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Subject:  Sending bubbles,postage, ect ect

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Brooks B


Im Not complaining really,,, well maybe just a little but, Im really glad to help out any grower and really like when someone eles grows my seeds, but,,,I just wanted to let the growers, mostly new growers know that when requesting seeds please put US postage on the envelope so I can return the seeds to you. If you dont live in the USA and your sending a bubble ,please put US postage on the bubble so I can send back the seeds. If you cant find US stamps where you live put in a few US bucks for postage in your request bubble envelope for me so I can put the postage on the envelope for you for its return . And please send a bubble wih your request. And a note would be great aswell.
This year is the most bubbles I have ever sent out and I have alot of new growers outside the USA and some inside the USA ether not send me a bubble for the seeds or send postage for the return trip to you. I even have a few send me money from their country that I can do nothing with because I cant use forien money to pay for the postage here, its no good to me because I cant use it here in the states, sorry.

I dont want to be a complainer but after you get so many bubbles with no postage or not even a bubble or just a little sticky note for the seeds it gets to ya kinda . I wouldnt mind if it was one or two bubbles with no postage and wouldnt have a problem flipping the bill for just a few ,but after the 7th request with no postage I just had to say something to let new growers know. For me sending 12 seeds out total, including the coin envelopes, and sending them out of the USA to your counrty is kinda expensive.

Sorry and hope you understand,
Brooks Bosworth

12/5/2006 6:27:19 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

A few good points that need to be brought up every year, thanks Brooks.

For the newbies, it would be good for the seed sender, to in advance to tell them what to send. For example this year I am sending out seeds to the Wiz and Longbeard (gotta love that friendly competition) and US Stamps are no good for sending from Canada, so good ole Longbeard sent me some good old US cash which I used for a pint of beer while I was on business in Washington State.

Basically, for the seed sender, before giving out your address, just tell the person whom is requesting seeds exactly what you require in order to facilitate the trade or seed request.

Lastly, do I still need to send you a bubbly and postage so that you can send Jordan some seeds LOL :)

12/5/2006 6:55:02 PM

Brooks B


LOL I Got a bubble from Jordon and his bubble has postage with a nice note on it even,lol.

Thanks Jordon, be sending it to you soon.


12/5/2006 7:16:15 PM


Jericho Vermont

Brooks I agree with Glenn on letting the growers know your expectations. I have received a number of bubbles from outside of the US this year and have been very pleased with the notes and most of the bubbles. I too have received Euros which I think are pretty cool. We use them for an international game of the drinking game quarters. Each Euro seems to have a little different bounce, but if the beer is cold it really doesn't matter.

just my 2 cents (lol) John

12/5/2006 7:41:56 PM


lmao,,,,,Brooks no "postage due" yet? I have had 2 so far,,sorry folks you gotta pay attention and reading this board should give you an idea what is needed for some of the best genetic seed available for a couple of bucks (at the most) in postage. If confused email the grower first and get the scoop from the source.

12/5/2006 8:12:22 PM

Mark G.


Brooks, just checking to see if I had done everything correctly when I sent you an envelpoe. If I was deficient in any way, please let me know and we'll settle up. If I forgot something it was unintentional.

Mark G.

12/5/2006 8:28:34 PM


President - GPC

Hey Glenn, Friendly competition?......lol LongBeard is going to kick my butt this year? NoWay... Glenn send his seeds to me so I can grow them for him......Next year Ill send you a case of Coors.......lol LongBeard game is on already!...I know you'll see this! lol

12/5/2006 10:12:26 PM

Brooks B


I know that the growers arent doing it on purpose John. I know its just that they just don't know. What kind of expectations should I tell them I want? like, please send bubble with postage and anything outside the us make sure its us postage? I thought that was kinda a gimmee, but maybe not, cause I do the same thing I do every year when sending seeds out and never had a problem before,hmm, I must have did something wrong somewhere this year somehow.

To bad I dont drink John cause that seems like a fun game.
My 3 cents(lol) Brooks

12/6/2006 12:05:32 AM



Hello Brooks B.

I found this at http://www.brianchristensenmd.com/
I think he has written a polite and precise "How To" on asking for seeds that might come in handy here.

