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Subject:  What causes this?

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Dillonvale, Ohio

I know, it's not a pumpkin, but it is a squash, spaghetti to be specific. This plant was fine in the AM, at 4:30pm it looked like this. Why? It's awfully close to my AG's. Had plenty of water and got the same pesticide/fungicide treatment as my AG's, I do have a high # of squash bugs this year.

7/12/2017 11:20:13 PM

Rick j.

stoughton WI

What are your temps, does the plant perk up when the sun goes down. If so, your plant may not have the rooting to support a larger plant and with the heat cause the leaves to wilt like they are. Normally the plant would root at each leaf, giving you more rooting. The weed barrier you have down may be preventing that.

7/13/2017 12:14:23 AM


Central Illinois

I look like that at 4:30pm too

7/13/2017 8:35:32 AM


Dillonvale, Ohio

With how wet the ground is and temps in mid 80's, I didn't think that was it. But you're right, it looked better this morning. The plant is still going to die, most of the leaves are burnt now, at least it was spaghetti squash and not an AG! Lol

7/13/2017 9:17:51 AM


aurora, IL

I agree with Rick.

7/13/2017 7:34:18 PM

Ron Rahe (uncron1@hotmail.com)


If the plant has water and rebounds every morning it could be fusarium. If the plant wilts and never comes back, bacterial wilt. Squash bugs carry YVD. Use a contact and systemic insecticide now or risk losing more plants. if you are using both at an effective rate you won't see anything feeding on your treated plants.

7/13/2017 8:15:28 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

Good advice Ron.

7/16/2017 10:55:20 PM

Total Posts: 7 Current Server Time: 3/6/2025 9:22:52 PM
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