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Subject:  The cellar is being cleaned

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Caceres, Spain

As I realized that most growers are interested in only one or two seeds of my list, I decided to open the box and sell them one by one.
And taking notice as well that some growers are concerned with selling seeds out of the club auctions, and I really do not want to bother anybody if I can, I will try to not put them in ebay any more. So I will personally write to the growers of our little club of bigpumpkins.com interested in purchase any one of them.
I have to tell you that the 1068 is almost gone, and the other ones people are more interested in come in this order:
1370 Rose
845 Bobier
664.5 Liggett
1142 van Kooten
1225.4 Jutras

But in my opinion, one of the best of the list is (over all for warm countries) the 1097.5 Beachy.


2/8/2009 10:05:22 AM



I need to clear the air, and I will be using you as an example of what not to do,
Once I bring this out, I hope people will realize the trust is gone, bad situation or not, you can't do what your doing, plus putting a very bad presidence forward.

As most everyone knows this bunch of seeds has been on BP for about 2 weeks, It was offered to me, less the 1016 Daletas for 1200 euros, I did agree, and then the very next day, this collection was sold again to another grower in the US for 1300 euros, At that point I said fine, it's done, But it's now being broken up and sold on an individual seed basis.
I presume I never got the deal because I stipulated I would have the major seeds verified by the growers, I would have sent Ron Wallace the 1068, etc etc.
So if your buying a seed from this collection, BE VERY CAREFULL, have the seeds verified before you send any money. and for me lesson learned, This is the last time I will ever support an individual, Clubs, GPC, and the OAF, and nothing else.
I have never hid the fact that I have bought collections, in a few cases traded for them.
If this in any way has diminished my current standings in the community, I am sorry, But I will take the heat on this, If this costs me my seat on the GPC, I can understand that to, and please don't ask for the name of the other people biddding or indicating interest in these seeds, as you will not get it from me...


2/8/2009 5:33:42 PM



sorry bad wording, meant to say I will only support clubs, GPC and OAF


2/8/2009 5:37:17 PM



eddie.ive watched u on here for years.i know u r dedicated...and very generous..IM WITH U 100%..............

2/8/2009 5:52:24 PM


Rapid City, SD

amen eddy.....agreed.......been to many seeds traded that were not the seed as advertized.

2/8/2009 6:46:28 PM


Long Island,New York

So lemme get this straight....you had a deal....then he made a different better for him deal after agreeing to your deal? Bad Carlos...bad. Fear of verification?....I think it would be very simple for Ken to decide he doesn't want this kind of issue on his website.....

2/8/2009 8:20:40 PM


Sparta, NC

Eddy your a stand up guy in my opinion. You are an asset to the hobby. You may buy collections but I know you also give alot of seeds away too.

2/8/2009 8:25:26 PM

Jordan Rivington (JRO)

Windsor, Ontario, Canada


IF you were really a part of "our little club of bigpumpkins.com" you would NEVER sell those seeds...especially the 1068....


No AG grower would ever sell those seeds. Money has no bearing....which has been proven by growers spending $500-1000 on a 998, etc., so please do not insult the general AG population.

No offence intended.

2/8/2009 11:25:06 PM


Dillsburg, PA

Eddy just curious - How many seeds do you have in your "collection"?

2/9/2009 5:08:41 AM


Rhode Island

Thanks for filling us in on something we suspected all along. Greed or even worse? possible deception.

Its no wonder the club seed promos,auctions and raffles are such a success.People know with relative certainty that the seeds that clubs put forth are the real deal.

2/9/2009 7:04:44 AM



Jeff, My collection consists of 3000 seed envelopes, some have 1 seed some 2, This is down from 4000 I had before I did the OAF drive, I consistently get requests for old, hard to find seeds, which do get to see dirt instead of sitting in a sock drawer.
I have made a point of holding on to 2 of each of the "hot seeds" from 1997 to present, and this is for future genetics.
Out of all the seed packets, at least 60% are from pumpkins under 500 lbs, which nobody wants.

2/9/2009 10:09:34 AM

Dave & Carol

Team Munson

I hope you can see that at the very least with this deal your integrity has been totally shot. Even if this doesn't affect your money making scheme from selling seeds given by the generosity of others. I will ask all growers to abstain from giving 1 red cent for your seeds.

The only way to stop this is to JUST SAY NO to these people. You have even prolonged this to affect club auctions and that is reprehensible in my book.

I love the posts from Eddy, Jordan, Glenn, Sam, Dick etc... proving the majority of us put integrity above personal gain for the betterment of the sport!!!

2/9/2009 10:59:47 AM

Andy W

Western NY

Eddy, If your seed collecting activities were a secret, it was a poorly kept secret, lol.

I don't think anyone has or will ever question your character on seed related issues or anything else for that matter. If anything, something like this is what we all thought would happen eventually. And although no direct allegations of fraud are being made, we will likely see that situation someday.

2/9/2009 11:07:59 AM


Dillsburg, PA

Wow Eddy- that is pretty awesome. I might hit you up for some-lol.

