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Nick Name
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Lymington UK
Entry 49 of 114 |
Just after the pumpkins are set you tend to get very small, if any tertiary vines. They tend to be a real pain because you need to bury the vine as soon as possible.
We try to flick them out with a knife.
The plan all along has been to get good enough growers without relying on a bullet seed to get a world record.
The patch is about to light up with probably 4 pumpkins on world record pace. Our feelings are that the 2356 will go very heavy. The Werner A, Werner B and the Urena will all go just a little heavy.
Anyway the only thing to do at the moment is concentrate on the roots,shoots and don’t drop the ball.
Yes we have one little runt and a patch quickly filling up with veg but the other 4 are going to look like a fairy tail.