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Subject:  Prohibit stem treatment!

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Ludwig Ammer


...´cause you always release trichothecenes, when you blow-dry, scrub up or open the fruit rotten deep inside at the stem end. The most common pp-treatment is with captan, and this poison is not allowed for all the amateurs growing giant pumpkins.
If the GPC would be responsible-minded, every fruit with any signs of fusarium infestation or stem treatment would be banned from any competition.
Growers have to learn to protect their plants in the soil with biological methods like the infection of the roots with streptomyces lydicus.

12/17/2013 4:40:41 AM



Because they are waiting for you to grow a giant pumpkin so we know how to do it! pumplobster, just start nailing people really works! the people here just love it!

12/17/2013 9:16:17 AM


England, essex

he cant compete, his mother is also his sister :-)
there are rules against that,,,

12/17/2013 1:13:39 PM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

12/17/2013 1:18:20 PM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

yep we're all a bunch of amatuers

12/17/2013 3:44:44 PM

Darren C (Team Big-N-Orange)

Omaha, Ne.

sure is gettin windy ma.

12/17/2013 6:47:24 PM


Torrance, Ca.

You rule Darren!

12/17/2013 8:59:52 PM

D Nelson

NE Kansas

When can I graduate my amateur status? I suddenly have an urge to captain with abandon...

12/17/2013 9:59:56 PM

D Nelson

NE Kansas

Captan also

12/17/2013 11:01:58 PM


Rhode Island

i agree totally with plumplobster.
i put captan on my stem and it burned like hell.scrubing or washing in bleach did not help either?(liked the way that hair dryer felt though)
i did end up taking it to all the weighoffs but i kept it covered so no one noticed.

12/18/2013 10:26:25 AM


President - GPC

lol @ Paps....Keep that Stem dry PapsZter

12/18/2013 12:12:00 PM


South Carolina

LOL... Best post of 2012 right there Pap!

12/18/2013 12:14:19 PM

Ludwig Ammer


Not be shy, captain Wallace: use actinovate (with streptomyces lydicus) openly and tell your disciples, that you as a really professional grower don´t want to be vituperated as Captan Wallace.

12/19/2013 9:27:23 AM


England, essex

captan Wallace, made me smile,,,
and I learned a new word.
think I have been here too long:(

12/19/2013 11:49:46 AM


Torrance, Ca.

It really is winter!!!!

Hi Darren.

12/19/2013 3:46:43 PM

Darren C (Team Big-N-Orange)

Omaha, Ne.

ya not much to do but talk about your stem;)

12/20/2013 5:56:45 PM


North Smithfield, RI

I use Lysol ,,, It works almost every time ! Kills many microorganzims !!!

12/21/2013 3:24:26 PM

Darren C (Team Big-N-Orange)

Omaha, Ne.

ha micro-organ

12/21/2013 4:42:16 PM



plumlobster, I would have to agree with you Lysol is 99.9999 effective, great advise! oh and welcome to the states......lol.

12/21/2013 5:56:48 PM


Torrance, Ca.

Now there's a couple of them,,,,,,,,,,, screen names changing daily,,,,,,,,

I can hardly keep up! lol

12/21/2013 6:31:17 PM

Ludwig Ammer


This standard Lysol is no cure for the soil...so does not hurt fusarium as the main cause of stem problems through the roots. But coconut oil and benzyle/bezoate like in Lysol you can use as standard addings to your fertigation water. Use fine coconut powder and cheap food chemistry Potassium benzoate. Coconut powder contains more plant growth enhancers then the oil.
Benzoates are metabolized by Streptomyces lydicus in actinovate, while Captan kills all Streptomyces.
So I can say yes to the combination Lysol for the stem treatment and actinovate for soil and leaf.
But we have to banish Captan.
You can fertigate coconut powder the whole season, but beanzoates better use only for the late season, when you need now more growth of the vines anymore but have to prevent soft spots on the fruit.

12/31/2013 6:59:57 PM

Total Posts: 21 Current Server Time: 1/10/2025 8:55:27 AM
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