Pests, Diseases and Other Problems
Subject: Leaves keep snapping! Please help!
Date Posted
ericsn88 |
Columbia, SC
So I can't figure out for the life of me what's going on or how to fix this so I'm hoping and praying someone out there has the answer... The leaves keep bending half way or 2/3 of the way down it's leaf stem. It's almost as if the leaves are just too big and too heavy for the stem to support. When this whole ordeal started I tried using bamboo scewers to hold them in place, in case it was maybe the wind or what have you. I could stake them up but my gosh that's A LOT of stakes and deffinitely whole lot of work. I don't mind so much the work or the supplies if that's the answer but I don't want to go through all that if it isn't ya know? Could it be a bug? Or maybe a malnutrition issue? The plant is so healthy otherwise and she is growing wonderfully! No signs of any disease except the leaves keep breaking and then dying of course :(
7/20/2013 4:52:36 PM
don young |
how tall are the leafs how far apart are the vines spaced
7/20/2013 6:36:41 PM
ericsn88 |
Columbia, SC
Leaves are bout 4 inches shy of being 2 ft high off the ground. My side vines are about 2 ft apart as well. The leaves on the plant are HUGE, bout 18 inches in diameter and growing bigger every day if I could keep them from bending and breaking. Is there a way to post pictures? It would be better if I could show ya.
7/20/2013 9:53:26 PM
Dale M |
Anchorage Alaska
I would just stake them up ,to prevent the crash , sometimes you do every other leaf to cut down on the labor. It sounds like to much nitrogen in the soil, might be the culprit . to big a leaf with a brittle stalk causes my collapses.. so I stake them in advance ..hope this helps
7/20/2013 11:03:51 PM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
Are you growing in a shady spot? The leaf stalks tend to stretch when you grow in a shady spot. That coupled with high nitrogen will really stretch them.
7/21/2013 6:51:59 AM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, MO
Like Big Moon said, I don't get sun after 130pm and my leaves are over 3 feet high in areas. They collapse quite a bit and I use the Dale method. It's a pain, but they will keep all season (bamboo stick deep in soil and a zip tie).
7/21/2013 9:50:20 AM
dpriceute |
Glen Allen, VA
I'm having the same problem this year. I finally figured out what is happening. There are four sparrows that are using my patch as a feeding ground. I think they are catching bug or worms. They land on the leaves and the weight is too much for the stalk sometimes and they fall over.
7/21/2013 9:57:52 AM
ericsn88 |
Columbia, SC
Ok cool, ill get out there and have them staked up ASAP. Now for the leaves that have already broken, do y'all think it would be better to leave them as is or pull them out and should i take any preventative measures against opportunity for diseases to invade? They have this sealant spray at the hardware store for sealing wounds to plants... Anyone ever used something similar before?
7/22/2013 4:41:01 AM
LB |
Farming- a bunch of catastrophies that result in a lifestyle
Erics- paint everything you cut off with daconil. I'm in eastern NC where everything rots at the speed of light, has worked really well for me
7/23/2013 8:03:07 AM
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