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Subject:  Bobier's address

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San Diego, Ca.

Does anyone have Mr. Bobiers address. (I'm such a newbie that I dont even know his first name...I'll need that too..lol) I assume he will send out seeds if you ask, or am I dreaming?

10/23/2003 11:49:55 PM


Chesterfield, MO

Gourdzilla...I was a little bummed last year when I got a little slip back from him saying all his seed was being distributed through P&P seed co. If there are still some left from '02 they are on www.bigseeds.com I'm not sure what he is doing with his seed this year though. Oh yeah...his first name is William or "Bill." Good Luck

Steve G.

10/24/2003 2:15:42 AM



I have his address ( I got it from ben boyton )
He won't answer your mail.
Even when you send him a bubble pack envelope, he won't send you seeds...


10/24/2003 2:15:46 AM


Paradise Mountain, New York

I sent him a nice letter last year and a bubble pack with stamps on it. got nothing back

10/24/2003 8:58:00 AM

SSLG Martin

I sent him a bubble pack and money last year but got nothing back.... After some time I thought I might ask him if he received my letter, so I sent him an email but he didn't answer to it as well...
So, all I can say: Good luck!!!

10/24/2003 9:20:19 AM



Hey Gourdzilla, from the sounds of it you might have more luck contacting other growers instead, there are lots of good seeds out there. what size fruit would you be happy with in your first year anyway?


10/24/2003 10:07:59 AM

Think Big

Commack, NY

Have you guys given any thought to just how many requests he recieves in any given year? think about it, how many people asked him for a 723 after it started throwing biggies?. Then the 845 hits it big, then everyone wants one of thoese. Then everyone thinks that the ticket to the big time is with Bill's seeds. Then even more requests come in. Perhaps he could have handled specific sitations differently, but its hard to please all of the people all of the time. Bill's seed stock has become immensly popular as we all know. We should all be so lucky as to have 95% of the Giant Pumpkin growing community to want to grow our seeds. Just put yourself in his shoes for a minute. I dont know Bill personally, but we've exchanged seeds for years, and he's always been good to me in that department. Other's may have had an experience that they werent happy with, but dont make it out like he's a bad guy. Im sure he has other things going on in his life besides giant pumpkins. Maybe he's doing the best he can do right now. There are other growers doing things that i think are just as bad, or worse, and have been doing them for years. Ive had a few interesting experiences myself. So you move on. I dont bad mouth them, because i assure you, i would have plenty of people all over me for it. Just take it easy on the guy.

10/24/2003 10:16:43 AM

SSLG Martin

Yes, Scott. But if he wasn't able to send a 723 or 845 he could at least have sent back a few of his new, unproven seeds that he still had plenty of instead of not responding at all...

10/24/2003 10:38:30 AM


Key West, FL

I got an empty bubble too, but there is no writen rule that growers have to send people their seeds.

10/24/2003 11:06:35 AM


Appalachian Mtns.

If he gets $$ from someone, then he should send *some* seed or return the $$$$

10/24/2003 11:09:59 AM


Webster, NY

I've met Bill on a couple occasion's and he always seemed like a nice guy. I've never gotten seeds from him and I think the reason is exactly what Scott says. It probably has gotten to a point where he felt he was being harassed and just stopped sending them out. I wouldn't take it personally. Like Mike says, there are a lot of real good seeds out there. We just have to make them work.


10/24/2003 11:14:24 AM

SSLG Martin

Kyle, He could also just send back the $$$. But I think it is not ok to keep the $$$ and the bubble pack and not send anything back..

10/24/2003 11:38:57 AM


San Diego, Ca.

Well, from the sounds of it I better just look for other seeds. Farmer Scott had a good point...he probably is overwhelmed with requests. That OK I just want to start getting a few seeds here and there since I really dont have any yet so I'll keep looking. Thanks ya'll.

10/24/2003 12:34:34 PM

Andy W

Western NY

i've known bill for a while, and scotty hit it right on. bill gets BOMBARDED every year for seeds. i'm not sure what his system of sending out seeds is, but i do know i would have a hard time dealing with that much mail. sometimes name recognition can be too much of a good thing.

