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Subject:  Hello?..is anyone trading on this board anymore?

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Appalachian Mtns.

No activity, dead on this board.
What's up?

1/3/2003 9:17:40 PM


Aberdeen, SD

when i finally grow one i will definately be posting here for people who want em.

1/3/2003 10:29:06 PM


Pulaski Tn blkcloud@igiles.net


1/6/2003 1:41:54 PM


Stafford, Virginia

Saw this for a couple of days but didn't want to respond, however it looks like a couple of others have had similar experiences in dealing with the original poster. The extensive list of seed supplied to me, and subsequent belittling of my meager, naive offerings for trade, made me wonder how someone could possibly "grow" that many when I have my hands full with four plants. I detected more of a profit motivation rather than a furthering of AG's.

1/6/2003 3:46:45 PM


Webster, NY

I certainly could be wrong, but I think most of the growers are looking for the "big" seed to trade for. I have a few pretty good seeds, but not anything like most people ask for. Southern, what are you looking for?

1/6/2003 5:17:17 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

I am mainly looking for a 1092 Burke, same thing I've been requesting for months.
As far as "belittling" anyone's collection I don't think I have ever done that, in fact I know I haven't John. I have previously posted a message offering free seed to growers because I have recieved so much seed and in fact sent several free packs within the last week to new growers that e-mailed me. Seems to me we had several congenial e-mails John, don't quite know where that came from.
Yes, I've collected quite a bit of seed. Didn't realize that was a character fault. As quite often is the case, and as I've stated before on this site, that I may request 4 specific seed yet recieve 31 in response, as was the case yesterday when I checked my snail mail.
"Profit motivation"? I hardly think so. Has anyone on this site had contact with me where monetary compensation been discussed? I gather seed so I may then have a better selection with which to trade with. Is there a problem with sharing the wealth? There are several growers out there that I have traded 5-6 seed for every one that they trade with me. I have committed no sin and apologize for nothing.
I would suggest that if there are growers out there that feel they have had "bad" experiences with me to state that in private e-mails to me and not in a public forum to try and slander my name. If you have some type of evidence that I may be violating some type of growers creed then I would suggest that you also state that along with your slandering, it's not very fair to make insinuations on a public board and then retreat to let others establish misinformed opinions about me.
This sort of thing most definitevly puts a bad taste in one's mouth and does NOT promote good will within the hobby.

1/7/2003 7:51:10 AM


Appalachian Mtns.

This is exactly the sort of thing I had been warned about, being too eager. People taking pot shots and thinking I might have alterior motives in my quest for seed.
To be publicly, and unfairly, accused of something I haven't done is just the reason many people merely sit back and read posts but never interact on this site.
Simply outrageous.
Goodbye and good luck to all of you in 2003.

1/7/2003 8:03:27 AM


Webster, NY

Southern, sorry you feel picked on. If I had a 1092 Burke, I'd send it your way. I guess that's easy to say since I don't have one. Good luck to you also...

1/7/2003 9:11:19 AM


Appalachian Mtns.

I can handle being "picked" on but I can't accept being accused through insinuation that I want seed for monetary gain or that I've done something I haven't. That's slanderous and shouldn't be tolerated.

1/7/2003 10:13:28 AM


Southern Illinois

sothern southern southern,there are alot of jealous people out there that will only pick on you for that reason,you have good seed,your not the only one with a bunch of good seed,every grower out there that has been around, have many seed more than you,thats why i have people sending me e mail to trade all the time, but all they want is to see my seed list,but not,most growers will not show other people there seed list,if some one wants to trade i only have 5 seed i would actually trade at this time,but i have many more seeds than 5,i dont keep the seed to sell are to trade,i keep them for the future use,if i have 4 805 pukos i will keep 2 in fridge and self 1 and sibb 1,15 yr from know your son may want a 805 sibb are self but there will not be any,but i will have some,what it all boils down to you and i have not proven our self as a great grower yet,if you were a heavy hitter and you showed the person all those seed,they would be kissing your ssa instead of givin you heck,this site was made for new people to get info and learn and to get seed,all you have done is touched some ones nerve,enjoy it,send them a copy of your seed list and say to bad dont you wish you had these seed.

1/7/2003 10:50:16 AM


Appalachian Mtns.

You're absoluely right Rick. Maybe Mr. Guth would be better served to use his time improving *his* seed list instead of slamming me for mine......

1/7/2003 12:25:19 PM


Webster, NY

I don't know the situation well, but I wouldn't worry about what one person says. If you make and keep a good reputation, that will speak for itself. I've only had one person ever ask me to trade and I had initially planned to keep that seed for awhile. So, I don't have a lot of experience in the subject. Just my opinion.


