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Subject:  Need some great seed from you!

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Brooks B


Mr jutras, Mr Rose, Quinn, Mr wallace, Pukos, Stelts and Starr, send me all your seeds, Since they are you seeds, and they are great seeds that most every grower wants to grow, I will grow them also. But since they are your seeds it only proper that you email me for my address as to where to send your seeds to. You must use all your own mailing supplies and send them to me right away with out delay!. After I get the seeds I will then pay for the stamps and send you back a seed from my 300lber.

12/11/2008 9:02:32 AM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia


12/11/2008 9:09:47 AM



You have to be more assertive brooks, when I request a seed I go right to the persons house and pound on the door tell someone answers.

12/11/2008 9:16:11 AM

Brooks B


Slow down on the emails fellas!! my inbox is full, but please keep trying, I have so many requests from growers to grow their seed! but be patient, I will get to you with my address as to where you can send your seeds,,,, as soon as I get a free moment, but first let me take care of this Bill Bobier guy as to where he can send his seed to, he wants me to grow his 723.

12/11/2008 9:16:22 AM


Preston CT

If you have any extras send them my way! My address is J. Trailor, 45 SeedWhore Drive, Preston Ct 06739.

12/11/2008 9:28:22 AM

croley bend


Thats too funny Brooks. How true this is. When you get those seeds from the HH's, please send them to me also. lol. Croley

12/11/2008 9:30:06 AM

Ron Rahe (uncron1@hotmail.com)


I would also like to piggyback Brooks demands

12/11/2008 10:12:26 AM



Funny and deserving post Brooks. But you should add Hunt, Daletas and a few others

12/11/2008 10:24:12 AM

Brooks B


Excuse me for a minute fellas, ,,, Let me mE take care of this Wallace Guy that just mailed me a 1068 Wallace seed to prove out and grow for him next year.,,,,

Mr Wallace, I just received your seeds that you sent to me, Unfortunately I couldn't read the chicken scratch you put on the envelope for your address, so Im forced not to send you your money back for the stamps, I might also be forced to send back to you the 1068 Wallace (if I can find it) and not grow it for you, get someone eles to prove it out is all I can say.
I hope this will teach you a lesson the next time, but until you learn how to write legibly on a bubble that you send me Ill be forced not to grow any more of your seeds.

Thank you,

12/11/2008 10:43:13 AM

Brooks B


Sorry again fellas, this will be my last post, then I can get back to all your emails, so if Im not getting back to you in a timely fashion please be patient with me. But first let me take care of this guy named Quinn, I think hes from Pa, but cant really tell on the bubble because it looks like he wrote his address down using a piece of broken crayon, but anyway, let me take care of him first.

Mr Quinn, the seeds you sent me took longer then I expected to reach my destination , since this is the case, just like Mr Wallace, I will be forced, (not by choice of my own, but by the entire pumpkin community) to never have you send me seeds again to grow for you. This was a disgrace to all pumpkin growers all over the world, and I'm sure after them reading my post they will never want to grow a 985 or any of your seeds again.

The next time you want to send me Werner seeds you ask me first!

Thank you and grow em big.
B. Bosworth

12/11/2008 11:00:50 AM



Brooks,i just emailed you for some of your famous seeds.Will send money upon recieving.P.s. could you loan me a 20? will reimburse for that along with seed shipping cost as soon as everything arrives.

12/11/2008 11:25:23 AM


St Matthews, SC


12/11/2008 11:47:36 AM

Pennsylvania Rock


I think I just peed a little laughing so hard...

12/11/2008 12:55:00 PM

Mr.D & Me



12/11/2008 1:07:21 PM

Mr.D & Me


Brooks did you get that $20 i mailed you?
wasnt sure how much money to mail you (hope $20 is enough)didnt want to send you to much money for gas.the price of gas has falling the last couple of weeks.
If you need more gas money will hook you when you arrive here with my seeds (just keep your receipts).
cant take the chance of the seeds getting lost in the mail.
thanks Brooks :)

12/11/2008 1:22:18 PM



Brooks are you smokin again??