10/24/2003 12:47:18 PM



it was probably flattering at first for Mr.Bobier but now it's just a plain pain in the butt for him I suspect

10/24/2003 12:48:36 PM


Puyallup, WA

I for one have not heard the name of Bill Bobier attending an AG function is some time. According to the AGGC site, he is still growing in 2003. From the sound of it, he probably just throws the bubble pack directly into the garbage.....dollar bills and all!! He needs to send his seed to Brent Richey and have him mail out his seeds. He would be happier and so would many growers.

10/24/2003 4:40:30 PM


I think He'd rather send his seeds to Ray Waterman. At $20-$25 a seed who can blame him!!!

10/24/2003 5:28:41 PM

Dale Fisher

Applegate, Oregon

I have seen most posts in this thread deal with asking him for seed. Did anyone ever consider sending him seed also? Seems to me that this is a more acceptable practice...give a little, get a little.

10/24/2003 6:09:35 PM


canal winchester ohio

I sent him seed Glute, he probably threw the seed away but he did send my bubble-pac back with a form on how to order his seed at $15 to $20 bucks a pop.

10/24/2003 6:12:57 PM


canal winchester ohio

If the note said " I'm sorry I don't have enough to go around" I would have been very understanding.

10/24/2003 6:15:01 PM

Drew Papez apapez@sympatico.ca


Guys he gets bombarded every year. There is no way he can fill all the requests he gets. He trades with growers he knows and then ships the rest of the seeds to Ray, so the growers that are seriously interested in his seeds get the opportunity to secure one. He has no way of knowing who is serious and who is hoarding for the future. Give the guy a break he did the best he could, there is no way he could please everyone. Filling requests takes a lot of time and energy and in some cases is not very fulfilling. There are too many growers who send out mass bubbling with no intention of planting them or researching the background in the genetics. If we all restricted trading to 20 growers everyyear, there would be enough to go around. Last year there was rumbling about how Al Eaton distributed his seeds and now Bill. Who's next. Hope its not Bryan and myself and judging by the number of requests coming in there will be some hard choices made and I know not everyone will be happy matter what we do.
Poeple that are complainig about Bill, Let me ask you :did you take the time to write a nice note or was it just gimme some seeds kinda note? did you send your own seeds along with your request? and there are various other ways to let Bill know that you were seriously interested.
These are some of the ways that growers decide who get seeds and who doesn't. If your serious about getting a particular seed ,all I'm saying is you have to sell yourself, stand out from all the other requests and let that grower know you really want one. Enough rambling

10/24/2003 6:17:32 PM



Well said Drew...yes Al Eaton took some heat, well alot......let me just say he told me one day, just wait if you ever get to the top you'll get tired of the constant pressure of seed requests and some are down right rude in their requests......many top growers are very willing to supply one with seeds......all mostly want to see your serious and capable.....whats the old saying....pay your dues....tough game to get to top and harder to stay there.....just my experience, but as the weights go up so does the ease at getting top seeds.....I am sure Drew agrees.....meet Bill Bobier in Clarence talked and he seemed fine.....talked with Joe Pukos and he was so generous with his seeds that he has very few himself......asked him for a seed and he was very polite that he only had three for himself....how many of you would send him back a couple so he could grow one or two himself ??? .I know a few that did, but many won't...asked Brett for another 895.5...promised to plant, guess what he said yes......Al Eaton sent me the 723 Bobier that grew my 1088....he knew I was after one....he could have planted, but sent for nothing....thats what its about.....if Bill Bobier or others can free up a seed so be it, if not ???.....lots of good ones out there....I use to requests tons of seeds..now I research and go after the kind of genetics I like.....if I miss a seed, I trade or request from grower or others...live with it.......

10/24/2003 7:55:14 PM


Well stated Drew and Wayne.With all the great seeds out there(99% of which will never even be grown),why do so many growers feel they "must" have a certain seed(or seeds from a particular grower)?Bill Bobier does get bombarded with bubble packs....what is he supposed to do?...hire a secretary to handle his requests?Just because someone sends a fellow grower a bubble pack(with or without seeds) does not mean the recipient "must" send anything back to them....just my two cents worth....Ben

10/24/2003 8:27:54 PM


White Plains, NY

If there is NO agreement PRIOR to sending the request
then one should expect nothing.

