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Subject:  last minute seed request...

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Giant Veggies

Sask, Canada

Any one who has any of the following seeds that would like to trade or can spare to give one away. please e-mail me.

I am growing multiple plants this year and seperate ones as pollinators only, I will as well be very generous to those this fall that can help me in this endeavour.

880.0 Lloyd 1997
1230.0 Daletas 2001
1016.0 Daletas 2001
708.0 LaRue 2001
1337.0 Houghton 2002
1156.0 Larsen 2002
898.0 Knauss 2001
895.5 Hester 2000*
940.0 Mombert 1998
790.0 Daletas 2000
900.5 Lyons 1994*
846.0 Calai 1999
705.0 Stelts 1999 UOW

Giant Veggies

3/17/2003 12:37:11 PM



If anyone has an 846 they can spare me please let me know as well.

3/17/2003 12:50:33 PM



I would love an 846 also

3/17/2003 1:10:58 PM

Alun J

Liverpool , England

That also goes for everyone on the site..just to save you all putting your names foreward....lol


3/17/2003 5:21:55 PM

Giant Veggies

Sask, Canada


I don't see the humor in this, sorry maybe I'm just having a bad day but what I'm asking for I don't see as unreachable.

I have great seed to trade with thanks to the generosity of others as well as many of the heavy hitters and I as well put in numerous orders for 714 Bobier and 838 Bobier seed which I freely traded many times for seed of lesser potential. I as well have given numerous (to many to count)
great seeds to beginners and others that just needed good seed. Some of which included 1092 Burke, 805 Pukos, 723 Bobier, 838 Bobier, 714 Bobier and the list goes on.

Why because people freely gave me seed and I in turn pass on any seed someone may want that I don't plan on planting.

Which in turn I am trying to aquire seed for back-ups and pollinators.

I also will remember those who have given freely to help another grower, what is the sense of hoarding seed to let them go to waiste, if you don't plan on growing it let some one have it that will. you never know that person may grow the next 723 or 845 and who do you think will be first on the list to get seed from them.

I'll stop here as I recall Kevin Smith (Pumpkin Pirate) said it very well on the following post http://www.hort.net/lists/pumpkins/mar03/msg00143.html

So if you have any of the above seed e-mail me, I will be very generous as others have already found out.

Giant Veggies

3/17/2003 6:46:22 PM


Southern Illinois

hello veggies,i have a 1016 i will trade for a 1092 burke,i have a 790 i would trade for a 1092 and a 865 mettler,and i would do just about anything for a 940 98.

3/17/2003 7:28:23 PM



I just wanted to be third in line for the 846 if someone had any. Didn't mean to step on anyone's toes. I really apologize. I didn't want any of the other ones listed.

3/17/2003 7:30:14 PM


Western Pa.

Giant Veggies,

I also made a futile post a while back for a Bobier 845. After several "smart -ss" coments were made, 2 sincere growers actually offered to give me this seed. I now have the seed I desired, and I personally want to thank the 2 persons whom offered it up (for free). I personally know of only 4 705 Stelts seeds left,(including Stelts), and the 846 is becoming as (or more) rare. I'm sure we'd all like a Duesenburg too, only no one would ever know if we didn't tell them so!

my 2,


3/17/2003 7:43:08 PM

Giant Veggies

Sask, Canada

Heavy Grower:

I no longer have a 1092 as I gave it to someone who wanted it. If you or any one else would like a list of seed I have available for any of the above seed email me. As well any one giving me any of these seeds please email me for my snail mail and please include your snail mail as well.


3/17/2003 7:46:37 PM

Giant Veggies

Sask, Canada


You are so right, my hat off to growers like this as they are one of the reasons why this sport is so great. Also to let you know you are already on my seed giveaway list this fall Jim.

Giant Veggies

3/17/2003 7:57:27 PM

Alun J

Liverpool , England

Before I put that post up..yourself and 2 others had asked for a 846 on this posting alone...never mind the dozens of others over the last few weeks. I dont have a 846 and I'm not looking for one...and I do find it humourous. This year I have traded over 70 seeds with growers. I sent one seed to a grower because he never bid enough for it on auction a few weeks back...I was not going to grow it so he can have it..for free..I asked nothing in return. I have just sent 21 Different seeds to another grower that he needs and again I've asked for nothing in return except maybe a few of the crosses he will do with them. In the Raffle last week... I'd promised that if I won the 935 Lloyd I would give it to another grower...free again as I dont want it. And talking of Kevin Smith... I sent him some very good seed that he wanted along with the bubblepac...and if you ask him you'll find that I was the first to do that. And yes...I STILL find it humourous.