2/9/2009 12:01:56 PM

paul f

Southeast Texas

at first i emailed carlos for the price's on some of them seeds,but after eddy let the cat of the bag,i'd never buy any seed,exept from club's and auction's

2/9/2009 1:16:03 PM

Duchezeau JL

Sancoins / Cher / FRANCE

I find it pitiful of benefited from seeds that growers offered you for this passion, without the help of the growers, it is seeds would have of the being returned to their owner it seems to me normal. You rotted our confidence.
Excuse my English, but I am very disappointed, I began this passion with Rock Rivard and to have to send my first seeds and to have made known myself full of growers.
Jean louis

2/9/2009 2:36:56 PM



Jeff, If I have something your looking for, or whatever, The worst that can happen is I won't have it, So ask.

The support on this and the private emails is far beyond my expectations, Thank you all

2/9/2009 2:37:54 PM


Nova Scotia

i know eddy helped me out my first year,i send a bubble and he filled it.for someone to do that for someone they don,t even know i would say he is a pretty nice guy.and the seeds i get i would never sell.

2/9/2009 2:38:19 PM


Joliet, IL

don't sweat it. you are the best ambassador that this hobby has going for it and the most generous grower i have ever known or heard of with their seeds. keep up the great work.
jeff shenoha

2/9/2009 5:29:07 PM

Mr.D & Me


I agree Jeff,Eddy has been very kind to many,many growers!

2/9/2009 6:38:58 PM


Darfield, British Columbia, Canada

I agree as well. One of the best spokes persons for the pumpkin growing world. I said it the first time that supposed "seed list" was put out. If your not gonna plant then and your not trying to hold on to some great genetics then give them away or in the case of some seeds they should go back to the one who grew them. Mainly the hint around asking for the 1068 back. A big thumbs up to Eddy again.

2/9/2009 10:58:40 PM

Bohica (Tom)


All I can say is Wow, Eddy you are truely one of the greats bro, your integrity and reputation proceeds you bro.

2/10/2009 6:31:47 AM

Will Wright

Colorado Springs, Co (wtmanc3mc3@hotmail.com)

before this came out in the open, i could see your point of view to an extent. Now, you have proved yourself to be what most have suspected and thrown out all benefit of the doubt. I hope as well that you now get 0.00 moneys for these seeds. You have done wrong now in my opinion.

Eddy Z.
Class Act my friend and kudos to you. I hope everything you have done comes back to you 10,000 fold. Hell of a guy.

2/10/2009 11:22:01 AM


Caceres, Spain

It is very sad to me answer to this post.
The only thing I can say is the truth. Not any one seed has left my home yet. The sell of the collection for 1300 euros is simply a lie. I don't know if Eddy invented it or somebody told him it, but it still being a lie.
The only seed I've sold is the one I put in ebay, the 1016 and the buyer didn't write me yet.
I don't understand why Eddie wrote that, but it is even a lie that he was agree with the price of 1200 euros. I keep his emails and he never said that. I hate to do this, but is very easy to broke down a reputation and very hard to stand it up again. Here you have Eddy's emails I got:
First Eddie email:
This is Eddy Zaychkowsky

I will take anything you have, and I will get them to growers, and anything I get will go to the Orange Angel Foundation, Coats for kids

I have helped many growers and would continue with your great seeds

I am also open to a monetary donation to you

Please let me know


Second Eddi email:
Sorry Re read

I will give you $1000.00 for the seeds, as you have them listed


A no more email have come.

2/10/2009 2:32:14 PM


Caceres, Spain

If anyone grower has pay me something, please say it here.
But not more rumours and not more lies.
If I change the way of selling them was only to try to adapte me to the will of the growers and content them.
I tell you something:
I can sell one seed and people can not like it. No problem. But I never will think to sell a seed twice, nor change it or any other trick. I am not in business with this sport; I only wanted what I said, to clean my cellar and give a great seeds the oportunity of get the ground and some good growers to get those genetics I selected from the last years. And if I could make a little of HONEST money with it, ok.

I am very dissapointed with this. But I learnt: business is not my best. At least I am better in my job, school teacher.

2/10/2009 2:41:13 PM



Finally a reply, Now absolutely that is the emails I sent, Then I sent this one (below),Then after that came his reply, Please Carlos, for your own sake leave it at this.
This is proof without a doubt, and I'm done.

Actually it works out to $1,900 Canadian dollars, But I will take your offer at $1200.00 Euro's \\
I will send money order to you
-----Original Message-----
From: Carlos [mailto:paskinel@telefonica.net]
Sent: February 2, 2009 1:12 AM
To: J.E.T. Ventures
Subject: Re: Seeds
Hello Eddy,
Thank you for your fast answer and your good offer. I appreciate your interest very much. This moment is a little complicated for me and I am trying to do the best.
I realized I don't want much complication and ebay's bids need too much time, mental and fisically. I've got some very good requests with high numbers. So I will offer the whole bunch (except the 1016 which is already in ebay) to you and the other people who wrote me in the same order than te mails I've received, and the first positive answer or the biggest one will take them all. Seeds are:
845 Bobier
1068 Wallace
1370 Rose
664.5 Liggett
1097.5 Beachy
1225.4 Jutras
1142 Van Kooten
1182 Daletas
961 Daletas
582 Hester
707 Toftness
And the price for them all is 1200 euros, not much more than what you have thougt. I know it is a good money, but they deserve it.
Good luck!
Carlos Perez

