Pests, Diseases and Other Problems
Subject: Green shriveling plants
Date Posted
Jack-o-lantern91 |
Just the other day I noticed that some of the leaves on the pumpkin plant were a dark green color and were all shriveled up. They don't have any spots on them and they look healthy except for the fact that their shriveling. What's wrong?
8/23/2001 8:45:56 PM
Umpy |
Sounds like over fertilization (sp?).
8/23/2001 9:47:41 PM
Jack-o-lantern91 |
What do you mean?
8/23/2001 10:23:18 PM
jeff517 |
the edges,,or whole leaf???????
8/24/2001 8:12:42 AM
kilrpumpkins |
Western Pa.
Sounds to me like bacterial wilt!
8/24/2001 8:20:03 AM
Jack-o-lantern91 |
It's the whole leaf. What can I do about bacterial wilt?
8/25/2001 7:17:49 PM
kilrpumpkins |
Western Pa.
Prevent it from happening!
8/26/2001 10:56:05 AM
Jack-o-lantern91 |
What can I use to prevent it from happening?
8/26/2001 10:37:36 PM
kilrpumpkins |
Western Pa.
You may or may not have bacterial wilt, it could also be some type of fungus, for which I spray weekly with Daconil. To prevent bacterial wilt, you have to control cucumber beetles, they spread it through their feces, although only a small percent of the beetles carry it. If it is wilt, your entire plant will eventually wilt and die. I think this takes about 6 weeks after infection. Sevin can be used to control the beetles. You want to always have the new growth protected when the young vines are really growing fast, so I step up my spraying at this period from once weekly to every 3-4 days. I am currently using a systemic insecticide(travels through-out the plant), and Scimitar as well to treat all new growth. This "double whammy" I have found to work best for the dreaded cuke beetle!
8/27/2001 10:40:52 AM
Jack-o-lantern91 |
Thanks, but were can I get sevin and the other insecticide and what do they look like? -Jack-o-lantern91
8/27/2001 7:50:52 PM
jeff517 |
any place that carries fertilizer...
8/27/2001 8:36:28 PM
hey you |
Greencastle, PA
sevin comes in a red bottle and my daconil is from ortho and has a green bottle
8/28/2001 10:33:30 AM
Nappy G |
Charlotte, North Carolina
The sevin package will have a number in the title after the word sevin, representing the concentration.
8/28/2001 6:46:28 PM
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