BTW, he is a Very Helpful and generous Pumpkin Grower.

Do's and Dont's of getting pumpkin seeds

DO NOT send cash I'm not in this for the money, unless you are from outside the country and would like me to get the stamps.
DO send me a Self Addressed Stamped Bubble Pack (SASBP).
DO plant them, but if you don't I understand there are lots of good genetics out there. If you do plant them let me know how they do and send me picture so I know the color of the offspring.
DO consider coming to the Eastern Idaho Pumpkin Pickin Party in 2005 (stay tuned for more info as the 2005 season progresses.)
DO trade them if you desire. Some people get offended if you trade their seeds. Personally I think this is rediculous. Once I have given them to you do with them as you desire.
DO NOT expect the seeds before December. The seeds take 3-4 weeks to dry and I'm not harvesting the seeds until just before Halloween.
DO consider just trading seeds with me. Put your seeds in a bubble pack and send them to me and I will do likewise with mine. Just put a note stating that you are interested in trading seeds.
DO put a note in with the request. It is amazing how many envelopes show up without a word of introduction, hi how are you, I'd like a pumpkin seed, just an empty envelope.. In general this is considered inconsiderate at best if not down right rude. Just add a short note it makes the request much more personal. This goes for asking for seeds from anyone.

12/6/2006 1:22:55 AM



That should help anyone who is entertaining the idea of sending a bubble pack for seeds.

I have sent you an email a week or so ago but have gotten no response. I've also posted a note in the thread you started here offering seeds.
Perhaps you have finished this years seed shipping or have just been thrown back bye all of the request?

I would be happy to send out a bubble. In the past couple of bubbles I have sent I have included some of my heirloom tomatoe seeds, and always include a note.
I'll even toss in a couple of extra stamps to put on one of those bubbles which came in without.


Thank You Brooks B.

12/6/2006 1:23:07 AM



Just an idea, perhaps Ken would consider stickying a thread such as this "trading ettiqette" to the top of this and the New Growers forums.
Doing so may allieviate some of this type of problem.

12/6/2006 1:30:53 AM

Malc M

Hampshire, UK

As a UK grower I have requested 1 lot of seeds from the US and sent some dollars with my bubble. If would be great if we had some idea of an amount of dollars to send for international postage. To avoid any misunderstandings, how many dollars should international growers include? I have had a range of answers!

12/6/2006 2:17:40 AM


Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.

US stamps can be purchased online from the USPS website.
I used to put $1.20 on a small bubble but haven't sent any for a year or two.

12/6/2006 3:00:53 AM

Brooks B


Greenhousin, thanks for that post, thats perfect and nails it 100%.
I just wish there was a way I could have posted this post without any hurt feelings, that definatly wasnt my intentions here,sorry again to the growers.
Malc, Its hard to say how much money to send because it depends on how many seeds they are sending, for me, Im sending atleast 12 seeds so for something like that it would be a little over 2.00 maybe 3.00, maybe more? to send outside the US.
I myself feel what ever money is left over should be sent back to the grower in my opinion ,because for me, Im definatly not in it for the money along with 99 % of all the other growers .

Brooks Boworth

12/6/2006 4:55:50 AM

Brooks B


Green, send me a email, I think I already have a bubble made out for you, and thanks again,

12/6/2006 5:00:45 AM



AXC = A ounce ounce envelope cost .39 to send, with an additional .24 for each extra ounce over the first ounce.
How do I know this?
Because I have my mailman growing Ginat Pumkins too. LOL.

So a three ounce envelope would require .87. on the sent mail and the return envekope.

Brooks, I'll send you an email but I would prefer to send you the bubble pack, some tomato seeds, I also have some really nice HollyHocks and the postage I mentioned.

Thank You!

12/6/2006 6:10:23 AM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

If your mailing to Canada, DON'T put US stamps on the return bubbler. I get about 5 of those a year. We can't use them up here in Canada. It costs anywhere from $4 to $6 to send a BP through the Canadian system to International Countries, including the US. I tell all growers to send $4 to cover postage. I use the US cash to send to any US growers that I request seeds from (for postage). A nice little note is also appreciated. Hope this helps.


