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Subject:  Seeds request from THAILAND

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John D.

Connecticut, USA

This came into the BigPumpkins.com inbox. Anyone interested in sending seeds to THAILAND?:

Dear Sir,

I'm Piyawatchara you can call me "KaPi" from Thailand. I just saw you from WWW for the Giant pumpkins and so really interested in it. I'm willing to ask you for contribution for seeds of Giant pumpkins for me to test for plants in THAILAND as my hobbies are gardening.
You can send me via normal post. Do not need for take from the biggest fruit only giant genetics that's o.k. . I will also distribute for other of my friend in my group also. We have no this kind of giant fruit in Thailand.
If you have another giant may be good for us to try.

Thank you very much for your kindness.

Best regards,
Piyawatchara P.
Email: piyawatchara@hotmail.com
Piyawatchara Pramalnrut
IT and Database Management Department

Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia
24th Floor, Suite 244-5 ThaiCC Tower Sathorn Tai Road, Sathorn Bangkok 10120, THAILAND

5/17/2005 8:49:26 PM


Deer Park WA

Hi guys, He contacted me and this is the email thread reply... He wants you to pay postage... Dear Gerry Gadberry,

Dear Gerry Gadberry,

I'm really sorry that I can not send self addressed stamped bubble
pack envelope inside an envelope because I can not find US stamp
here in Thailand.
Your giant vegitables are really interesting to me because we have
not this kind of vegitables here.
If you want to help me. Please reply. If not so no need your reply
my e-mail. Otherwise thank you very much for your willing to send me
I'm really shame that I can not do as your condition and don't want
to costly to you as I think your genetics are best and many people
request from you.

Best regards from Thailand,


5/17/2005 8:57:25 PM


Deer Park WA

Cont. (Pesky 2000 character limit!)

> Good evening KaPi,
> I have been line breeding giant vegitables for many years. I will gladly
> provide seeds from my best genetics. I have some giant green squash seeds
> that are from my 823 pound squash I will give you. Send a self addressed
> stamped bubble pack envelope inside an envelope and I will return it with
> many very good pumpkin and squash seeds.
> Thanks for the enquiry,
> Gerry Gadberry
> West 14607 Lance Hill Road Cheney WA. 99004 (USA)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Piyawatchara Pramalnrut" <kapi@ccop.or.th>
> To: "Piyawatchara Pramalnrut" <kapi@ccop.or.th>
> Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 1:12 AM
> Subject: Need contribution of the Giant pumpkins seeds.
>> Dear Sir,
>> I'm Piyawatchara you can call me "KaPi" from Thailand. I just saw
>> you
>> from WWW for the Giant pumpkins and so really interested in it. I'm
> willing
>> to ask you for contribution for seeds of Giant pumpkins for me to test
>> for
>> plants in THAILAND as my hobbies are gardening.
>> You can send me via normal post. Do not need for take from the
> biggest
>> fruit only giant genetics that's o.k. . I will also distribute for
>> other
> of
>> my friend in my group also. We have no this kind of giant fruit in
> Thailand.
>> If you have another giant may be good for us to try.
>> Thank you very much for your kindness.
>> Best regards,
>> Piyawatchara P.
>> _______________________________________________
>> Piyawatchara Pramalnrut
>> IT and Database Management Department
>> Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast
> Asia
>> (CCOP)
>> 24th Floor, Suite 244-5