3/17/2003 8:54:55 PM



kilr, Ernie, and whoever.
I was not being a "smart-*ss"
I was being serious.
I have already apologized for wanting an 846 seed.
So what I wanted to be third in line for an 846 seed if anyone had one.
Being NEW I wouldn't know how rare they are.
You guys really know how to treat a new person.

3/17/2003 9:23:46 PM

Giant Veggies

Sask, Canada


As I said before "growers like this are one of the reasons why this sport is so great" and your generosity with others put you in this class as well, but I already knew you were and that is why I also mentioned I was having a bad day.

It is frustating though knowing there are those out there like kevin mentioned just hoard the seed.


3/17/2003 9:31:06 PM


Aberdeen, SD

azkikn ... catch yer email and lemme know ok?

3/17/2003 9:43:07 PM

Giant Veggies

Sask, Canada


Actually I don't believe we addressed your post on this thread yet,

So here goes, we know you weren't being a smart*ss and yes the 846 is a rare seed it is also in my books a better seed than the 723 Bobier. Yes the 723 grew more larger ones but the 846 grew bigger ones as in more 1100lber's than the 723 and actually us growers do know how to treat each other and 99% of us are very generous to new growers with seed and info.

Politics ??? you haven't seen nothing yet the season hasn't even began...

As far as you being third in line well at least being a new grower you do know your place... Now that was funny Alun. LMAO...


Ps. Don't forget I am still looking for the seed listed above. for you 99% that don't mind giving a guy a good seed and starting a friendship that will last a life time.
Plus don't forget If you have three 846 azkikn is third in line. ROTFLMAO...

3/17/2003 9:43:09 PM



I am terribly sorry I was just trying to have a little fun. My sincere apologies

3/17/2003 9:47:07 PM

Alun J

Liverpool , England

Yo Ernie,
I hope you get the seed...of the ones I do have on your list I will be growing myself... I traded away 940 Mombert..900 Lyons and a few others because I will not be growing them. I do have a big seed collection but it changes daily with all the trading...if I had em man..you could have em..and Diane I know your new and dont know what seed is rare. I just like to have my bit of fun and dont appologise for wanting the best seed. I Still find it humourous and my little remarks will still be seen around the site...its been a long winter..growers getting irritable...and who is 4th in line for the 846? Dont all rush at once...lol....and bad day?...well Sadam's gonna have that.


3/17/2003 10:02:21 PM

Alun J

Liverpool , England

Yo David,
Dont be sorry for having a bit of fun...we all gotta laugh sometime.


3/17/2003 10:08:26 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

My first "seed exchange"post on this site I asked for a 801.5 Stelts...geez, the response I got from one or two people was as rude and mean-spirited as it gets. There are many generous people here, and an equal # who'd like to see newbies get nothing..except the "beginners" seed.
Diane, ask for anything you want and don't feel bad about it. You have as much right as anyone else to have access to quality seed.
I haven't sent your bubble back yet, but I'll include a surprise!

3/17/2003 10:35:17 PM



David backed out that makes me in 2nd place for the 846

3/17/2003 11:30:31 PM


Western Pa.

Azkikn and the rest,

I was not adressing you or anyone else on this thread, besides Giant Veggies. Everyone is welcome at this site. I do not play politics. The point I intended to make was, that however fruitless your desire for a seed may seem, there are still good, decent people out there willing to give "the seed off their back". I agree with Alun, repeated requests for a favorite rare seed is humurous for someone who realizes just how rare they are. This site is all about having fun, education and Giant Pumpkins. Let's do just that!

