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Rhode Island

anyone care to share there thoughts for additions to or subtractions from next years growing program?
growing a bigger pumpkin is not a change, its a result of something that changed, lets leave that one out ok-? lol

here at the wallace home we extended the patch to accomodate an additional six plants. we used the same formula as the existing patch that we put in following the 2005 season. same tests to follow in spring s well.

we have a company scheduled to auger down and pipe an additional ten ft deep in our patch well so we dont run low on water again next year.
purchasing a couple 280 gallon holding tanks as well

we wont change much at all regarding our insect,disease, foliar spray or fertilizer applications. just a bit heavier on the potassium levels early on.

we are going to use more of the soil soup sprays but this coming year im making my own machine ( 50 gallon black drum with stand and revolving wheels underneath )to tumble and make rabbit/worm compost consisting of hay,rabbit pellets and worm casting dug up under the coup.
ill add the soil soup nutrient solution ( feeds the bacteria and nutrients )once the soil soup is starting to brew


11/29/2007 6:19:13 PM



I'm going to transplant outdoors a week later next year. 5/15 instead of 5/08. I got nailed with a couple really cold nights early on, and then ended up with a mutant vine.

Also extended the patch to grow 2 pumpkins comfortably. It was too darn depressing to only grow one plant, especially one that was a double vine.

Going to use Agro-K for the first time next year too.

Going to put in an overhead misting system too for the hot Colorado afternoons.

Going back to orange. Will grow the 772.2 Poirier and 1101 Northrup and go after the Howard Dill award, with a 1016 Daletas at the community garden space.

The rest will stay the same...

11/29/2007 8:14:40 PM

don young

more potassium a little bigger plants and or longer sidevines before pumpkin got a idea for new tea maker number 5 im gonna tinker with -new dirt -taller differnt windbreaks-pollinate later in morning with more males

11/29/2007 8:25:51 PM

Marty S.


Putting up a 30 x 96 high tunnel with roll up sides.I will have reemay fabric on the roll up sides so the bugs will stay out when I roll them up. The plants outside will have fabric over them also. I have buried power lines out to the patch and also a water line from the well to go along with the 1200 gal. water tank off the shed. I have put down 2 foot of amendments on the patch as of virgin top soil and tons of old and 1 year manure. I will have 2 big circulation fans in the hoop with several outlets for fans and what ever I may need, Maybe even a couple big grow lights.

11/29/2007 8:34:49 PM

John G.

derry n.h u.s.a.

Im looking forward to the up coming spring,I have been in this hobby for 12 years or so,and havent broke the 1000lb mark with a solid pumpkin yet!!!For the first time i have done fall prep,I usually do it in early spring rather then in the fall, this i think will be a big plus.I added over 1/2 ton of mulched shredded sugar maple leafs.1/2 ton of black compost 2500 lb of green cow manure 50lb of fire ash 30 lb of kelp meal(my soil was not up to par for a few years) and limed with 60lb of lime.Of course with all these new additives i purchased a new rear tine rototiller(my patch is only big enough for 2 plants 1000sq/ft.kind of tiring pitchforking the whole patch!will be doing a soil test in the early spring,have not done this in years,will be adding Bio-endoplus to plant root structures,i discovered a great systemic this past season and have stockpilled a few containers,its hard to find(not 1 aphid last season)still working on a systemic for fungi,also adding soilheat cables for spring 40' for each plant,plus heaters on colder nights Mr.buddy propane heaters they work very good , leaning towards more organic foiler spraying next year as opposed to chemicle,i think the soil will carry these plants most of the season without the chemicles,one other change my lazy procrastinating attitude when theres work to be done in the patch this should make for a larger pumpkin atleast 100lb bigger Fruit then it would have been,lol i think thats about it.John G.

11/29/2007 8:59:47 PM

Brooks B


Although my Dad lives a hour and a half away from me,Im gonna be working on getting my Dad started for next year. My goal isnt to beat my personal best this year but to watch him grow one over 1000lbs for his first year. Do I hear Rookie of the year for 08'? lol ,j/k

11/30/2007 5:17:55 AM


Dummer Twp - Ontario

Were moving so I'm starting over, I will have the size I need to properly grow 2 plants and will erect a permanent wind blocking fence. I will have more time to devote in the morning so I will spray lighter strength mixtures but more often and last but not least I will listen to the growers who told me not to put to many plants in my patch and concentrate on the 2 I have.


11/30/2007 5:37:08 AM



Hey Don, make sure you have them males tested 1st. don't want them shooting blanks. lol
I plan to set up a drip system to water next season. I think i am going with agro-k as well. it should be an interesting year in my new patch that i have been building up for 2 years.

