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Subject:  LaRue, Pukos, or Wallace seed wanted

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Jeremy B

Dresden, Ohio

I am preparing for the 2008 pumpkin growing season. If anyone has a LaRue, Pukos, or Wallace seed they would be willing to spare, it would be greatly appreciated.
12080 Bottom Road
Dresden, OH 43821

8/5/2007 11:42:18 AM



The way it works if anyone offers is, you send a self addressed bubble envelope stuffed inside another bubbly envelope to that person along with a thank you note. I think fall time is the big time for seeds tho.

8/5/2007 2:03:04 PM


lots more to this hobby/sport than "name brand" on the seeds,,,"preparing" brings out many different ideas to be put inplace b4 the seeds are required,,,

good luck

8/5/2007 2:10:09 PM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

hmmmm guess my offer was not good enough....should have been patient....In the future do not request seeds then double request more....Go Fish

8/5/2007 2:12:12 PM

Jeremy B

Dresden, Ohio

I understand that there is much more knowledge and preparation I need before next year. I read a little more each day, and I have about 9 months before the seed needs to be planted. I have one location picked out to plant in 2008, and I plan on plan on preparing another location using a different method, starting this fall. However, a seed is still needed to grow a pumpkin, along with the preparation. And it seems that most of the grower diaries include seeds from large pumpkins, not seeds purchased from a local store. I know that seeds will be more plentiful in the fall, but I'm just trying to get what I believe will be a good seed now. And Shannon, I sent an e-mail explaing my request on here. You asked what seeds I was looking for, I supplied these 3 names, and no response. I'm sorry I offended you. Good Luck to everyone in their pumpkin growing. Thanks.

8/5/2007 6:03:47 PM


Rapid City, SD

oh joy............another someone needs to go to walmart and buy a clue.........good luck to ya J.

ps. just a little something for you to chew on......how about introducing yourself other than an initial J. and how long you have been growing........most of us are right in the skinny of growing..........not good timing for asking for seeds..........prepare your growing area..........many ammendments need to be made after you have your soil tested...............there are many of us right here that have seeds that could grow you a 1200 pounder..........but if your soil is not in balance............forget it

8/5/2007 7:07:59 PM

Jeremy B

Dresden, Ohio

M. My first name is Jeremy. I am 28 years old, almost 29, married for 4 years, one son almost 2 years old, and I live in the Basket capital of the world. This was my first year at attempting giant pumpkins. I went in thinking I could do it by putting a seed in the ground and watering it. After my experience this year, as well as my reading, I understand there is a lot that goes into it. As for the growing area, it's a septic line out of a house, and I can't change anything about it. I've got 2 test seeds going right now, and I'm going to plant them on the line to see if it works. I've contacted the Ohio State Extension Office(they deal with 4-H)about testing the other soil area. Said there is a $40 charge to test the soil. That's $40 I don't have right now. Personally, I think it's 50% soil 50% seed. I'm aware the seeds are more abundant in the fall, but I'm also aware that seeds will be more in demand in the fall. How about an introduction yourself, and you really don't need to be a smart donkey about it. Thanks for your input though.

8/5/2007 7:58:23 PM

Jordan Grimes

Aloha, Oregon

Guys go easy he/she said he`s doing research and preparing patches.He`s New to BP binstead if trying to run people off all the time show them some respect.I personally know how it feels to disrespected by people.All im saying is show people respect.

Good Luck in 2008 J.Brennen (brennen7503)



8/5/2007 8:01:25 PM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

Jordon...respect is earned not given...I respect all who respect me...I gave him the same deal I gave you...

8/5/2007 8:26:45 PM

Jeremy B

Dresden, Ohio

Please cancel the request for the seeds. If I had known asking more than one person for seeds was going to cause such a stir, I would've never asked. And Shannon, I'm not sure what deal you gave me. Asking me what seeds I wanted, me telling you, and then nothing? Anyways, thanks to all who have helped me on BigPumpkins. If I get seeds for next year, then great. If not, I guess I won't grow them. Thanks again to all that have helped.

8/5/2007 9:16:00 PM



No, don't be discouraged, they told me to push ctrl and f4 I think my first time here, it shuts your computer off, I was being a little to anxious, obnoxious, on peoples nerves. It takes commitment to get a giant pumpkin, I have learned, also alot of no how. I would just keep on atlantic giant growing if I were you, don't sweat it, "Pumpkin People" think about pumpkins all year round and are very passionate about them, to them it is more than a passing fancy which may of been how you came across to these guys.