12/11/2008 1:26:16 PM

Pumpkin Farm

Going Green

Hey Brooks...you are a really funny guy! Can I send you some seed from the pumpkins I grew in 2008? I would not ask for an envelope or postage and that is because I would like others to grow my seeds.

You seem to not understand that what I am saying is that the SASE system has problems. The envelope could get lost. The amount of postage is increased because you put stamps on the envelope required to send an envelope. Many people would not mind recieving the money rather than the SASE. I am saying there should be, could be a better way! Do I know how to improve the program no I don't but I venture an opinion to encourage thought and you beat your chest to tell me I am wrong. It has been said by others on bigpumpkins that some of the people here take themselves to seriously. Give a guy a break. Lets try to improve the wheel not tear it down. I am thankfull for this forum and the opportunity to learn and experience. I would appreciate any helpful constructive opinions and ask that you be polite and consider that there may be a better way to get the seeds out! When selling a pumpkin I am told that the rate should be in accordance with the weight. A 100 pounder should be worth 10 cents a pound. A 200 pounder 20 cents a pound. A 800 pounder 80 cents a pound etc. It was suggested that a person put his seeds on ebay and charge 99 cents and postage. The Idea is good but not great because you have to pay ebay.

12/11/2008 1:40:47 PM

Pumpkin Farm

Going Green

I purpose that if you have a 500 pounder and will mail it out to me that I will send you $5.00 if you have a 800 pounder and will mail it out to me I will pay $8.00 and so on. There is nothing wrong with you getting a little money for your fertilizer fund. The $8.00 minus a buble and stamps (approximate $1.20) would mean that you would be able to put $6.80 in the fertilizer fund and make a friend and spread some joy! Many of my pumpkin friends send me Tall corn or Sunflower or AG seed for free and I them. We are friends and we don't see the need to send SASE. Thats us...you don't want to do it that way, thats ok. I am not asking for something for nothing. It is worth something to me to get a great seed. I will grow it and I will follow up with the person who sent it to me by email and by mail and let them know how the seed did. I am simply saying there should be could be a better way and if anyone can come up with one I am open to listen!

12/11/2008 1:40:56 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

swing and a miss

12/11/2008 1:45:16 PM


Long Island,New York

I vote we drop a crisp 10 dollar bill in a sasbp-envelope inside an envelope and write a nice letter....the 10 bucks will help the seed owners...and keep the collectors to a minimum.....if the not very serious seed gatherers are cut to a minimum via a small fee schedule there will be no shortage of seeds for those who think they are worth the small fee. Those that support the 10 dollar "fee" are the ones most likely to grow it anyway---they are the ones the seed owners want to get the seeds anyway.

12/11/2008 2:33:52 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

m3f2...you are retired yet don't have the time required to prepare and send out a few self-addressed bubbles inside another envelope and gosh....some stamps and a quick note??

In the time it took to read your original post and now this one, I bet you that I could have done 1/2 dozen bubble packs by now.

Don't try and change what is not broken.

12/11/2008 2:50:43 PM

pumpkinhead vic

Mt Vernon Ky

It's got to be winter LOL

12/11/2008 3:03:58 PM

Brooks B


ok Break from the emails from all these HH wanting to send me seeds to grow.
I just told Steve Daletas and Joe Pukos that I would have to put them on my waiting list for 2010 to grow their seed, Reason is because I just dont like the color of their labels they use for their seeds packs, IT MAKES ME SICK TO TELL YA THE TRUTH! but I explained to them if they wanted to still send them, that there would be no guarantee I would grow em, and also told them to take in consideration that the chances their bubble getting lost in the mail to me could be great. Even though I have only lost 1 bubble in the mail in the past 6 years ya just never know, 2009 could be the year for lost bubbles. better safe then sorry I always say.

M3ft, Listen, what is so hard about you sending a bubble to someone with 'four' 41 cent stamps on it with your return address? You do that and you wont have to worry about posting the same post 2 or 3 times about sending SASB's, it will be done, over, complete, and finished.