11/30/2007 6:05:04 AM

Jason D


Well I building a better water system all under the leaves I dont like the over head sprinkler systems. Im gonna do less plants..6 or 7 plants I believe is the right amount if your gonna be competitive. Plus im growing smaller plants next year too much salad this year. And finally working harder a lot harder. I have no kids and pumpkins are my kids so they get all my attention and my girlfriend gets a little bit also.

11/30/2007 8:51:18 AM


President - GPC

Make them think they are growing in Rhode Island......That is our theme this year, more water, increase the humidity somehow up at the Nursery and at home, automation under the Wizardnator and installing a under the leaf canopy system there.
Less plants for me at the Nursery and Biz gets more, It got away from me last year so only 7 for me this year...5 and 2 at home..lol Oh and Ill help start the 4 at Hudsons too. New addition for my compost tea brewer will be making my own worm castings with the WizzleWormer, fresh and full of biology. We expanded the patch at Jareds so we could put more distance between plants to help eliminate PM. With one year under our belts up there we learned alot growing so many in wide open spaces. We'll be using a Stihl MB this year at Jareds too, no more hand spraying large patches. We like LembKe Juice and its the Chinese year of the RAT. Biz grows over 1000 in 08.....but he comes in second......We have 6 Colorado growers that go over 1K for 08......

Good Luck to all of you. GaryTheWiz

11/30/2007 9:28:38 AM

Rob T

Somers, CT

I think the grooming lessons I learned from RI will go far. I also increased the patch size for at least three plants. I am working on a design for my own tea maker. I will be composting this year, plan to be more dilligent regarding testing and will be picking up some Micorrazi. My ferts program worked well with slow and low as my theme. Adding kelp meal and fresh manuer early spring to start. Then using all fish, seaweed, calcium and micronutrients foliars. I like the potassium concerns noted above, interesting. Depending on the test results, I will add what is needed in the spring. Unfortunately, the fall prep did not go as well as I planned due to conditions beyond my control but there is still some time.

11/30/2007 9:58:10 AM


Long Island,New York

I can't tell you. (Its a secret)

11/30/2007 11:57:45 AM

Lee Taylor

Nicholls Georgia

out growing jason d .......lol

11/30/2007 2:32:38 PM

Jason D



11/30/2007 3:08:57 PM


Pocatello (cliffwarren@yahoo.com)

Start one week earlier. Hey, it worked for Brian.

Have the HH up earlier than that, to warm the soil.

Dig pits and backfill with good stuff.

Increase to six plants from five. At least two will be my own seeds.

Pray for good weather. All this in hopes of getting something pollinated 12 to 15 out before July 4th. I'm going to have a busy spring.

11/30/2007 4:21:17 PM


western PA

EVERYTHING. Lol, I think that about covers it...

11/30/2007 5:05:38 PM

Brooks B


lmao G, you gotta be the biggest sandbagger this hobby has ever had!,lol.... Pap, are they giving a sandbagging trophy at Niagra this year?

11/30/2007 5:14:06 PM


Just going to use more sand here.....I'll take that trophy!

11/30/2007 5:50:40 PM


Santa Rosa California

my goal is to stay on task plant when is should and prove that i can grow an gaint pumpkin and cover vines and do the best i can

11/30/2007 5:52:23 PM

Snake Oil

Pumpkintown, SC

New for '08? Giving my own crosses the "good soil"...

11/30/2007 10:50:35 PM

The BiZ

Littleton, Colo

More water ! Hoop houses early......hail protection.....more water........compost tea........kill them fu@%#*g cucumber beetlez...more water.....spread the plantz out farther to allow more air....more water.....humic acid.......more water.....Niagara 08.....still mist blower......fungicide program....more water......never give up them......and more water..................:)

12/1/2007 1:12:38 AM



Seems the pimpin is loose, and everyone has got to get their pimpin plug. Sloppy seconds or otherwise, gotta hit da dip and punch da dip along with da sh.t.. loose the da bit..fa munda wiz cheese a bit, now what..da shi...t

12/1/2007 4:45:31 AM



Extended patch to four plants
Three dump loads of two year old manure.
Re-minerlaization using SEA-90
Cover crop = winter rye
One big compost pile to keep turning
More compost tea
Earlier planting with greenhouses
In the spring put down humus, fish and kelp
more water
dug pits and filled with compost to let sit over winter
Win the OVGPG weigh off, possibly a World Record.