8/5/2007 10:36:17 PM

John Van Sand Bagus


Jeremy ,

Send me a Bubble this fall I have seeds to send you
John Van Hook

8/5/2007 10:43:34 PM


Taber, Alberta

Jeremy, send me an e-mail if you are still interested in seeds.
Alan Makarchuk

8/5/2007 10:54:09 PM


Ft. Branch, IN (stevenson@sit-co.net)


Feel free to send a bubble my way the fall also. I will have seeds this year from a few nice pumpkins. There will be many people willing to part with seeds.

This is just kind of a bad time to be asking is all. This time of year people don't know how the seeds they have collected are doing in someone else's patch. If they gave you an unknown seed only to find out in 2 months that it grew the world record pumpkin the would be disgusted. You can easily collect over 100 seeds this fall by sending out several Self Addressed Stamped Bubble Packs (SASBP)....including Wallace and Pukos seeds (they have been kind to me in the past).

Shannon and M, take it easy on the guy....he's new and obviously is wanting to get into this hobby/sport like we all did at one time. When I was new to this I asked a lot of questions, but people took the time to answer them. Seed requests are typically first post that new growers make. I have to say, I agree with Jordan on this one.

8/5/2007 11:28:29 PM

Jordan Grimes

Aloha, Oregon

Jeremy you can send a bubble in the fall if my biggie makes it to a good size I made a 1502 Wallace X 1041.5 LaRue a cross of to of the growers seeds you want in one cross has a good amopunt of world records in it.Just hope it holds for me and grows me a biggie.

The 1041.5 LaRue is a 1469 Checkon X 1231 Pukos the 1231 Pukos is a 1420 LaRue/1446 Eaton cross.

The 1502 Wallace was the first pumpkin over 1500 pounds and was grown from the 1068 Wallace and crossed with 1354 Checkon.

If I can get it to 300 to 500 or more pounds I will be happy with a pumpkin at that size and with the genetics the seed from this pumpkin will likely grow HUGE pumpkins.



8/6/2007 2:26:57 AM

StL Kenny

Wood River, IL (kennyw_49@yahoo.com)


Welcome to the madness. I understand where your coming from.This is my 2nd year growing AG's, and last year I thought the same way you did. Get a couple good seeds put them in the ground add some water and bingo. That's not the way it works. I even had a mentor helping me and sometime I still didn't listen (sorry Bruce). It isn't 50% seeds, 50% soil. It's 100% patch prep. A lot of us learn the hard way at how hard this is (right Jordan?). You don't have to. Listen to what these folks are telling you. these are some of the most understanding, and giving people you'll ever meet.

The growers that you want seeds from are some of the best growers in the sport. And they would grow you a wonderful pumpkin. But so would seeds from 200 other grower.

Here's my view of it. I'm a second year grower who has seeds from LaRue, Pukos, and Wallace in my seed bin, even including the 1502 Wallace. I don't think I have enough experience to grow any of those seeds this year. What if I would have started the 1502 and it didn't come up (like all of my first seed this year) I would have wasted maybe my only shot to grow the 1502. Just like your son you have to take baby steps before you can run. I think in 2008 I'll feel comfortable enough to plant anything in my seed bin. There are growers on this site that have grown +1000 pumpkins from seed of 200 lb. pumpkins.

If you have questions drop me a line.

if it ain't Orange, it ain't a pumpkin,


8/6/2007 7:38:42 AM



A good way to get seeds and information on growing giants is to join some of the pumpkin clubs. Most give seeds away in the spring to their members. One GREAT club is the Pacific Giant Vegetable Growers. Info on website pgvg.org There are also some in Ohio that you could join. Also Howard Dill, the originator, has a website where you can purchase seeds. That's where the majority of ours goes. Good luck!

8/6/2007 11:49:59 AM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

Email sent to Jeremy Saturday morning
"Tell you what Jeremy,
I have an extensive seed collection...you do your homework and footwork needed I will provide you a seed. Or help you get the seed you desire."

Can't be anymore helpful than that....Jordon is this not the same thing I offered you.

I just don't have the time for BS anymore..

