Ohio Valley Giant Pumpkin Growers |
The Ohio Valley Giant Pumpkin Growers (OVGPG) is a club dedicated to all who pursue giant pumpkins. The OVGPG serves to facilitate camaraderie between pumpkin growers in Ohio and the surrounding states, but also extends membership and and a good time growing pumpkins to everyone. |
 The Pumpkin Patch |
Everything you ever wanted to know about pumpkins. |
 Southern Ohio Giant Pumpkin Growers |
Check out the Southern Ohio Giant Pumpkin Growers web page to learn all about growing giant pumpkins. |
Indiana Pumpkin Growers Association |
We are a new association being formed in Indiana for grower's of Atlantic Giant Pumpkins |
 WGPG Homepage |
The Wisconsin Giant Pumpkin Grower's Homepage. |
Vermont Giant Vegetable Growers Association |
Proud to now be able to share all the information a Giant Vegatable Grower in Vermont may need on the Web! |
 PumpkinFest |
Held the first weekend in October, Pumpkinfest is two wacky, fun-filled days combining a fall fair atmosphere with a memory-filled experience for the whole family. |
 Neptune's Harvest Fertilizer |
Neptune's Harvest offers organic fertilizers and insect controls. Fertilizers include 'cold processed' liquid Fish, Fish/Seaweed Blend, Seaweed, Dry Crab Shell and Kelp Meal. Insect controls include Hot Pepper Wax and Garlic Spray. Many top pumpkin growers use Neptune's Harvest products. Order on line or call (800) 259-4769. |
Pacific Northwest Giant Pumpkin Growers |
The Pacific Northwest Giant Pumpkin Growers (PNWGPG) website. |
Howell Family Pumpkin Farm |
The Niagara Peninsula Giant Pumpkin Growers Association (NPGPGA) information can be found under Events and Festivals |
 UK Giant Vegetable Growers |
UK based website for growing all kinds of giant vegetables. |
 Giants of the Garden |
When -Too Big- just isn't enough! |
 Colorado Pumpkins |
Our Mission is to introduce and provide a means of sharing information and friendship within the Art, Sport, and Challenge of growing Giant Pumpkins, Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables across the Rocky Mountain Region. |
 SNGPG.com |
The Southern New England Giant Pumpkin Growers website. |
 GiantGardening.com |
Your Source for Supersizing Vegetables and Flowers! |
 St Croix Grower's Association |
Website of the St. Croix Grower's Association, the premier giant pumpkin club of the upper midwest. |
 Holland's Giants |
Our DVD selections include "How To Do Stuff In The Pumpkin Patch", "Seed Starting - Pollinating - And Water Systems", "Highlights Of 17 Years Of Giant Pumpkin Growing", plus our yearly productions from 1992 to the present. We also offer the finest supplies for growing giant pumpkins. After 20 years of growing, and a world record, we have identified the best fertilizers, mycorrhizal inoculants, foliar sprays, Calcium supplements, sprinklers, and much more! |
 WOW Wallace Organic Wonder |
Wallace Organic Wonder offers the highest quality, environmentally friendly organic fertilizers, and the "freshest" mycorrhizal fungi for extreme growth, maximizing nutrient and water absorption producing stronger roots with more vigorous plants that produce earlier more abundant vegetables and brilliant flowers! Let WOW re-mineralize and improve the biological life of your soil for slow release organic fertilizing. |
 Buy Giant Pumpkins |
Looking to buy a giant pumpkin? Check out the BuyGiantPumpkins.com website for details. |
 Steve's Pumpkin Art |
Steve enjoys carving all types of pumpkins but his specialty is carving pumpkins weighing well over 500 pounds. |
 Giant Pumpkins NZ |
The website for growing giant pumpkins in NZ. |
 Giant Watermelon Growers Club |
Giant Watermelon Growers (GWG) is a club dedicated to the promotion of the art of growing giant watermelons. The GWG membership is open to all giant watermelon growers, worldwide. |
 Kasterlee Club of Belgium |
Belgium's largest giant pumpkin growing club. |
 Pacific Giant Vegetable Growers |
Pacific Giant Vegetable Growers. Growers of obscenely large vegetables! |
 Squashcarver |
Professional giant pumpkin carver and food artist. |