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Subject:  Looking for 714 & 835 Bobier 02

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Looking for above seed, e-mail private if you have & want to trade.

1/26/2003 11:50:47 AM


canal winchester ohio

I was hoping for the same thing Bill. I sent Mr. Bobier a mailer with some of my seed in it with hopes of getting a seed or 2 back ( nothing major,just a seed or 2 ), but when it came back it didn't have a single seed, BUT it did have a note telling me where I could buy those 2 seeds. I probably shouldn't have said anything, but that hurt a little.......

1/26/2003 2:24:39 PM

island orange

van isle b.c. canada

what happened to your seed paul?

1/26/2003 2:38:11 PM

Don Quijot

Caceres, mid west of Spain

You were lucky, Paul, to get at least an answer, other ones only got silence.

1/26/2003 2:46:54 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

All I've ever gotten was silence.
I know I can be a bit persistent and pesty, but a simple NO would have at least let me know *something*.
His wife is very pleasant to talk with however.

1/26/2003 3:26:22 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York

I got the same thing back from Mr. Bobier. But i was at least happy that he sent me a letter back stating why he had no seeds. I have sent seeds and bubble packs out and never heard a word. So a letter saying something, is better than nothing at all.

1/26/2003 4:07:58 PM


Puyallup, WA

The "heavy hitters" won't say it, so I will!! They are "bombarded" with requests day after day, week after week, month after month ....bubble packs arriving as many as ten a day. The phone rings incessantly from October to April. Not only do they have family and health challenges like the rest of us, but they have pumpkin organizations to deal with as well as growers from all over the world calling at all hours of the day and night. It is overwhelming to many! And you know what....it starts to get "old" after the second year. Many are retired. They do not receive any money for their efforts. If so, they could hire someone to fill all the seed work of collecting, cleaning, drying, packaging, labeling, addressing, stamping and standing in line at the Post Office. Bottom line....it ain't fun any more!
How many of you would continue to grow pumpkins if you had a line of "beggers" ringing your doorbell day after day?
I'm saying that it gets "old" even if they are "friendly beggers"!

Let the wrath begin!!

1/26/2003 4:27:09 PM



I'd have to say that Stan has a point. It must be a great deal of work & the rewards only last as long as the seeds. It would be foolish to send out every seed. But that still leaves an awful lot to mail. And I doubt even the most prolific pumpkin ever produces enough seeds to fill all the bubble packs that must arrive. A rather ironic reward for reaching the front of the pack it seems.

Perhaps when a grower reaches that level of stature, their best bet would be to make a public disclosure statement on a board such as this indicating that ALL of their surplus seeds will go to some of the various growers associations (or websites-hint,hint) for disbursement. The groups would then gain larger financial rewards (through auctions & such) & the burden of sorting & mailing would fall to them in exchange.

Joe Pukos just made a similar announcement that I thought was very gracious & tasteful & cost him nothing. To mail everyone an appology or explaination would cost $.37 each & serve no greater service unless a grower wasn't online.

Just a thought.

1/26/2003 4:58:59 PM


canal winchester ohio

I'm not mad about it, it's more like a look into the future if ya know what I mean. I've gotten letters back before stating that there were few seeds & they were sorry they couldn't send. And I have no problem at all with that, & I understand completely. But it's a little different to say sorry I can't send, but if you want to buy them you can.
Like I said, just a glimpse into the future.

1/26/2003 5:10:44 PM


Puyallup, WA

You must have read my mind! I, too, feel that the regional clubs could distribute the "heavy hitter" seeds.
In fact, they could distribute all seeds!!! It would make it much easier for a grower to mail a total of 12 packages and have the organizations do all the labeling and packing the seeds into individual coin envelopes. It sure would spread the work around and make for much less "hassle" for the grower. Yes, growers may send more seed to their own organization, but then organizations could trade among themselves to "level the field".

What about this idea?

1/26/2003 5:33:20 PM

Andy W

Western NY

i think grower's groups are the way to go. i only had a little over 400 seeds in each of my 2 biggest pumpkins. the PGPGA was first on the list to get seeds, no matter what. i just have to support the weighoff that i go to, and this is the easiest and best way. this website, as well as the port elgin group and a few smaller growers organizations were next on the list. after all the requests had been filled, i'm now down to about 2 dozen seeds from my 917, and there's still a few people i want to give seeds to. wouldn't it be easier if these things had more than 1000 seeds in them?


1/26/2003 5:48:05 PM



Of course if all desirable seed was to end up in the growers asscoaitions possesion, then all these seeds would cost money. Either via raffle tickets or auctions, folks who wanted seed would have to ante up. But then they'd be on their own to trade up as the market allows. This sort of practice would also prevent hoarding of seed that will never be grown......But it would also encourage conunterfieting as the value of desirable seeds increased.....Nah...The associations would need to adopt a standardized method of packaging that could be paid for with the proceeds. This would have to include a safety seal sort of tamper evident packaging security tape. To discourage bad trades, traders would insist on only trading for properly sealed seed.