1/7/2003 1:32:53 PM


Webster, NY

I don't know the situation well, but I wouldn't worry about what one person says. If you make and keep a good reputation, that will speak for itself. I've only had one person ever ask me to trade and I had initially planned to keep that seed for awhile. So, I don't have a lot of experience in the subject. Just my opinion.


1/7/2003 1:33:16 PM


South Hill, Virginia

I used to wonder what people would do with a seemingly huge inventory of seeds so I kept a very small collection mainly from the BP.com seed page. This offseason I decided to send out requests (20 of them) to give me a few more choices for next year. Let me tell you I was not prepared at all for the response! 99% of the people were so nice and so generous it almost made me feel guilty. Not only did I get plenty of seeds I also got several nice personal notes from some very busy top growers. My seed collection is huge by my standards though I'm sure there are many larger out there. I don't think people mind sending out their seeds. Some of these guys get seed from 5 or more pumpkins a year which means they have literally thousands each year while only planting maybe ten. They may as well get them out there so maybe someone will give them a shot.

One suggestion I would make. If you are new grower and you have obtained some good proven seed you may want to sit on them a year and get your feet wet with less proven seed stock. It's easy to make mistakes early on (believe me I've made them ALL) and it's alot less painful to make those with more common seed. Last year I lost an 845 because I didn't put up a windbreak. I'll put one up this year but that doesn't mean I get my 845 back.

1/7/2003 2:28:40 PM


Long Island,New York

More than likely though Brent, you have pretty near just as good seed for planting this year. Sure, we'll always wish we had a certain seed back...but with rare exception you'll likely find another of them down the road. Some of the new unproven seed you have now will be proven and desireable in 2 years or so...there's always a hotty, and there's always a hotty to take its place. The trick is to get someone to grow your new seed to find out what it can do (AKA "prove it"..). Growers send out requested seeds cause they're nice people and they want to know what it can do. With 600 seeds in a pkn, and 5-10 fruit....there's just too many seeds ! Better to be generous with your seed to growers today ,so when they have a hottie they'll be generous with you....in pumpkins, like everything else,...what goes around comes around......

1/7/2003 2:39:57 PM


Webster, NY

The last two years I've sent out requests, and gotten the same results as you did svrichb. The people in this hobby are great. I actually had a few people this year ask me for some of my seeds. I was happy to send them out, and I think that was partly because of how I was treated.


1/7/2003 2:50:25 PM


Stafford, Virginia

Rec's from Kyle Little(southern) 1/7 @ 12:48 pm
Mr. Guth
I do not appreciate you posting a message accusing me of "belittling" your seed collection when I in fact did not. To my knowledge what contact we did have was brief and codial, nothing else. I really don't think you know anything about me to be in a position to make accusations. And to imply that my seed collection has been obtained for menetary gain is absurd. You're best served to mind your own business and concentrate on your own collection instead of putting false statements about me on a public message board. Feel free to e-mail me directly if you have a problem with me instead of hiding behind a message board post. Kyle Little

1/7/2003 4:00:00 PM


Stafford, Virginia

Rec's from Kyle Little(southern) 1/7 @ 12:48 pm
Mr. Guth
I do not appreciate you posting a message accusing me of "belittling" your seed collection when I in fact did not. To my knowledge what contact we did have was brief and codial, nothing else. I really don't think you know anything about me to be in a position to make accusations. And to imply that my seed collection has been obtained for menetary gain is absurd. You're best served to mind your own business and concentrate on your own collection instead of putting false statements about me on a public message board. Feel free to e-mail me directly if you have a problem with me instead of hiding behind a message board post. Kyle Little

1/7/2003 4:00:35 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

Hey John...I stand by that e-mail and don't care that anyone reads it. I meant every word.
Now, can YOU say something or shall you continue to hide behind cross words posted on a public board?

1/7/2003 4:51:50 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

At least I have the courtesy to send you a private e-mail and speak directly to you. The same cannot be said of yourself.

1/7/2003 4:53:21 PM



Wheres all the love??????

1/7/2003 5:28:24 PM


Ankeny, Iowa

Aren't we all so nice to eachother?

1/7/2003 7:10:05 PM


Deer Park WA

Try test germinating a few seeds and it will all be good again...