2/10/2009 4:04:54 PM


Caceres, Spain

Oh, my God, I wonder how can anyone invent that my seeds were sold by 1300 euros??!! I really don't know if Iceman invented it, somebody told him about another collection an all it was a mistake or somebody else create this lie, but I prefer to think that this man was confused by others than anyother thing. I do not tend to think bad of people, and less of the GP growers, from whom I only have received but love, advices and support for many years.
And this was the proof:

And last:
What I say is this, and I hope it will end all the evil talks:
If anyone still believing in the honesty of the offer and want to get any one of the seeds, I will send them before seeing any money. The grower can show the seeds to any one he/she likes, can compare with others, visit the father of the seeds or test them in the way he/she likes. If the seed pass the exam, I expect the money we agree to be sent before jun, if not, I'll pay the post back.
If nobody wanted them, I will send all the collection to my friend Jake van Kooten and he can plant them, trade them or store them as long as he likes.

Carlos Perez Hernando
Av. Espana, 11
10004 Caceres
(This is the place where everybody knows me and my honesty)

2/10/2009 4:11:56 PM


Caceres, Spain

Iceman, I never got that last e-mail from you. Had I, I would take your offer instead of breaking the collection in individual packets. Or did I answered you???
So, if you can, tell here whom I sold them for the 1300 euros you talk about. If not, as you say, live it. Because you have made enough damage.

2/10/2009 4:20:24 PM



Carlos I said I was done but you asked
I will never mention that person's name, but it was not the only one, Here is a sentence out of another email:

I just read your post about the seed collection that Carlos is selling. I myself contacted him about the 1370 Rose in the collection, only to receive an e-mail saying that he had been offered 1200 Euros for the entire collection, and I would have to give a better offer to get the 1370 Rose.

Now then another response from you After I asked to have the seeds verified:
-----Original Message-----
From: Carlos [mailto:paskinel@telefonica.net]
Sent: February 7, 2009 12:07 PM
To: J.E.T. Ventures
Subject: Re: Seeds
Hi Eddy,
As I realized that most growers are interested in only one or two seeds of my list, I decided to open the box and sell them one by one.
The 1068 is by now over 500 €
The other big one, the 1370 Rose is in 400 €
The 845 is in 300 €
The rest are in 200 each one
I know the price is high, but people are very interested

2/10/2009 4:31:18 PM



Please reread my post above, Then read all our emails, we have just posted, I have not deviated from the truth, I stand behind what I said, and I will do it again and again.

2/10/2009 4:35:46 PM

Jeremy B

Dresden, Ohio

I also contacted Carlos about the seeds, and here is the reply I received on February 2nd:

Hola Jeremy,

Thank you for your answer en español. I appreciate your interest very much. This moment is a little complicated for me and I am trying to do the best.
I realized I don't want much complication and ebay's bids need too much time, mental and fisically. I've got some very good requests with high numbers. So I will offer the whole bunch (except the 1016 which is already in ebay) to you and the other people who wrote me in the same order than te mails I've received, and the first positive answer or the biggest one will take them all. Seeds are:

845 Bobier
1068 Wallace
1370 Rose
664.5 Liggett
1097.5 Beachy
1225.4 Jutras
1142 Van Kooten
1182 Daletas
961 Daletas
582 Hester
707 Toftness

And the price for them all is 1200 euros. I know it is a good money, but they deserve it.

Good luck!

Carlos Perez

2/10/2009 5:55:55 PM

giant pumpkin peep


I would like to say you sorta shot yourself in the foot by acusing eddy...He is one of the best people this sport has

2/10/2009 6:09:51 PM



Please can this be put to bed, without a bunch of comments, either way, A bad deal surfaced, it's been aired, Now let's get on with life, and Carlos good luck in yours.

2/10/2009 6:19:46 PM


Caceres, Spain

You can show many more emails like that, because I gave this offer to any one who wrote me the second time, maybe 40 emails. But I didn't finish any arrangement, take any money neither send any seed yet.
I was just trying to make a home auction as well as I could. Which I did for the first time (and the last, you can be sure). Sorry if that way produced any confusion. The only thing I want you to clear Eddy is that odd business you mention about that I have sold the whole collection for 1300 euros. This is what I say is a lie.

2/11/2009 1:46:50 AM

The Pumpkinguru

Cornelius, Oregon

Carlos, On the 582 Hester seed, what is the seed number? I keep track of every seed that leaves my home. I even go so far as to write an ID on every seed that comes into my home and even note who I received it from if it was not from the original grower of the seed.

Eddy, thank you for everything you do for the sport. You get the seeds in the hands of the people who want them. Back in the day this was my number 1 calling so I can appreciate the work involved when you get the hundreds of calls, emails and letters for just being a 'seed distributer'

2/12/2009 3:09:36 PM


Boise Idaho

i live in boise idaho i need seeds for next year i have a vine eight feet long this year

7/11/2010 12:28:26 PM

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