5/17/2005 8:58:23 PM

Think Big

Commack, NY

i got the same email

5/17/2005 9:08:58 PM



> > Dear Sir,
> >
> > I'm Piyawatchara you can call me "KaPi" from Thailand. I just saw
> you
> > from WWW for the Giant pumpkins and so really interested in it. I'm
> willing
> > to ask you for contribution for seeds of Giant pumpkins for me to test
> for
> > plants in THAILAND as my hobbies are gardening.
> > You can send me via normal post. Do not need for take from the
> biggest
> > fruit only giant genetics that's o.k. . I will also distribute for
> of
> > my friend in my group also. We have no this kind of giant fruit in
> Thailand.
> > If you have another giant may be good for us to try.
> >
> > Thank you very much for your kindness.
> >
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Piyawatchara P.
> > _______________________________________________
> > Piyawatchara Pramalnrut
> > IT and Database Management Department
> >
> > Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast
> Asia
> > (CCOP)
> > 24th Floor, Suite 244-5 ThaiCC Tower Sathorn Tai Road, Sathorn Bangkok
> > 10120, THAILAND
> > Telephone: +662-6723080 to 1 ext. 11
> > Fax: +662-6723082
> > Mobile:+661-6877029
> > Email: piyawatchara@hotmail.com
> > ICQ UIN: 543738 AOL: piyawatchara
> > Yahoo Messenger ID: super_kapi
> >
> Interestingly enough, this was forwarded to me from someone using my own
> email address.
> I am more than willing to share seeds with you. But if you are spoofing
> email address to do so I would appreciate if you would cease doing so.
> Let me know if the seed request is serious.
> Thanks,
> Steve
> Stephen Jepsen
> CT GS&PGA Pres.
> CTPumpkin

5/17/2005 9:25:05 PM


Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.

Me too,

A th. email addy and believable reply to my question mean I will send a few.

5/17/2005 11:56:58 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

Yup, I got it too. Did he e-mail everybody? How many seeds does he need?

5/18/2005 2:08:02 AM


Udine, Italy

same email here.

5/18/2005 2:21:08 AM


(B.Sc., MBA) Working in Bangkok and Home Town in Chonburi , Thailand

Dear All friends,

Thank you very much for your post John. I just request seeds from many people. May be that should be better to post here in this board, but because I just know and just registered the board here. May be made you confuse about my need and may blame to me of my request to send mail directly to you.
As me and my group here are new in this hobby, but I totally found that for Giant pumpkins community are very friendly. Many people that I sent e-mail to them are enthusiastic to help. I really confident to tell you that this community are really unique and quite different than other group. That made me feel wonder to join here.
    Sorry for e-mail to you there. As I'm the new grower and my group want to test many varities and possibility to grow here. I requested seeds from different source from you because I need to test different varities.
I hope you will understand and willing to help me. I feel really warm welecome for your suggestion.

Best regards,

5/18/2005 2:44:16 AM


(B.Sc., MBA) Working in Bangkok and Home Town in Chonburi , Thailand

Hi... again ...John you made me really worry ..... lol.... if I haven't clear answer for our friend here they will not send me seeds.
............As I know that you worried about your seeds to send me for plant here. I have plan of project 3-4 stage to do are.

Stage 1 : Test to plant pumpkin.
I'm trying to plant local pumpkins here now it's second time now and because 1 time was failed because I have no prepare well, but my second time now are growing well now it use space half of testing area now. I will try to pollination here soon.

Stage 2 : Test to plant giant pumpkin.
I already prepared 100 bags of cow dunk for plants. I need to wait until finish the first stage first. I have area for test around 1 acre now, but haven't prepare for water system. I just buy a LDPE pipe for install here. May be after 2 weeks or after I preapred soil finished, but now I have problem for grass here they are high almost reach to my hip now.
I will try to grow giant pumpkin and self pollination to keep seeds for other people who need here. If I success that would be more interesting to another people here to try.

Stage 3 : Try to made it more big.
I haven't expect too big from the first time, but I think I should try to grow big for this stage if I have enough seeds and enough experienced.


5/18/2005 2:57:30 AM


(B.Sc., MBA) Working in Bangkok and Home Town in Chonburi , Thailand


Additional stage : I have plan here. As I found from http://www.bigpumpkins.com I found that pumpkins network are more friendly. I want to have network here, but this plan are so far. I have vision to do, but need to success in grow first. Luckily that many friend in my group are in agriculture research field. They can help me to success.

For your seeds that sent to me I will separate two type of seeds. They are
1. Seeds for test to grow from ordinary Giant pumpkins I need it many for test and
2. Seed from rare giant pumpkins only 2-3 seeds no problem.