12/6/2006 6:24:11 AM

StL Kenny

Wood River, IL (kennyw_49@yahoo.com)

Another good posting! If I've sent out a bubble that isn't correct would someone let me know. I think I'm going it right.


12/6/2006 10:19:06 AM

StL Kenny

Wood River, IL (kennyw_49@yahoo.com)

Thats doing it right, Sorry

12/6/2006 10:34:12 AM


President - GPC

Having sent several seeds packs large and small to Europe I have found the following:

If the small bubbles, they can go thru the US system and machines W/O too much problem and get to their destination with 3 .39 stamps, minimum or 4 (6 seeds or so) been there done that. However they should have a customs declaration on them (obtainable at the PO) that basically says, free gift, and pumpkins seeds, and had all show up. If you use bubbles bigger than 6 X 9 they will require more and I needed to put on around 2.50 in US....This is what I have found to be successful so far, to be sure I take them to the PO and they exact charge me. I have been loading up the packs that send 5 Euros, I still have my day job.....lol, I take the Euros in and exchange them or send them back to Europe for their postage needs. Now seeds from Europe to US, have some issues but so far for me 9 of 10 have made it. ANd the one I really wanted got detained.....bummer, but most of them do make it. Just my .39 cents worth......I have enjoyed the bubble season and also had to bubble the postman too.
Grow'em BIG

12/6/2006 11:19:53 AM

Frank 4

Coventry R.I.

and brooks, after you send your bubbles back, and the person ask for some help on growing, dont ignore them.

12/6/2006 12:09:09 PM


Saegertown Pa.

Be patient, a lot of growers don't even open any bubbles till after the holidays, it takes a lot of time to fill bubbles. If there is a seed you will grow next year put it in your note, you might get two seeds instead of one or none. Some pumpkins have very low seed counts and only get sent out to someone that will grow it.

12/6/2006 12:45:23 PM

Frank 4

Coventry R.I.

Agreed Quinn, and congrats on a great season.

12/6/2006 1:35:17 PM

Brooks B


Frank, Let me get this out of the way from your remark in this post so people knows where you are coming from and why you made the ignoire statement to me. First off, you got issues dude, I send you my seeds last year from a request you sent me through a bubble and I gladly sent them to you, Then you say a YEAR later you sent me a email LAST YEAR to help you out, that you wanted my help in growing, but you said I didnt respond to your email LAST YEAR and now your bent out of shape because I didnt respond to one email last year from you?. You serious?, Ha, Frank first off, I dont even know you only by sending that bubble to you, second, sounds like you got issues just because you didnt get a response back from a email?, 3rd, try to find someone eles to cry about something that makes a little more sence then not responding to a email that they have no clue about nor at this point dont care about. Sounds like high school stuff to me.
Someone is coo coo for Co coa puffs sound like to me.

Winter is here!!,LOL

12/6/2006 3:22:56 PM

Frank 4

Coventry R.I.

no brooks , first off it was 3 of them e/mails , get rec straight, 2nd, i was a rookie, needed help, you gave me the seeds, who else would i ask. 3rd i was thanking you for seeds in the e/mails, then asking you for help. if you would have opened them instead of deleteting them , there would be no problem, you need help,starting with answering your e/mail,s from new guys, that you send seed,s to.

12/6/2006 4:09:25 PM

StL Kenny

Wood River, IL (kennyw_49@yahoo.com)

And to think it's only December!

12/6/2006 4:34:17 PM

Brooks B


Lol, You guys now see what Im talking about with this guy? how about a little back up here LOL? Is this guy for real and have his marbles? And can he really see what I do with my emails? It was only one email at first, now its three? One, two, three emails, what makes the diffrence how many you sent to me over a year ago Frank? I forgot its pumpkin law to act like you sent me a email even though you didnt and to help you grow them seeds, espically if I was the person who sent them to you, shesh what was I thinking? (This guy cant be for real can he?) Why not bring the email thingy up 11 months and two weeks ago instead of waiting a full year?, well,probably because the ''no answer email thingy'' was eating at ya all this time and you just blew up, right? ,,,,,,here Frank, get on my buddy Wex 1320 for a while now, he wont mind taking some of the weirdness, would you Wex?,lol. pretend like my buddy Jamie Wex sent you his seeds and be mad at him for a while, pretend like he didnt respond to a email sayyy ummm 3 years ago, act like he didnt tell you how deep to plant your seedlings or something, pretend you planted a seed(not a proven seed, mind you) 11 inches and it rotted and it was ALL Wex's fault he never emailed you back when you emailed him or he simply had you in his spam folder.
Sorry Wex,you dont mind taking some heat do ya? LOL@@.Kinda reminds me of that movie rainman.