Could work out well if administered properly. After June 2004, this could be a bigger deal than it is today anyway.


1/26/2003 6:22:47 PM


Puyallup, WA

You've got your "thinkin' cap" on now, Steve!! Club distribution is the way to go! It is a "win-win" idea!

1/26/2003 7:49:33 PM

Drew Papez apapez@sympatico.ca


I talked to Bill a few weeks ago and he has two garbage bags full of bubblepacks. As you have suggested above that seeds be donated to their organization. Thats what Bill has done, he gave some seeds to Ray Waterman. Some organizations charge a membership, raffle, auction etc. Ray sells his seeds and he has done nothing wrong. Bill's seed counts were down this year and there was no way he would have been able to fill all the requests this year. For people that have heard nothing he is still probably answering all the requests, since I got my bubblepack back last week. Bill hasn't done any wrong here, give him a chance. Yes I did receive one seed from each pumpkin this year and I am grateful, Bill and I have traded seeds now for several years and talk regularly at seminars and weigh offs.


1/26/2003 9:48:14 PM

Tom B


I've been on both sides of the fence. 600 pounds to almost 1100 pounds. Seed requests are overwhelming. Beggers cant be choosers. I thought it would be fun....it was the first 100 packages....now it is no fun, my studies are getting neglected, and I spend at least 2 hours a day on seeds. Not to mention spending SEVERAL hundred dollars on paper, labels, coin envelopes, and more coin envelopes, inadequate postage, 6x9 envelopes, bubble wrap....want more? Ive not gotten seeds in the past, so I know what that feels like....but this year I am on the other side. Both sides suck.

I dont mind spending my time. I dont have a family to support or anything like that. That is why I made the genetics offer.

Give the guy a break!
Tom Beachy

1/27/2003 12:33:13 AM


Puyallup, WA

For starters, I will bring the idea of club distribution to the PNWGPG Board of Directors at our Spring meeting if not earlier. It is going to take some time to "hammer out the details" and have agreements among the clubs. I see this as our best opportunity of heading off the "challenges" of 2004 when the Dill PVP expires.

1/27/2003 1:43:54 AM

Don Quijot

Caceres, mid west of Spain

Hey Stan, you really got to scare me. What am I going to do next year after getting a 12 hundred pounder and the European record to find time enough to answer all the predictable requests??!! Better not to think on it, I'll keep my mind in seed selection (I am beginning to think that subject is worse than sending bubbles) and patch spring preparation.

1/27/2003 4:01:02 AM

Don Quijot

Caceres, mid west of Spain

Oh I think I found the solution!: will pay a secretary, young, beauty and kind; money never is problem.

1/27/2003 4:02:37 AM


Tipp City, Ohio

I for one appreciate those who freely give seeds. Otherwise, I would not be trying(again) to grow the Atlantic Giants. Personally I recieved seeds this year from three individuals and maybe one more, as well as, BP.com. Those were the only "requests" that I sent out and I am gratefull for their kindness.

I hope to be able to send seeds back to those who gave me this and last year. Also, to give seeds to those who wish to grow them....Tom

1/27/2003 11:05:25 AM


Webster, NY

I agree with Tom. All a person on my side of the fence is ask. If I get an answer, that's great. If I get a seed, that's better. However, If for some reason I don't get an answer, I don't take it personally.

And Tom, don't neglect your studies. They should always come first. (Of course that's what I say to my kids and they don't listen to me, so there's no reason for you to either). Do the best you can and good luck with the school work.

1/27/2003 11:26:46 AM


canal winchester ohio

Hey Bantam( Tom), don't forget to grow that green one for your son. That boy has good taste with colors (green)...lol..Paul

1/27/2003 11:42:35 AM

Drew Papez apapez@sympatico.ca


If you were to donate all your seeds to associations, then you would be paying for seeds thru membership fees, raffles etc. Bill did fill out quite a few requests and gave some to Ray. So I don't see this being any different then what you are already proposing Stan. I like the idea of swapping seeds with other growers and I think your over reacting to the patent expiring. Nothing will change, because your still swapping unproven seeds. And for all the organizations to do what you are proposing will lead to the associations having too many seeds and no one willing to pay for them. Part of the fun is swapping seeds and I too have been on both sides of the fence and it keeps me occupied during the winter stuffing all the seed requests. I received 150 this year and over 150 last year. What you are proposing will eliminate some of the fun and this hobby would lose something.


1/27/2003 12:03:55 PM


Montoursville, PA

I can just see a voluntary secretary in charge of seeds looking at ten ten thousand requests. Can't see how transfering the responsibility from many to one would relieve the stress unless the seeds can be sold. Now if somehow there would be $100,000.00 income associated with ten thousand requests the business of collecting and reselling might work.

....My observation is that this hobby will grow at least 10% a year. By 2005 what would the increased request picture be? By 2010??

....Maybe just letting free enterprise take its natural course would be the best bet. Seems like that is begining to happen as we speak.

