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Subject:  Imidacloprid 75% Applications

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Fitchburg , MA

This is my first year using insecticides. I've been pointed many times to use Merit or another product that is Imidacloprid.

Here are my questions:

How do you measure and apply this stuff? I see that 1.6 ounces makes 300 gallons. Holy Crap!

I plan on doing two plants and i'm thinking about getting a mistblower but i'm not completely sure as i see they run around $400. Is it worth it? I'm on the fence...

Looking for your experts suggestions!

3/3/2021 7:13:23 PM


Fitchburg , MA

Here is a link to the Imidacloprid based product i mentioned above that lists the rate to be 1.6 ounces to 300 gallons.


3/3/2021 7:15:14 PM

Orange U. Glad


Seven dollars cheaper, same free shipping:


3/3/2021 8:22:42 PM


Central Illinois

3 tsp lightly tamped down and leveled off for 1000sqft

3/4/2021 7:31:11 AM



1/4 tsp per gallon. It is a systemic so the plant will take it in

3/4/2021 9:39:06 AM



copied this from a post 16 years ago still good info

here is some info steve jespen aka tremor helped me with last year in a post on the message board about merit and application rates.

"All Imidacloprid formulations are produced using technical grade Imidacloprid that is manufactured by Bayer CropScience. The asterisk* denotes a version not labeled for use on cucumber, squash, pumpkin, etc. But pumpkins can't read. All rates are calculated per acre first. Then I'll divide by 43.56 for the rate per 1000 sqaure feet.

It is best to apply Imidacloprid a week or two prior to planting out in at least 2 gallons of water per 1000 square feet then water it in slowly without puddling. This will control Cucumber Beetles, SVB, & Aphids for about 90 days.

Then repeat the same drench application also watering in at 90 days to cover the rest of the season.

First the Flowable liquid formulations:

Bayer Tree & Shrub*........1.47% Imidacloprid 233-350oz/acre
Bayer Merit 2F*...........21.40% Imidacloprid 16-24oz/acre
Bayer Admire 2F...........21.40% Imidacloprid 16-24oz/acre
Bayer Provado 1.6F*.......17.40% Imidacloprid 20-30oz/acre

Now the various Wettable Powder formulations:

Merit 75WP*...............75.00% Imidacloprid 6.4-8.6 oz/acre
Merit 75WSP*..............75.00% Imidacloprid 6.4-8.6 oz/acre
Provado Solupak*..........75.00% Imidacloprid 6.4-8.6 oz/acre


Bayer T&S.....................5.35-8 oz per 1000 square feet
Merit 2F...................10.3-15.4 ml per 1000 square feet
Admire 2F..................10.3-15.4 ml per 1000 square feet
Provado 1.6F...............12.8-19.3 ml per 1000 square feet
Merit 75WP & 75WSP..3-4 level teaspoons per 1000 square feet
Provado Solupak.....3-4 level teaspoons per 1000 square feet

There are also 4 different granular formulations that are also not labeled for cucumbers."

thanx again steve,

3/5/2021 12:10:36 AM


Fitchburg , MA

Awesome guys. This information is fantastic. Thank you framer for the mix rates/dilutions. Super helpful.

3/7/2021 12:50:42 PM


Fitchburg , MA

I heard of people using imidacloprid in a drench two times a year and i've also heard of low mistblower applications done every 14 days along with daconil and eagle.

I'm wondering what is the preferred method? Looking for suggestions. THanks.

3/25/2021 1:18:43 PM

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