I will observe all stage of grow giant pumpkin first so for test pack I need so many, but not need from the big one only normal size from giant pumpkins. After I confident to grow I will try your second pack for grow it big.
So please be confident you will not waste your seeds.

Best regards to you all,

5/18/2005 2:58:02 AM


(B.Sc., MBA) Working in Bangkok and Home Town in Chonburi , Thailand

After the post for this message some peole. Refuse to send me seeds. May be please read my post before.

You can blame me if you think, but I have my reason.
I should post to this board since the first time.

I feel not good now.


5/18/2005 3:20:25 AM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany


5/18/2005 4:39:20 AM



KaPi: I do not like to interfere here BUT, I think it may help. I guess the problem is not, if you ask a grower directly by email or post your request in this board. The thing is, that - as you already stated yourself - there are many growers here who do not hesitate to help a newbie. This is my first season and I was helped out with seeds and good advices too by growers from Germany and even Canada. What I did, and that is a question of courtesy, I refunded them postage by sending a 5 Euro note or so. If someone offers to provide you with seed, you cannot ask her or him to also pay for it (postage). Dollar notes should be easy to get in Thailand, easier than in Europe e.g. I guess you had a good education (English) and you have a computer etc. You should be able to afford refunding postage for seeds you ask for. Just trying to help.

5/18/2005 4:56:52 AM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

I received that email a few days ago. I sent him seeds the next day. I'm really not worried about postage. It's nice to promote the sport/hobby in other areas of the world.


5/18/2005 6:11:55 AM


(B.Sc., MBA) Working in Bangkok and Home Town in Chonburi , Thailand

Dear Steel,

You mean that I also able to attach money to mail and send them ? I haven't sure that my package will deliever to them or not as my country have some problem to attatched the money with mail. I also can not find another country postage stamp here.
Anyway thank you very much for your help. I just ordered 40 seeds of Dill's Atlantic Giant from Thompson-Morgan, UK already to solve my problem. May be it will work here.
What do you think to buy at Seed Outlet ?(http://www.seedoutlet.com) I think may be can solve my problem, but I have to confirm from you that is good to buy or not ? I don't you think that I'm beggar :).
God told that we should help ourself before then god will help us. I believe this fact also.


5/18/2005 6:16:35 AM


Syracuse, NY

hmmmph! he didn't tell me that he had made
an all-points bulletin requesting seeds. that's what i get for not keeping up with BP.com lately, like i used to when there was snow on the ground.
i have been emailing this fellow for a few days now and
find his emails humorous and amusing, and the only reason
i have not inundated him with my seeds is because i have been worried about the international restrictions or if there are any on sending AG seeds to Thailand. he has assured me no problem, just send them along, but i, having had a great number of my own seeds confiscated by
AUSTRALIAN customs last fall or thereabouts, am not about to so the same thing again. so, i have been trying to get ahold of the Thailand Embassy in Washington, DC, but today
was the first time i had called it and there was no answer--must've been lunchtime! hey, Phil, did you have to do anything special to the bubble-pack? labels, genus-species
indicators, phytosanitary certificate?
on the Thai Embassy website, i have not yet seen anything restricting AG seeds to Thailand. the un-mentioned things are the things that worry me the most! i'll keep at it though. no doubt me and Phil can populate the Thai countryside with some nice seeds, eh? lol----KaPi is a funny guy and i want to send him seeds; it is really hot there, so no snow---WOW!

5/18/2005 6:51:17 PM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

No, I didn't do anything special to the bubble pack. I just mailed it along, just like I would for anyone else overseas. I hope he receives them. I have a hard time understanding what he's saying sometimes, but the pumpkin language is universal. "I'm looking for some seeds". How could I turn him down. I wish him all the best in his quest of the Big One.