Try this mf3t,,,Add all your mailing supplies up for that one grower, what do you come up with?,, 3 bucks maybe total? ''cha ching!''
So what if you go over on the postage, your still getting great seeds, so in pumpkin growers reality your not losing a thing,,zero,,, nothing! Your getting a handful of great seed from a lot of great growers still for almost nothing! Even if they would send you just one seed your still making out.
Why would you want to change that for?

Im going to have to pass on the seeds M3FT, but thanks anyway. I wouldnt feel right growing your seeds after I told Jack Larue to take a hike with his seeds.

12/11/2008 4:11:19 PM


Spanish Ontario

Well said BROOKS maybe people will take notice KEN

12/11/2008 5:59:10 PM

Phil D

Annapolis Valley Nova Scotia

I would have thought that if you havn't got time to write your adress on a bubble envelope, then here is no wy you would ever have time to grow Pumpkins. Simple as that.

12/11/2008 6:16:31 PM


St Matthews, SC

Lol. well its not really relevant to say but i mean if you send the outer envelope with the growers address in the center as well as the return address it will get there anyway without postage, as it will be returned to the person you are actually sending too. lol. Not sure if it would work, i wouldnt try it. lol. This way just worry about the inside. lol

Im not really suggesting it, nor do i do it, however i heard it from somebody, however it was about how somebody sent there christmas cards, and i was like wow thats funny. Just figured id share it with yas.

12/11/2008 6:37:44 PM

paul f

Southeast Texas

m3f2 just about any hot seed you want is on a auction from a club this winter and a bunch of silent auctions too.oh yea i forgot you would wont to buy a money order or make out a check or put a stamp on it either, never mind

12/11/2008 6:48:07 PM


Woburn, MA.

Brooks that was Too funny!

12/11/2008 10:22:26 PM

Pennsylvania Rock


I just spent 2 hours - printing up labels, sticking labels on 200 coin envelopes, counting out 200 good seeds, putting one per envelope, licking each one, counting and rubberbanding them in groups of twenty, bagging them up, boxed them up, all ready to go to the NYSGPGA. The cost of coin envelopes, labels, printing cartridge, postage, and not even factoring in my time and you want to send me 3 bucks so you do not have to do any work?

What planet do you live on? By the way..This is my 3rd group (SNGPG, PGPGA, and now NYSGPGA) I have done this with - THE ENTIRE PROCESS. I could have sent 100 seeds in a bag to each group and said here they are boys.. you buy the envelopes, you do the labels, you fill and stick everything... But that would mean someone else would be doing the work and I cant put that on them!

Send the SASE Mf'r ... oh I mean m3f2, and save the HH's time!

12/11/2008 10:26:44 PM

Mr.D & Me



12/12/2008 4:30:39 AM

Brooks B


lol, thats what I been trying to tell him the last 6 time he posted about this Rocky! lol!

But Ill stop busting your chops m3f2, I think you get it, and deep down we all know your a good guy, cause
'bad people dont grow pumpkins'.


12/12/2008 5:24:40 AM

Green Angel(Cary Polka)

Grants Pass, Oregon

Rock you are too funny, is your tongue dry yet from licking all those coin envelopes closed lol

12/12/2008 9:28:37 AM

Pennsylvania Rock


I got the porckchop flavored envelopes, so it wasnt too bad... I had a side of applesauce next to everything so I had everything I needed! (The Chardonnay was helpful too!)

12/12/2008 10:27:12 AM



LOL Rocky! Hey if they can get those envelopes wine flavored, or even with some Baileys Irish Cream, I'm sold!

12/12/2008 10:35:13 AM

Mr.D & Me


Rock you killin me, Lol again!!!!!

12/12/2008 11:15:21 AM

Pennsylvania Rock


Overheard at Christine's house....

"Honey I gotta run to the liquor store, we need envelopes!"

To purchase envelopes, you need to be atleast 21 years of age.

12/12/2008 5:14:31 PM



I have secret stash Rocky for emergency purposes of course!

12/13/2008 12:01:12 PM

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