Pests, Diseases and Other Problems
Subject: Molemergency!
Date Posted
ApertureScience |
Federal Way, WA
This mole is driving me crazy. I've set the trap in a few separate tunnels so far (this ***** has tunneled underneath each of my driptape lines!), but no cigar. After several days of not seeing a mound or finding new tunnels, I suddenly discover a massive new mound just a foot from the base of my plant. Thinking about the root damage makes me...quite disturbed. Until the trap is effective, what are some other things to throw at it?! I've tried used cat litter in the tunnels (smell?) and pvc poles that vibrate in the wind. Any other tips?
6/20/2013 9:56:32 PM
don young |
poison worm dropped in tunnel
6/20/2013 10:05:55 PM
yardman |
Mnt.pleasant ,tennessee
Theres also poision peanuts iv gotten at can detour them away from acertian spots put fish hooks or razor blades in tunnels.there also getn out early & be real still with a frog gig on long pole.
6/21/2013 3:56:15 AM
yardman |
Mnt.pleasant ,tennessee
& forgot to mention not all tunnels are active.they usually have a main tunnel that will run along side walks driveways ect..& the rest are branches out they make in search of food& dont find none& never travel that tunnel again.
6/21/2013 4:01:14 AM
Team Wexler |
Lexington, Ky
Try killing the food supply....grubs.....
6/21/2013 8:39:22 AM
Condo* |
Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer will kill the grubs in your yard and perhaps with no food source the mole will leave your area. Also with great success I have used a product by Sweeny's... A solar powered stake that emits a sonic something into the ground about $10.00 from Home Depot. I think it ran my worms off as well though. The frog gig idea is very intriguing.
6/21/2013 11:55:52 AM
yardman |
Mnt.pleasant ,tennessee
Killing there food supply can cause damage.cause want it kill your worms also always been afraid to do so.intriguing&crazy walk hand& hand :)
6/21/2013 1:13:12 PM
Condo* |
Thanks for noticing and remembering Yardman. I will capture six worms, bucketize (that is German for put them in a bucket) them, spray them, and report back in six days.
6/22/2013 7:18:21 PM
ApertureScience |
Federal Way, WA
Thanks for the tips! I'm running the gamut now :). Have yet to see a new hill or poke through into new tunnels (this fool tunnels deep), but in the mean time, I've got some new poison worms coming in; also relocated the trap into, what I'm hoping, is a more used tunnel. Lastly, I've got a stereo playing on a heavy metal station 24/7, speaker pointed into the soil. Just loud enough so it's clear up close, but inaudible over ambient noise 10+ feet away. Hoping the neighbors don't have to endure it, ha!
6/22/2013 11:55:58 PM
Team Wexler |
Lexington, Ky
Worms or pumpkin plant....tough
6/24/2013 10:23:09 AM
Condo* |
Well, I had my new bottle of Bayer Advanced Compleat Insect Killer, but I used it all on my yard before I remembered my worms. So I took an old bottle which still smelled good but was not as milky white as the new stuff and sprayed the worms. After 48 hours I noted no stoppenziewigglin. This is German for the 'appearance of severe illness', or sometimes 'to appear dead' or 'to be dead'. Indeed I put them in Miracle-gro Organic Choice potting soil and they look to be twice the size they were when I put them in.
6/28/2013 7:52:07 AM
Condo* |
P.S. I also sprayed my patch, the soil and just the tops of the leaves. Forty eight hours later I saw my first squash bug of the season. Dead in the driveway.
6/28/2013 9:13:25 PM
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