing. I've bailed myself out of trouble with this mix before.

Mancozeb is very cheap. And mixed with Aliette (or Prodigy - same stuff) you'll have a killer broad spectrum fungicide cocktail.

But all this depends on what you're spraying for?


7/30/2003 2:19:18 PM


Long Island,New York

How about Rhizoctonia?......G

7/30/2003 4:18:49 PM



That combo would be as good a chance as any. I still have no conclusive word on what we discussed. My "experts" wanted to know if Cornell had recommended a chemical treatment.

Personally, I would use Aliette or the new Lesco-Phyte with the Mancozeb as a root drench. Phyte is a clone of the now off patent Aliette.


7/30/2003 8:45:34 PM


Cranston, Rhode Island

Hey Steve,
Thanks for the info. Am I correct to assume that Aliette won't fight against powdery mildew, or bacterial wilt?
What should I use?

Thanks, Will

7/31/2003 10:30:09 AM



I'm using Mancozeb + Eagle (contact + systemic). But Daconil would also be a good contact. Other systemics include Thiophanate Methyl (Cleary's 3336 or Lesco's T-Storm), Propiconazole (Banner Maxx or Spectator), etc.

It's funny that more of the many sterol inhibitting fungicides like Bayleton, Rubigan, & Prostar have never ( to my knowlege) been registered for use on cucurbits. I would wager they would all do well (they do on other plants). But don't experiment with these unless it's on an expendable plant or you have some experienced local guidance.

7/31/2003 9:55:20 PM

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