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Subject:  Yellow Vine ?

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Central Illinois

Asking for more help ,I am going to owe a lot of favors before this year is over.Lee Zappa thought it may be yellow vine disease
pictures start in the diary here


Let me explain, I lost every pumpkin on this plant before they where basketball size, some never got to tennis ball size
Right now I have one on a tertiary on first secondary,the leaf problem I am having started out on the end of the main which was about 33'. I cut off about 10' of main thinging I dont need it anyway with a pumpkin growing almost on the stump, the leaf problem still continues going down the main towards the stump.Last week and yesterday I sprayed with one oz of fish and a one TBLS of epsoms salts

Looked in Matt's photos and didnt see any that I thought matched up to this, maybe I should kill the poor thing and put it out of its misery.

7/30/2014 8:20:24 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

If your vines are still growing I would say no to YVD. Downey perhaps?

7/30/2014 9:09:30 AM



Possible YVD. If YVD the plant will stop growing. The leaves at the vine tips will be stacked strangely closer than they were when plant was growing normal. Youll see a whole row of leaves along some vines get yellow or a bronze hue. The pumpkin usually aborts or grows very slow.

7/30/2014 1:20:31 PM


Central Illinois

The main had stopped growing but it was around 33 feet at that point,the last 8 secondaries had reached about 3' out and stopped growing,I had dead headed the others.

I haven't noticed a complete vine that is dying out,spreading up through the main, and a few places where a single leaf are affected

Haven't been to the patch yet today

7/30/2014 5:06:28 PM


Central Illinois

I have a few tertiary vines the leaves are about hand size and crowded together the pumpkin is basketball size and growing

7/30/2014 7:23:45 PM


Kentucky, U.S.A.

I'm not a seasoned grower, but I have had some experience with this! Let me guess, you have your share of squash bugs. If you find you've been visited by several, you probably have been blessed with yellow vine disease. If you see it, that area of the plant is infected, and probably the whole plant. I wasn't able to get in front of it last the last two years. I got one to 216lbs my first year, lost the plant early the next year, but learn a lot how it progresses. You must catch it fast. I started by hammering the grub and bug stuff you put on (in) the soil as soon as you clear your patch. I put it on when I pulled the remains of the infected plant, immediately! I tilled in a mega dose in the fall and have had only a couple squash bugs this year! But they were enough to infect one of my plants. I saw the bug and knew to watch for any signs of YVD. Soon as you see it cut that vine off at the main, if it is on the main, I'd go back to the last healthy looking vine, cut it there and train a new main. If it looks like it, get rid of it! Best of luck, but this plant has had too much time to spread YVD around, hope you can get ahead of it!

7/30/2014 9:18:51 PM

Matt D.


I hate to be the one to bring the bad news but this looks like Yellow Vine Decline to me. There may also be some of a Mg deficiency mixed in but the real issue is the YVD.

My personal opinion is to rip the entire plant out and dispose off site. It spreads fast and removing only the visibly infected areas will probably do little good as it has probably already spread to the majority of the plant.

On the bight side at least you know what caused the problem.

7/30/2014 9:45:25 PM

Ron Rahe (uncron1@hotmail.com)


The only way to really know is a tissue test.
Follow my diary (175 Rahe plant) from this link when the symptoms first appeared. Note the date. Test comfirmed YVD.
I hope the pics help.

7/30/2014 10:17:47 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

It looks like YVD to me too.

7/31/2014 7:38:43 AM


Central Illinois

What kind of contamination problems can you have from this plant to another plant, meaning if a plant with YVD comes into contact with with another one will it transfer the disease to the healthy one.

What are the ill effects from having a YVD plant on your property, soil transfer , insect transfer, is it ok to drag it across the ground ?

Matt suggests removing it off site , Is there anything wrong with burning it. I did have some squash bugs around 2 weeks ago also had cucumber beetles , sprayed with bifen and it seemed to kill off all of them

7/31/2014 8:11:42 AM

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