Its winter and Im arguing about nothing,lmao!!!

12/6/2006 6:39:02 PM


Leamington, Ont.

I like cheese!

12/6/2006 6:46:22 PM

Brooks B



12/6/2006 6:52:28 PM

Frank 4

Coventry R.I.

brooksie, the bottom line is, i needed some advice, and you turned you back on me, because i was rookie, case closed!!!!its been bothering me for a year, just had to tell the story , so other rookies can see how you were with me, this was the perfect time to let it off my chest. and now youve already sent me 2 e/mails, your getting better,

12/6/2006 7:26:54 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

Really feeling the love now!

12/6/2006 7:54:47 PM

Brooks B


HUH?,, Can someone eles take over for a while? This guy just dont understand and knows everything about nothing. Who can explain to this guy I never got his emails a year ago? If I did get the email I would tell you I got the email and just brushed your email off and didnt want to reply, Im not shy Frank, Hello? Anyone home? Ssheshhhh!! glad the other growers get to see how lame you can be Frank,,,

12/6/2006 8:02:13 PM

Brooks B


Oh, I like cheese

12/6/2006 8:05:03 PM

Brooks B


If you send someone pumpkins seeds does that also make you responsable for there Health care, and do they end up getting half your retirement at age 65?

12/6/2006 8:11:45 PM


New Carlisle IN

Sure Brooks, Frank the real bottom line is this, just because someone sends you a seed, don't expect them to grow it for you, (especially when you don't plant it) sorry checked your dairy and no Bosworth seeds.

12/6/2006 8:18:22 PM

Frank 4

Coventry R.I.

terry , it called advice,helping some one out, not growing it.why should have i grown his seed, after what happen. dont need to take this any further.

12/6/2006 8:33:41 PM


Long Island,New York

Brooks...you're a BIG MEANIE !!!!!LOL

12/6/2006 9:06:06 PM



OK Fun is Fun. but cheese is cheese, and that's all I have to say about that, and I agree with LI you Big Meanie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

12/6/2006 9:21:00 PM



OK Fun is Fun. but cheese is cheese, and that's all I have to say about that, and I agree with LI you Big Meanie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

12/6/2006 9:21:41 PM



OOPS that wan't funny

12/6/2006 9:22:11 PM


caro mi.

Geez brooks.....wish i could bury my seed 11 inches !!!!.....but 5 and 3/4 is best i could do !

12/6/2006 9:28:06 PM

Brooks B


Like I told him in the email I just returned to him(not that I want to believe thAT,ha), Just because a grower sends seeds to him that dont make that grower obligated to do anything for him, hes lucky he got the seeds from other growers and then he demands advice too? Shesh,lmao

LMAO iM NOT A MEANIE G AND EDDY!! I THINK I RETURNED A EMAIL THAT YOU WROTE ME 5 YEARS AGO DIDNT I?,LMAO!! Im going to email you G, AND you Eddy and since you have sent me seeds before I demand you give me advice on how they grow even though i'm not gonna grow em,but thats beside the point. Oh, and since you been growing longer you have to help me! its your obligation ya know?

Thanks for the back up Terry,

Jordan, if you are out there reading this will you please explain this to Frank.(Hes a little slow so dont go to fast with em.)

12/6/2006 9:42:56 PM


Leamington, Ont.

LOL @ buckhorn

12/6/2006 10:22:22 PM


New Carlisle IN

No problen, I know I'm just a lurker, but I have to read this crap!

12/6/2006 10:23:59 PM

Jon N.

Central Oklahoma ( water_proofer@yahoo.com)

Hey Brooks Have you got the email I sent ya!!!


12/6/2006 10:26:10 PM


Leamington, Ont.

It's like cyber stalking...No really though, many e-mails go un-read do to spam/bulk folders, still, there is no reason to over-react. So, he didn't respond, fine. Lets move on please.