5/18/2005 7:31:30 PM


(B.Sc., MBA) Working in Bangkok and Home Town in Chonburi , Thailand

Dear All,
I have something cool to tell you that may be you haven't know the news that now we have Miss Universe 2005 competition here in Thailand You can look at http://www.missuniverse.com/ do not spend all of your time with pumpkins. I saw that all girls can win competition !!!!! They are so cute.
Again, don't spend all of your time with pumpkins. I also have some problem that my girlfriend want me to choose her or my plants ....Ah...... That's made me hard decision !!! and there are many of germination pot in my bed room.... Don't ask me babeee I always chose Pum....Ah....You!!!
I believe that you will know Thailand better now. May be on the near future Thailand will hold World Pumpkin Competition also ....lol.....


5/18/2005 11:04:04 PM


Syracuse, NY

just slowly give your girlfriend the nickname "Pumpkin"
and then you can be always thinking or speaking of pumpkins and she won't know the difference. or so you would hope!
Miss Universe----dare i say "Thighland"? whoa! i'll be tuning-in.....yup! funny, i have two cats, Oreo and Pumpkin.
and, half the time i say the wrong name for each. DOH! lol--EG

5/18/2005 11:54:00 PM


Syracuse, NY

yer funny, Phil---good luck with your own season, too! eric

5/18/2005 11:55:49 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

I got it to.
I certainly don't mind to send seed to anyone, like others I've been doing it for years, but the SASBE is pretty standard unless someone is in true need and can't afford postage. Not wanting to go out and track down postage or send a buck is another matter....

5/19/2005 5:25:50 AM


Appalachian Mtns.

PS...I was also given several excuses why a return bubble/envelope and a buck for postage couldn't be provided....
(sure hope I don't sound like the Grinch who stole Christmas here)

5/19/2005 5:28:54 AM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

OK not that it matters but has anyone ever been to Bangkok. I seriuosly doubt a pumpkin would ever grow in these conditions.

5/19/2005 9:43:33 AM


Syracuse, NY

has anyone ever seen MY growing area? lol!
well, if he even gets a 500-pounder that'll be bigger than
anything they have probably ever seen over there.
remember, most countries, in fact all countries' national
pumpkin records were probably grown with the AG....
so why not in Thailand? why not in my growing area... ?
oh, well.....

5/19/2005 11:13:34 PM


Deer Park WA

Has anyone ever seen a fruit from JohnnyJohnnys patch....

5/20/2005 1:53:04 AM


Appalachian Mtns.


5/20/2005 6:12:55 AM


Syracuse, NY

see that man running through the turnstyles?
i'll bet he's going to Bangkok. see, he's kinda late, and...

5/23/2005 6:16:03 PM


(B.Sc., MBA) Working in Bangkok and Home Town in Chonburi , Thailand

I just got seeds from Phil and expected to got seeds from Eric very soon after he confident to send his high potential seeds to Thailand. Don't forget to send test seeds for me also I don't want to sacrifice your potential seeds with my first trial.
So did you all saw Miss Universe ? Hey !!! Another name of Thailand you can call "Siam" do you know Siamese Twins ? Yes. They came from Thailand, but siamese pumpkins may from BP web ha ha ha ... Don't use this name to others because they will think you came from Mars.


5/24/2005 1:24:58 AM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

Glad to see the seeds arrived okay. Good luck.


5/24/2005 6:38:11 AM


(B.Sc., MBA) Working in Bangkok and Home Town in Chonburi , Thailand

Dear All,
I just got seeds from Eric today. He is really nice.
Thanks Eric,

6/13/2005 6:05:56 AM


Syracuse, NY


now, be sure to sprout a couple just to make sure they weren't x-rayed on the way there. maybe it's true that the low levels they use won't damage a seed.
either weigh, i am GLAD they are there! keep me informed! EG

6/13/2005 4:31:40 PM


Syracuse, NY

meaning, the 315 est. Gerry '02 seeds.

.....550 est. Skinner X 300 Gerry

(657 Holland X 846 Calai) X (1140 Stelts X 845 Bobier '00)

should do all right, huh? good luck! eric

6/13/2005 4:35:59 PM


(B.Sc., MBA) Working in Bangkok and Home Town in Chonburi , Thailand

Hi Eric... I just went to post report for seeds delievry to Thailand only .... You still read this topic ?
I will report that I also got some few seeds from Mark (AXC) also.....cool...