3/18/2003 8:15:37 AM


Bristol, ME (stunner906@roadrunner.com)

The last thing a new person needs is to be made to feel unwelcome and inferior by being ridiculed. It's one thing to razz each other and get on them when we all know each other and have thick skin. It is quite another to get demonstrate behavior as seen in this thread when you do not even know the person. I'm sure nobody posting on here was ever new, nobody every was eager to learn. None of the guys here ever can remember when they did not know one seed from the other, how genetics worked or what OTT means. This site is for everyone, young, old, veteran and newbie and all should be treated with the same respect as you would want to be treated with. I find the comments in here toward Azkikn most disrespectful and with a total lack of respect for her feelings and her right to learn about growing pumpkins like the rest of us have. There isn't a single person that comes to this site that doesn't have something to learn and it is certainly nobody elses place to insult, ridicule or belittle another grower simply because they want to learn and may not know that a stupid seed is unattainable because those that have, get more and those that don't, find something else to plant.
I certainly hope your proud of your posts, and how you made a nice lady who wants to enjoy our hobby feel. I know I'm not very proud to be a grower when I see a display like this.

3/18/2003 8:28:50 AM


South Hill, Virginia

I am offended by the fact that some of you are so easily offended:)Its actually hard for me to believe you are actually offended by any of the above...please tell me it ain't so because I have no desire to tread so lightly.

Not only do some people get offended at the littlest thing they also get offend on behalf of someone else! I don't really like to get offended so will someone please get offended for me? Possible topics for offensive material are bald, fat, white, redneck jokes.

3/18/2003 11:09:11 AM


South Hill, Virginia

This reminds me of a meeting I recently had with some people from Richmond (Down here we call people for Richmond Yankees). We have quite a few migrant farm workers from Mexico here in South Hill and we were talking about addressing their possible educational needs (ESL, etc). Every time I referred to them as "Mexicans" one of those fresh-out-of-some-liberal-university-brainwashed-idiots would correct me with "Hispanic". That just made me say "Mexican" twice as much. Aren't people from Mexico called Mexicans? If not, someone needs to let them know because that is what they call themselves around here.

3/18/2003 11:18:24 AM



Well since Azkikn said that David pulled out and that she moved up to second, i'd like to put my bid in for third now. 846 Calai 99 wanted for the 2004 growing season. Would grow it this year but i only have room for 2 plants and i'm planting the 840 for the contest.Thanks to David for giving me that 840 seed.Greatly appreciated!!!!!

3/18/2003 1:48:04 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

Peace, love...let's get to growin' punkins!
And kickin' Saddams bu..I mean rear-end. (that oughta stir it up and change topics!) :0)

3/18/2003 2:27:30 PM

Giant Veggies

Sask, Canada


If you would carefully read the threads...

Prior to my address to azkikn I don't believe any of the post refered to her but Alun. that is why I said...
"Actually I don't believe we addressed your post on this thread yet"

and Kilr as well stated to azkikn "I was not adressing you or anyone else on this thread, besides Giant Veggies."

and further Alun wrote, "Diane I know your new and dont know what seed is rare. I just like to have my bit of fun and dont appologise for wanting the best seed"

lastly I as well tried to give some info to her by saying "we know you weren't being a smart*ss and yes the 846 is a rare seed it is also in my books a better seed than the 723 Bobier. Yes the 723 grew more larger ones but the 846 grew bigger ones as in more 1100lber's than the 723 and actually us growers do know how to treat each other and 99% of us are very generous to new growers with seed and info."

so if you can tell me where your post has any meaning in this thread please fill us in.

Oh and also, have a great growing season Stunner looking forward to more info from you this year.


3/18/2003 3:12:47 PM

Giant Veggies

Sask, Canada

I'm still looking for seeds listed above.

Giant Veggies

3/18/2003 3:13:35 PM

Don Quijot

Caceres, mid west of Spain

The only thing I can do here is to talk on my experience trading with Ernie. I am very satisfied about trading with him and can sincerously recommend anyone which is thinking on any operation of this kind to go ahead.


3/18/2003 4:31:54 PM



I think you need to re-post your wanted seeds and start a new thread.
Let this one rest in peace.
I agree with Stunner as I am sure if people really read your snide remarks would agree with him also.
So, Why not just start all over again with a new thread and I am sure that us new people will stay in our places and not post on it.
Now that was funny.

