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5/23/2001 5/27/2001 8:45:14 PM na 4204








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The artifact that I had seen earlier that day was indeed Zeus with a mortal woman by the name of Miss Simmons, and they were discussing watering and weight estimation techniques of giant pumpkins as I had suspected. It is widely known that Zeus had many affairs with mortal women who bore him many children. Zeus did have an affair with Miss Simmons and she gave him three sons, Klyvus, Cleon and Gene. As was the custom back then, Zeus would bestow duties upon his offspring, as they grew older. When Klyvus came of age Zeus made him god of lightning, which was a great honor. Cleon knew that since his brother had been made god of lightning then he would surely be made god of thunder. The day came and Cleon was shocked to hear that his younger brother Gene (pictured) had been named god of thunder. Cleon questioned Zeus and was told that because he was the favorite son and because Zeus had a particular interest in giant pumpkins that Cleon would be god of giant pumpkins.

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