I think your seeds now are fine. I will try to germinate it soon. Hope that X-Ray can change your genetics bigger .... lol....
Let's see result !!!! and pround in that !!!!

6/14/2005 2:37:25 AM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

What did you think of Miss Canada or should I say Miss Universe? We were quite surprised, but happy she won. How are those seeds doing? Did you germinate any yet or is it your growing season? Keep us informed. Good luck.


6/14/2005 6:21:43 AM


(B.Sc., MBA) Working in Bangkok and Home Town in Chonburi , Thailand

Dear Phil,

I already germinate one of your seed. That good germination rate and waiting to transplant. Should be really good germination rate because I selected the most ugly seeds and it can germinate well for test.
I'm really happy to see Miss Canada won Miss Universe. Eric he also told me that Miss Canada will won, but I cheered Miss Venezuela on that time....lol....She will come back to Thailand again because she got another ticket included when she won to have fully tour here, I think.
I also waiting for Eric for confirm his test pack for test first.
Don't worry. I will keep update to all of you. We have no bad season here. Can grow them anytime, but best season should be plant beteeen Sep - Feb.
I already gave some good seeds to my friend she is expert in Agriculture research, but I think now she are so busy because she just started her Ph.D. degree. That seeds will grow at Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research. I think she will treat them well.
Some guy in TISTR office he willing to grow, but so busy with his office nursery now. His boss just announce a new species of plant here. So he doing massive produce of that plant and take care some reseach to extract medical subtance from herb with my friend.
I also distributed some test seeds from store bought to my friend at North Area of Thaiand and Southern Area. They are specialist grower (Not pumpkin). Hope they will try that seeds after I will send them your seeds to try.
My local pumpkin now are tennis ball size last week. I expected when I back this week should be more bigger.
I have to clear that patch before growing test AG. 500 M Drip tape, PE Pipe, Mini Sprinkler andFilter alredy invested for this purpose. Let's see 2 months after.

Take care,

6/14/2005 11:16:18 PM


Syracuse, NY

wow....1,999 characters.
every post!!!
you go, KaPi!!! eric g.

6/14/2005 11:30:33 PM



Nice diary Kapi! Reminds me of my time with my girlfriend in Bangkok and Koh Samui. I guess you really have very good climatical conditions for growing pumpkins. And you have good beer (singha, chang), which matters also ;-)). I just drank some longdrink in a german club a few weeks ago. It was Mekong-Whisky with sprite, very tasty. All the best! Greetings from Austria


6/16/2005 9:01:41 AM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

I checked out your diary. Looks like you've got lots of space to grow. Your beer also looks good. All the best to you. If you ever find yourself in Canada, come up for a visit. Make sure it's our summer, so you can check out my garden.


6/17/2005 6:13:45 AM


(B.Sc., MBA) Working in Bangkok and Home Town in Chonburi , Thailand

Hi !

Eric, My test pumpkin (from store bought) was die last week. I already pray for them to RIP. I think may be from Transplant problem with unprotect from sun and lack of water. I still not build any more watering system. Last week I connected pipe with well to pump and connected filter only. That was one day job so tried. I will find the best way to grow them well here soon.
Steel, Mekong-Whisky that too strong for me. I can easily drunk from that.... ha ha ha .... Really glad that you like. Singha are good with strong alcohol and Chang are more improvement for taste now, but I prefered Heineken because not too strong. It could only be Heineken for me.....ha ha ha... I hope you will like Thailand and come back again.
Phil, Thanks to visit my diary. I will take camera and done my update for watering system soon. That picture was taken from SiemReap, Cambodia with my Norwegian friend. Yeah. He will touch to our base soon next week to drink with me again. If I have chance to visit Canada. I will visit your there. Thanks to remind me for weather. I don't want to see show on your garden...lol.. Take care.


6/19/2005 10:46:14 PM

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