12/1/2007 6:28:52 AM

Frank 4

Coventry R.I.

pap,, you no what i got planned. lol

12/1/2007 7:30:04 AM

StL Kenny

Wood River, IL (kennyw_49@yahoo.com)

Hey Frank, I'm sure the rest of us would like to know also. lol Kenny

12/1/2007 8:32:06 AM

Captain Cold Weather

Boulder County Colorado USA planet Earth

What am i going to do different this yr for 08.
More fert
More Water
May try a hoop house.
HAve only 2 plant for 08 because dad has 2 plants for 08
had 4 last yr gave dad 2 hills
Ask MORE questions.
Spray more.
Drink less

12/1/2007 9:55:33 AM


Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com

Ditches for better soil drainage.
Some hoop houses if funds allow.
Will try to grow one for the state fair.
Cut way back on watering.
Have a better fungicide program.
Spacing the plants out more and more pruning for better air circulation.
Eliminating the planting mounds as they caused too much vine stress when the main laid down.
Go back to using more insecticide dust along with the Merit for insect control.
Bumping the fertility up a bit.
I will be using some seed with the 1068 Wallace and 998 Pukos in the family tree.

12/1/2007 11:05:35 AM


Johnston, R.I.

I am going to 5 plants instead of 6, but everything else is going to be pretty much the same.

12/1/2007 11:37:58 AM



I'm going to double up on the beer

12/1/2007 12:44:54 PM

Boy genius

southwest MO

I'm going to try and fix the mistakes I made this year trying to fix the mistakes from the year before!!
Better drainage in the soil ... better air flow in the canopy... Try to allow better axcess to parts of the plant with a tad more aggresive pruning. Watch the main vine and older secondarys like a hawk for svb's, soft spots, or other diseases... Be more proactive to fix these things soon as it starts.

12/1/2007 1:17:00 PM


Greensburg Pa

I already put 2 yards mushroom compost. 6 pick up loads fresh horse manure. The rye is about 2 inches. I did not put leaves on cause they fell 3 weeks later will compost. I was afraid it would be to wet to put the rye in later. Will add kelp meal next spring. I have a spring in the back of my property, I plan on getting the water tested and if ok looking into a supply tank and pump system. Save money on city water and sewage charge.

12/1/2007 1:32:15 PM



Several things already have been done for patch prep. I've added tons of horse, cow fertilizer (well aged), even more leaf compost and did a couple of major rock patrol trips this Fall. Still have more rocks to pick up but it looks much better than it did.

The intention is to bury the vines to hopefully control vine bores next Spring. Dunno if it will work or not but either way it will promote root growth.

I've also dug 3 pits, my soil seems to be right for it. With all the rocks in there and organic stuff, it should provide enough drainage for these pits. They are in a triangle in the middle of the patch. Next season vine control is going to be a huge factor in the space.

I've got three plants that I will be planting instead of four from last year and two the year before that. I'm hoping for bigger and better things and hope for some really good weather again this Summer. A bit more rain would be nice, natural rain water does wonders for plant growth, and that was a big factor this year.

Here's hoping for a good patch next Spring! Boy it's going to be a long Winter.

In the meantime, I'm going to practice germinating some of my seeds so I won't have any unexpected delays germinating too.

12/1/2007 2:43:44 PM

moro (sergio)

Cologne Brescia Italy

drip watering sistem, more compost,to lift the orgamic matter level,careful for disease,acid umic, and brak the bum of the moles, more luck, and less work, but for this last I see hard!

12/1/2007 2:47:40 PM


Newmarket, NH USA

I added 10 yards of 1 to 2 year old cow manure and also a pile of maple leaves that I shredded up with my mower as fine as sawdust then tilled in after shredded it was about 5 inches worth or 3 full grown maple trees worth. I never had a fall soil test done as the ground is frozen solid now. I will have to do it early in spring. I have found in the past this does not change things to much so I should be ok if I test early in March.

12/2/2007 6:16:49 PM


porterville, calif.

Work harder in the patch. Raise the organic matter. Just keeping at it.

12/2/2007 9:37:06 PM

Eric Peterson


This is new to me so I am reading everything I can on the message board to get as much advice as I can. I have a local grower that I hope to talk to soon as I can, and I am trying to get manure to put on my garden spot before it is to late. Pending spring soil test I will adjust as needed and hope for the best possible seeds to plant. With a lot of luck I can join many of you with your 1 TON GIANTS!!!!!
best of luck every one.

12/3/2007 11:40:30 AM



Burring vines, more amendments, maybe hoop house for early spring. Then again I might join the army again, if so I don't know if they have a garden plot available in iraq. A constant recording of rocky's theme, chariots of fire, the olympic theme as soon as I set foot in the patch, so I'm fired up, determined to frow a giant pumpkin.

12/3/2007 4:04:28 PM


Salem, OR

I'm going to:
1. use more mycorrizal fungi
2. keep adding coffee grounds all winter
3. start one week earlier to get longer main vine
4. hook up the watering tank--warm water
5. apply molasses and compost tea

12/15/2007 11:19:44 AM

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