8/6/2007 1:36:55 PM



I have more seeds then I could ever grow, send me a e-mail and I will send you a handful. cbishop@suscom-maine.net

8/6/2007 3:05:37 PM


Hayward, CA

We would love to send you seeds, but we got ours from Lowes. They are Dills Atlantic Giants but they are not doing so well because of the soil prep (major lack of). If we make it that far, we'll take a picture of the pumpkins and send you some seeds. One is twelve days old and is the size of a volly ball already!!! You would probably want to use them in your test area rather than risk losing some of the requested prize winners. I can tell you from this experience that Kenny is right about soil. And honestly, the people here are usually very, very helpful. It does not appear to be the best timing for requesting seeds but as you can see there are still many willing to help you out. Please dont give up on your search. You may find all you need when the time is here. I am looking forward to seeing your results!!

Good Luck!

8/6/2007 7:38:36 PM


Rapid City, SD

matt winey...........south dakota
guess i should change me handle to smart donkey...

hee haa

8/6/2007 10:58:00 PM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

OK lets get a couple things straight..He is not looking for any seeds he is looking for specific seeds. Seeds that run alot in auctions. When someone accuses me of not being very helpful that crosses my line. I have given many top seeds away to new growers.

8/7/2007 1:27:49 PM

Jeremy B

Dresden, Ohio

I would like to take a moment and apologize for my post. I was not trying to disrespect anyone by doing so. I'm new to pumpkin growing, and I am excited about the possibility of my son and I (and maybe my wife someday too) growing giant pumpkins for years to come. After talking to many members of BigPumpkins, one especially, I understand that I was wrong to just up and ask for what could be considered the premium seeds from long-time growers. I also understand that I need to wait my turn and earn my keep as a giant pumpkin grower, and that's what I'm going to do. Thanks to all who have offered advice, as well as seeds. I hope to chat with you over the years. Good Luck to all this pumpkin growing season. And again, please accept my apology.

8/7/2007 4:04:04 PM


Rapid City, SD


grow em big


8/7/2007 6:45:25 PM



You may want to look into joining a giant pumpkin club/organization in Ohio. Some of them may give free seeds to members, newsletters, info. on patch tours and wieghoffs, etc. Ohio has some of the best Giant pumpkin growers in the World. You may want to find one to mentor you. Good luck!

8/7/2007 6:58:09 PM

Marty S.


Thats a great Deal there Jeremy you should go for it and go to some patches this year and see how its done.Its so much fun to see others patches.I could do it every day.

8/7/2007 8:32:33 PM

BO 69

Farmerville, Louisiana

shannon is a great guy and very helpful nobody should ever be discouraged because shannon didn't jump to help you {this man has a family / job and a hobby} don't hurry him and you will reap the rewards as i have MANY THANKS AGAIN SHANNON FOR THE SEEDS AND VERY VALUBLE INFORMATION!!!!!!!!!!

8/7/2007 8:38:43 PM

StL Kenny

Wood River, IL (kennyw_49@yahoo.com)

Don't you just love it when we all get along. Very nice Jeremy, let me know if I can help.

8/7/2007 8:57:52 PM

basebell6 (christy)

Massillon, Ohio

jeremy, always good to see another ohio grower!!! welcome!! shannon is super nice and i'm sure you are super nice; it's just this evil internet thing that is a tough medium to read people!! i'd be happy to send you seeds if you are still looking this winter. i have many spares.

and remember, you dont need a wallace, pukos, or larue to grow a big pumpkin!!!!

8/7/2007 8:58:03 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio


I know it's short notice, but our group, the SOGPG is having a patch tour and picnic this Sunday(the 12th). You are VERY welcome to attend and get an idea of what you have gotten yourself into and meet some of the most generous growers around. E-mail me at jgerchy@columbus.rr.com.

8/7/2007 10:22:07 PM



Lol at Christy, Did you mean a Wallace, Larue, or Pukos seed or the grower

8/7/2007 10:53:32 PM



My wife is from Ohio, Wakeman, its a small town jsut below sandusky/cedar point.

8/7/2007 10:54:46 PM

basebell6 (christy)

Massillon, Ohio

LOL eddy, well borrowing the grower for the summer could also be a nice option. i'm sure a spare room, good meals, and a good air conditioner are a must!!! ;)

8/8/2007 7:45:14 AM

Jason D


I dont know Jeremy it seems SOMEBODY was being kindoff cocky towards you. But dont fret youll get some good seeds on this site. Just wait until fall and winter time a lot of laid back growers will hook you up.

