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Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Syracuse, NY
Entry 6 of 10 |
Well, 't's been a few days now butt this is a 16-ounce drinking cup with a fruit cup installed as a lid; I've long been wanting to experiment with a lid that has a pointed-down characteristic, as the evaporating water stays up at the top forever if no 'condensation nuclei' (any sharp points in the lid's surface, in THIS case) concentrate the H2O enough to drop it back onto the SS Mix below. This started ALMOST-happening immediately butt needed an occasional tipping of the SS Cup to see it happen. I'm sure it did, anyway. A piece of clear tape is at opposite edges of the lid to keep it attached. No need for SS Mix messes! In this way, the terrarium effect ensues and I look forward to practically COOKING SS Mix and attempted seed sprouts in this manner - 'Heater Fan(tasy) - A Closed System'. Maybe a Tesla Coil to further-simulate the conditions for the first Life on Earth? Hmmm...eg