....If 40 1000 pound growers and 40 500 - 999 formed an association of sellers there could now be 20,000 seeds for sale. 20,000 X 25.00 = $500,000.00 Now there is a small business that might work! Would 20,000 seeds sell at an average of $25.00 each? Why would they? Why can not Mr. Dill get that now for his premium seed? Could anyone?

1/27/2003 1:20:14 PM


Tipp City, Ohio

Don't worry, I am going to plant one of your seeds for me. My son will plant his own seed from you and take care of it as much as he can other than the insecticides. I'm sure he will grow one larger than I. lol. Thanks again for the green.

I'm also planting at least one from the others that sent me seeds this year. That is why I only "requested" from a couple individuals. If I sent out more requests than that, and plant a seed from each then I would be way over my head...Tom

1/27/2003 1:59:07 PM



__Jan. 17, 2003_____________________________
995.9 Carter $41.00 Mudflap
960 Rose $85.00 Iceman
1230 Daletas $130.00 Ned
869.5 Calie $75.00 ?
790 Daletas $160.00 Jim
801.5 Stelts $300.00 minimum not met

___Jan. 18,2003_______________________
1028 Hester $51.00 Mudflap
582 Hester $125.00 hapdad
805 Pukos $175.00 Ned
611.5 Hetser $80.00 Madman
940 Mombert $150.00 Chris
845 Bobier $300.00 minimum not met

___Jan. 19, 2003________________________
801.5 Stelts $325.00 nevus
845 Bobier $245.00 HEAVY GROWER
895.5 Hester $45.00 Tomman
1062 Rivard $52.00 Mudflap
1153 Eaton $50.00 Greywolf
1020 Kuhn $54.00 Stan
720 Parks $150.00 Vertigo
846 Calia $335.00 Stuckair
$2328/16 seeds = $145.50 each on average

If there were 10,000 pumpkins grown & each produced 400 seeds & the grower keeps 100 & dontates 300 in exchange for a charitable deduction slip then we'd have 3 million seeds.
If these are (presumeably) <1000 lbs seeds with a "street value" of only $.50 each then we've got $1.5 million. I could hire a couple nice secerataries & lease an office & a postage meter.

Now if 10% of those seeds were over 1000 lbs & could command an average street price similar to the previously mentioned seed auction (but the growers now kept half the seeds for themselves) then we have 200,000 seeds @ $145.50 each = $29,100,000.00
Now of course having this many seeds available means that the street value comes down a bit.
But I've personally paid $50 for 3 seeds at auction & even if things stabilized there, we'd be looking at over $3 million.

Who knows what will happen when the Patent expires. Maybe nothing. But let's not forget about E-Bay. I'd rather see a growers association profit from seeds for the mutual benefit of the members. Maybe that Nuclear Genetic DNA testing lab wasn't so far fetched an idea after all.

Dwaine's right though. Free markets seek their own levels.


1/27/2003 2:16:26 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

Didn't this thread start with a seed request?

1/27/2003 2:26:10 PM


Tacoma, WA

Hey...we've got to do our part to get this economy rolling again! :>) I've got to do more checking. I would not put too much faith in those numbers that have been quoted here.
More "background" work needs to be done.

Stan Pugh

1/27/2003 4:56:36 PM

John G.

derry n.h u.s.a.

LOL kyle.

1/27/2003 5:02:24 PM


Montoursville, PA

Being mentally alert to the unknown needs of others the shooters of this great and needed knowledge have provided an introverted service unlike those other boring threads who's posters apparently do not have this God given insight. Ann would be proud of us. LMAO

1/27/2003 6:06:44 PM


Appalachian Mtns.


1/27/2003 7:04:02 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

Seed, seed, seed....trade, trade, trade. I'm a 40 year old man who works full-time and goes to graduate school 3/4 time while helping raise a 5 and 7 year old. On the side I trade, trade, trade and grow, grow, grow.
I also am in the National Guard, at least until Saturday, and coach a Little League team AND run the local Little League Minor League Division.
So bring on the Southeatern regional record and all the "beggars" like me looking for the seed, it can't be any worse than what I got now. Being a sought out grower would be a nice problem to have.

1/27/2003 7:13:44 PM


Hey guy's, this has been fun but a little off original post, all I asked was does anyone have a (or more) 714 or 838 Bobier 02 that they are willing to trade. Not the future of what's going to happen after PVP expires, we all know that. & it can't be fixed at this time. LOL

1/27/2003 8:46:58 PM


canal winchester ohio

Since I directed it off base, I'll apologize......
Sorry Bill, wish I could help ya out.

1/27/2003 9:07:34 PM



Sorry Bill, But what else we gonna gripe about? My soils frozen 10" down. 7*F now & dropping to 1* tonight. I've only got seeds of much less interest than you're after. But the hankering to grow them's the same.

Kyle, Your Merit should show up tomorrow I'd guess & quit worrying, I don't think your overzealous. You wanna see the greenhouse I'm building between episodes of frostbite. All to house a couple AG's for 4 weeks. Jeez!

Dwaine, Who's Ann?


1/27/2003 9:27:18 PM

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