8/8/2007 9:28:03 AM



Christy, I was thinking about sending Jack to grow with Quinn next summer, he was wondering how he would do with the better weather you get in Ohio and Pennsylvania, so I told him when he retires he can live with Quinn from May to Nov., LOL.

Jeremy, like I said in an earlier post, you can get excellent seeds by joining different clubs. Since our first obligation is to the Dill's then to the clubs we belong to, there are plenty of LaRue seeds out there. The nice thing about Dill's website is you order exactly what you want.
Sherry LaRue

8/8/2007 11:27:40 AM



If Jack(and you) are tending 21 plants when he's not retired, just think of how many he could tend when he's retired! The four plants I've grown this year have kept me plenty busy.

8/8/2007 11:42:22 AM



You know, people should be a little nicer on here.If everyone started out with years of experience we wouldnt have this site.All your doing is discouraging the newer growers from asking for advice.Iam just glad you know it all and dont have to ask for help.Remember, we all started somewhere and yes i know they can do a search. But sometimes its just easier to ask,we all lead busy lives.So in the future, remember we all started out as rookies. Good luck and Grow-em big

8/8/2007 12:01:09 PM

basebell6 (christy)

Massillon, Ohio

Sherry, that would be awesome!! I'm sure Quinn would love it. I can only imagine the tag-team results. And Quinn definitely has the spare room & good meals...he'll have to chime in this conversation about if he's got the good air conditioner.

LOL. Funny stuff.

Now that I think about it, how about an exchange program? If anyone wants Ohio / PA weather, I'll be happy to exchange myself out west for next summer. Oh and P.S. its up to them to get my patch in better shape. ;)

8/8/2007 12:37:24 PM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

Jeremy...please do not take back your seed request. I wish there was a Giant Pumpkin Growers Etiquitte for New Growers page. Some of the seeds you requested have very high trade values, and go for $400-$750 dollars in Club Auctions. My Seed Book is always open. I tend to be stuck on Orange and Pretty Pumpkins..or anything with the 1370 Rose. The 801.5 Stelts is my weak spot seed. I wish I could get one to germinate. So we all started out new. The best thing is to sit back and observe. Get a few books and read, read, read.

8/8/2007 1:38:52 PM

StL Kenny

Wood River, IL (kennyw_49@yahoo.com)


very well stated.

8/8/2007 1:50:35 PM


President - GPC

How are they going to get Jack and Quinn in the same orange jacket?

8/8/2007 3:03:32 PM


Saegertown Pa.

I have the room and the air conditioner, I'm not sure he would like the disease problems, or all the rocks.

8/9/2007 5:46:43 AM

pumpkinhead vic

Mt Vernon Ky

Send me a Bubble this fall I have seeds to send you

8/9/2007 11:04:11 PM




Take a week with no internet & look at all the excitement. LOL

Welcome Jeremy & ditto the Shannon accolades. This website doesn't support "Stickies" but it really should on this particular board. LOL

No new grower should EVER try growing a top rated seed their first few years. Build the soil, learn the ropes while killing lesser genetics, then reach for the stars.

You could have bought a 1068 Wallace at auction last November for $850 but there are many free seeds available that have 90% of the 1068's potential & will serve equally valuable & rewarding for learning.

8/12/2007 1:46:57 AM

DTM Mountaineer (Doug)

West By God Virginia

M is a grumpy old geezer Jeremy. I guess he ran out of Budweiser and got cranky. LOL Best thing to do is ask for seeds in late November or so. Contrary to some of the above posts, this really is a great group of people.

8/14/2007 7:48:36 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

The responses that this thread has generated just goes to show how passionate we all are about this hobby and our willingness to help the greenest of beginners. Bless you all!

8/14/2007 10:06:42 PM



I'm a green begginer and appreciate the help. Thanks

8/15/2007 12:38:22 AM

burrhead gonna grow a slunger

Mill Creek West by god Virginia

everyone check out my post on general discussion page ive offered several world class seeds to the highest bidder all for a good cause to benefit the prize money at the new gpc weigh off in kentucky! 100 percent of profits will go towards weigh off!

8/15/2007 3:23:41 AM


Rapid City, SD


8/16/2007 7:26:51 PM

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