12/6/2006 10:55:21 PM


Rhode Island

Brooks and Frank

I hope you are both in niagara this year cause you will both sit down with me and have a good stiff drink. pap will moderate and test all drinks before hand. lol

Brooks, ive known you for several years now and find you to be a good guy who is very interested in this hobby. you have always been thankful and a gentleman first and foremost.

Frank, you became involved with our club this summer and i found you to be a real great guy as well. you have a lovely wife and two children and, i know you only want to learn more about the hobby and you are always willing to help the club in any capacity.

Somewhere in the middle of this mess some feelings got trampled and i can certainly understand that happening. You guys are not the first to air dirty laundry on this site and you wont be the last.

Who sent a mail ,who didnt reply, who did what to who? you hurt me so i gotta hurt you more. that sort of thing.

its kinda crazy but we all react this way at times. i know both of you are really good guys. you just dont know each other that well. so its easy to fire out.

Like i said guys. lets move on and drop the thing. lifes to short and besides your both above this.
And, we will have that drink in Niagara


12/6/2006 11:24:09 PM

Pennsylvania Rock


Okay, I bid 2 dollars..

12/6/2006 11:37:02 PM

Brian C.

Rexburg, Idaho (brianchristensenmd@gmail.com )

Hey someone quoted my website!!!! How cool is that. People actually are following along.

12/7/2006 12:22:43 AM

Frank 4

Coventry R.I.

hi pap, thank you. like i said, no need to take this any further, i made my point.

12/7/2006 7:03:15 AM

Brooks B


You sure did Frank, you sure did.

Ok Pap, Ill quit teasing the little fella,,,but I still cant help to feel like when I go upstairs into the kitchen and see a pot cooking on the stove with the lid flapping uncontrolably and I walk over to open the lid and look inside that Im gonna find my pet rabbit in there cooking or something.

Ill quit Pap, I see your point,I Just had to get that last little dig there first,lol.


12/7/2006 7:26:31 AM



Dr. Brian C.: "Hey someone quoted my website!!!! How cool is that. People actually are following along."

Thank you for the permission to use it.
I just asked three days or so ago and it's really coming in handy already. :D
You have an excellent site.
I will be adding your posting to my Faq and also in a sticky thread atop our seed swap forum.

Thank You!

BTW, To all parties involved.
Much of the discussion above is detracting from the valuable information which several members have posted in this thread. I don't know how the moderation works here, but the thread would be much easier on the eyes if the arguement were split from the rest of the thread. But then again, it's like having two tutorials in one thread. How to communicate during a swap or gifting,,,,, and How not to act publically afterwards.

Some very good information posted here peoples. :Two Thumbs Up:

12/7/2006 7:30:32 AM


Mocksville, NC

ok then whats up with the cheese thing i miss something?
am i slow? don't answer that!

12/7/2006 8:07:32 AM


Belmont, NH

To heck with all those bubbles. I think I will just grow my own seed. That is what World Records are grown from anyway.

12/7/2006 8:53:02 AM

Mr.D & Me


Doctor Brian C.
Thanks for the seeds, great site :)

12/7/2006 3:01:06 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Brooks, yer killin' me! It is possible for the sender of an email to know when you have opened his/her email.....

"The Boz" is one of the kindest growers that I know. Boz sent me a huge pack of his own seeds last year...he paid for the bubble pack and the postage...says he's sending me a four fingered back scratcher this year.

12/7/2006 3:53:00 PM


President - GPC

Brian send me the site link, I want to check it out.......

12/7/2006 4:14:54 PM


President - GPC

Wow I did find the sight link, love that weather channel, email please want to chat.


12/7/2006 4:18:01 PM



brooks , what is your email? would like info to send bubble. thanks BillW!

12/9/2006 2:08:29 PM

Brooks B


Bill, Bosworthbrooks@sbcglobal.net

12/9/2006 9:53:44 PM



Brooks B.

Thank You Very Much for the great selection of seeds!
I will do my best to make sure they grow fruit the size of volkswagons.
When they grow the 2007 record you get first dibbs on seeds. :tup:

12/17/2006 8:57:48 AM

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