3/18/2003 5:02:18 PM

Giant Veggies

Sask, Canada

ok Coger

3/18/2003 5:05:31 PM

Drew Papez apapez@sympatico.ca


I too have given away two 846 Calai seeds this year, I didn't trade for them just gave them to the growers who wanted to grow them really bad. Also these growers are only growing 2 to 3 plants, seems to me a lot of growers are growing 10 or more plants and if you manage to get some of the seeds listed above, you will never be able to keep up and the seed will never reach its full potential. Too me this is a waste of good seeds and maybe you should try to grow more then ten plants for a year first, before committing to planting and growing rare seeds. I gave a 845 Bobier to a friend last year who grew 8 plants and he couldn't keep up and the pumpkin sufferred a split due to lack of consistent watering and I promised myself that I wouldn't do that again. Better to concentrate your efforts on a few plants then plant too many and not reach your full potential for your efforts. Just my two cents.


3/18/2003 5:09:54 PM

Giant Veggies

Sask, Canada


I agree with you fully, however my wife and father in-law are growing this year as well and we will be crossing different plants. We in no way will negelect any seed we plant as you are aware, the world record is coming Home to Canada this year.


3/18/2003 5:21:58 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

Alot of people are also growing plants just for the genetics in the seed..size is secondary. Nothin' wrong with that in my book.

3/18/2003 6:09:34 PM

Drew Papez apapez@sympatico.ca



Even the genetics in your crosses will not reach full potential because of neglect. If you don't water or prune properly your putting the plant under stress and that will reflect in the genetics of the seed. Just like a unborn child, mother doesn't take care of herself during pregnancy whp suffers( the child). I could be wrong but it does make sense. Don't see too many 200 or 300 pound pumpkins throwing 1000 pounders.Nothing wrong growing for whatever reasons but don't expect growers to give up quality seeds to growers who grow too many when they can give them to a grower they know will give it the proper care that it deserves, This whole genetic thing is still a crap shoot, 100's of genes in each seed and they have to line up perfectly with the pollinator which also has 100's of genes. Do the math, too many combinations, better off playing the lottery.


3/18/2003 6:42:42 PM



Well put Drew !!!


3/18/2003 6:46:15 PM

Think Big

Commack, NY

i think that if more people actually planted these 200 and 300 pounders that had good potential, you'd find your 1000lbr in there somewhere. Everyone grows the hottest seed, ie, the one that has the most potential to grow a 1000+ pounder. not many want to risk growing a seed from a smaller weighted fruit, and i dont blame them. If the 567.5 mombert was grown in 2002, how many people would grow it considering all the other choices available? not many i suppose. Im sure there are plenty of smaller fruit that can pop a 1000 lber........just my 2 cents.

3/18/2003 7:03:57 PM

Alun J

Liverpool , England

Yo Bill (Stunner),
Who has belittled Diane on this posting? Diane herself said she was sorry for standing on somebodies toes...who's? She said sorry for being a smart*ss...but Jim never refered to her as one. Brent has it right...offended by proxy now.You can't offend me...so I'll be offended by proxy for...err err err Brent. Right...that should clear everything up.Lets get growing. Yeah this is still humourous. Now where's that 846?



3/18/2003 7:23:14 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

But growing specifically for genetic qualities will increase your chances of lining things up..simply because you're actively trying to accomplish that.
I really don't mean to sound like a smart*** but how did pumpkins 10 years ago get so big without all the advancements(advanced soil composition, fine-tuning watering, pruning, soil amendments, specific growth phase ferts, etc. etc.) present today?
There's been plenty of 700 pounders with great genetics, that have nice progeny..and were'nt cared for in many peoples idea of ideal conditions.

3/18/2003 7:41:31 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

Granted, todays weights far exceed what was obtained years ago, mainly to advances in plant care and growing knowledge.
But I don't believe small pumpkins are any less of value in the seed genetics..if the genetics are there then they're there.The smaller pumpkins just don't get the same chances to prove out like the big boys do.
I bet if Don Eisenhaur hadn't grown his own 310, it would've never been discovered. And you see what it did on 1 plant....food for thought.

3/18/2003 7:46:43 PM



You guys ever see some of the children of imigrants who come to this country? No matter the malnutrition of their parents, when the kids are raised on a good American diet, they quickly excel. I wouldn't count out a 300 pound seed. The Eisenhauer 310 is one of many good examples.
Genetics are determined partly by luck of the draw, but poor environmental factors could actually have a positive factor on progeny by natural selection. AKA survival of the fittest.
Just a different angle.


3/18/2003 9:05:05 PM

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