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Subject:  Darn Morning Glory!!!

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Spokane, WA

Okay, I seem to have brought in some morning glory rizomes some how with my manure this year. This is the wild kind of morning glory with a deep extensive root system, kind of like crab grass, not like the pretty kind you buy in stores with the huge blue flowers and so forth.
I've already tried a tecnique in which you paint the morning glory leaves (not spray them as they are too close to the pumpkins) with a mild solution of Round Up. All thats happened is it's just burning the leaves! the plant is stll growing and thriving producing new leaves in the place of the ones that are killed. This was about a week ago so now I'm not sure what to do?
Is there a better product out there?
Should I up the Ratio?
Any help or comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks,
Adam Blalock

5/22/2004 4:06:22 PM



I feel for you Adam. I know exactly what you're going through.

Better than Roundup on Morning Glory is the Pyridine group of herbicides such as Clopyralid (Lontrel) & Triclopyr.

Next best is the Bezoic acid herbicide Dicamba (trade name Banvel) but don't spill any on the soil. It can be root absorbed for quite some time.

Another option is good old fasioned 2,4-D or any combination of the above neamed herbicides.

But like Roundup, all of these are exrememly toxic to pumpkins. So the paint brush, sponge, or wick applicator is still the only way.

When Roundup is applied with a brush, sponge or wick, the rate can be increased to 33% Roundup (41% concntrate) to 67% water.

Be prepared to continue pulling for a while too. Not every vine will die with chemical treatment. The best herbicides rarely move more than 12-16" even under the best conditions.

The last word I have is this. If a vine is too entangle to safely remove, dont. Rather cut it off just above the soil. Then paint straight Roundup directly onto the cut stem. This same technique also works on stump cuts & Poison Ivey vines.

Good luck.


5/22/2004 8:53:47 PM


Spokane, WA

Thanks Steve,
By the way, how do you know so much :0)

5/23/2004 9:54:15 PM



20 years in the pesticide business. PETA, NYPIRG, Green Peace & Ralph Nader live just to ruin me. LOL

5/23/2004 10:29:26 PM



I have the same problem...
i heard from the garden lady on the radio to put the herbicides- she said roundup, vinegar and something else (i forgot which one) in zip lock baggies then take them out to garden and stick the morning glory vines in the baggies and seal them up the best you can. keep the baggy upright so they don't leak. A toxic feeding program.
I haven't tried it... I am going to try an track her down to get the recipe and then i will give it a try...

5/24/2004 1:57:43 PM



you could cut the end of the vine and stick it in the baggy along with some leaves too.

... i'm sure this is all in accordance with the labeling of use, and federal rules & regualation.

5/24/2004 2:00:38 PM

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