1/7/2003 8:22:49 PM


Stafford, Virginia

Posted a PRIVATE reply 1/7 1:52 PM.
but it's over the 2000 character limit -
so if you are interested I'll forward it - however none of this is worth it or productive. I have contributed a few times over the past year and read(most w/o any comment)almost everything on the BP. The few times I have discussed seeds with others it has been very cordial. Why the original,original,original inquiries here went so wrong and turned accusatory I don't know.
My PRIVATE email finished with : "it would be to both of our better interests to cease communicating, +/or responding to each other's postings in the future.
SIGNED, second year grower, trying to improve stock, that failed to get any pumpkins past #50, that hasn't lost interest in still trying." John

To all others I offer my sincere apologies for wasting good time/space on this issue. I will remain cordial, positive and trustworthy. Amen

1/7/2003 8:33:42 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

OK, I'm making 2 more posts then I'm done with this stupid, immature stuff. the guy makes no sense and he lies....here's his e-mail messgae and then I'll post my reply. Good riddance to him after that.
-----Original Message-----
From: Guth, John [mailto:Guthj@VMCMAIL.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 1:52 PM
To: 'kylelittle@earthlink.net'
Subject: RE: BP.com post

Sorry you feel that way but if you'd review our email conversations of last
month it wouldn't be too difficult to come to my same conclusion.
I was not hiding behind a message board but was noticing almost no responses
to the "lack of interest" posting of yours. If you look at the other couple
of replies to that posting (before me) you can detect some finger jabs as
The last contact we had was the conclusion of a pretty disorganized attempt
at trading.
I initially responded to a general invitation to trade, which led to you
forwarding me a long list of seed - I responded with my interest and what I
had to offer 644Gad, 608Gad plus explained that my seed was limited by
variety and that I was willing to work out trying to buy, if you weren't
interested in what I had - that I had obtained(free), what I did have, from
the seed exchange - then you responded with a terse note about not
appreciating me trying to be try to pull something over on you - in that
same discourse you made some dispariging remarks about Gadberries not being
worthy of trade as he doesn't have any #1000's to his credit.
I lost interest in pursuing further discussions and declined an offer to
pick something of your list and said thanks some other time.
You then came back with another reply, to an earlier posting of mine, asking
me what I was trying to pull by accusing me of some sort of further

1/7/2003 10:44:33 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

My final reply, good night to all. Happy pumpkins!
-----Original Message-----
From: Kyle Little [mailto:kylelittle@earthlink.net]
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 6:36 PM
To: Guth, John
Subject: RE: BP.com post

You know john, I'm not quite sure where you got some of your story but it's
certainly not from me. If you offered to buy seed from me then yes, I would
have turned you down.
Your misrepresentation came when you inferred you had some selfed seed but
then wouldn't be specific as to what pumpkin and weight it came from. You
beat around the bush with me, sure it caused a red flag. You eventually said
it came from a 300 lber Gadberry; to which I replied thanks, but no thanks,
I have that seed and it was not the same as the seed you were referring to,
probably the 1092 Burke. I most certainly did not put down Gerry's seed,
what I said was that it wasn't the 1092....which is the post I had out that
you were replying to. Now, maybe it's just me but I sensed a bit of
misrepresentation there.
If the same situation were to occur again I would respond the same. Seed
trading "rules" dictate that the parties be up front and forthright, you
were not.
If you want to publish then fine, or I can. I remind you that you're the one
that posted a defamatory post, not me. I did not ask or provoke it, you
initiated it.

1/7/2003 10:45:36 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

And I was mistaken, the seed in question was a 1026 Holland.
Now that this has been beat to death and everyone's sick of reading it I bid farewell from this message thread.
Good luck to all in '03.

1/7/2003 10:48:47 PM


Deer Park WA

Kyle Little, I sent you my very best seeds in hopes you would plant them, and grow a beautiful pumpkin. I see they were only trade materials to you. John Guth I recieved your bubble pac today in the mail with no note, no seeds, no kiss my ass, no nothing just an empty gimme bag. I will not be sending ANY seeds to you two EVER again. Sorry I haven't cracked 1000 pounds yet, maybe the 4th year is a charm.

PS. Kyle I hope you didn't trade off the Calendula flower seeds my wife (who paid the postage) sent to your wife.

You guys are the reason I am closing the "Gadberry's" shop for any more free message board seeds. I hope your real proud of your accomplishments..........

1/8/2003 12:06:34 AM


Deer Park WA

Ps. The smallest AG I have ever grown out was 410# and the largest was 651#...

1/8/2003 12:12:50 AM


South Hill, Virginia

This is how we pass our offseason....*sigh*

1/8/2003 8:11:48 AM


Myrtle Creek, Oregon

Remember people,
this is just growing pumpkins (ya right, Duh!)I have seen Kyle's list and it is impresive, I didn't have any seed he wanted But he offered me 2 seed's of my choice from his list which I thought was very generous, I have decided I have more than enough seed from people that I realy have no need for more this year.
I hope everyone has that special seed they want to grow this season, so lets get back to it.(growing pumpkins that is).
H-K-J <;-)

1/8/2003 10:26:50 AM

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