10/25/2003 8:24:05 AM

Boily (Alexsdad2)

Sydney, Australia

I know to a small degree what Bill Bobier would go through. I offered my seed to anyone who wanted some and ended up fulfilling over 100 requests which was fine. I was flattered to have requests. I must say it took a very long time to do.......printing labels, packing up seeds, writing envelopes, trips to the post office, writing on customs declaration stickers, etc, etc. I also sent over 600 seedpacks to bigpumpkins.com, almost all I had left as a thankyou for being such a great website. It was very time consuming, answering emails and typing out my address. But I was happy to do it, and exchanged seed with quite a few growers, which was great. Quite a few nice ones were grown on my seeds and it was good to hear updates on them during the off season. In fact Carlos Perez grew a 1032 pounder off one and made me a proud grandpa.
I could imagine how overwhelming it would be for Bill to get 4 times that or more every year........ would be too much. I will though offer the same deal after this season and send almost all of the rest to bigpumpkins.com or Brent Richey......Ben

10/25/2003 8:57:45 AM

Pumpkinhead (Team Brobdingnagian)

Columbus Ohio

The best way to overcome this is to start to grow some of your own seeds. When you get a hot one all the top growers will send you seeds in exchange for that hot seed of yours. I have room for 3 plants each year and this year I grew one of my own seeds and it grew my PB. I am now comitted to growing atleast one of my own seeds each year and hopefully I will get a hot one one of these year.
Most pumpkins only give up 500- 700 seeds and most growers would not grow a seed unless they have 2 do that limits a grower to filling 200-300 request.
Give Al and Bill and all the other growers a break.
I will have 5 Good crosses this year 582x845 845x582 1260x845 898x845 and my 642x582 that are free to good homes. All I ask is that if you grow them that you let me know how they did and ehat you thought of the plant and pumpkin.

10/25/2003 9:52:00 AM


Appalachian Mtns.

Noone should just keep money tho', if nothing is to be sent back in return.

10/25/2003 10:36:24 AM


Udine, Italy

Just some general considerations about seeds; 723 and 845 Bobier seeds are the dream of every grower, but there are several other seeds that could grow a big one. As a new grower, last year I used this method: with 3 seeds requests on BP site according my genetic preferences and with the aid of some friends growers I obtained 21 different kind of seeds (most of then unproved, obvious). During the first year I growth according my sensation, but some of the last year unproved seeds became a very promising seeds for next year (for example the 419 Pukos, the 950,4 Boyton, the 1083,5 Johnson). I think that this is the way for a new grower to find some hot seeds, and to have some promising seeds to trade with other growers. Old seeds not very promising (or not tested) may be useful for the new grower friends. Another point is the satisfaction to choice (based on reasoning) an unproved seed and to discover that is a really a good seed. I want to emphasize the job of Ken and John because BP permit to obtain several different seeds and this is the key for the best crosses, and for the success of this hobby. I don’t know many heavy growers, but I’m convinced that pumpkins people is a nice people. About the money sent to some growers without seeds or response, a solution may be that the heavy growers friendly with Internet publish (for ex. in BP seeds exchange) the message: don’t send money or don’t send a bubble…. etc.
Paolo Ermacora

10/25/2003 11:37:00 AM

Drew Papez apapez@sympatico.ca


Agree totally with Wayne and Ben. One of the determining factors in how serious a grower is his Personal best. Growers who get a lot of requests have to determine who gets seeds and who doesn't, will look into their past performance. This determines who is a dedicated grower and who is willing to put some effort into it. There is a lot of growers out there that will put a seed in the ground and not look after it, no soil prep, no water, etc and there is nothing wrong with that. But if a grower wants their seeds tryed and hopefully proven, if you were in their shoes wouldn't you want to give a seed or two to someone that has grown a big one over a grower who grows 300 to 400 pounds. Like Wayne says you have to pay your dues first. It takes a couple of years to establish a net work with growers, And like Ben says there are so many good seeds out there that never get planted and you really don't need to go after the few hot seeds out there every year because there is no point if your not going to dedicate 5 months to grow these critters because it won't reach its full potential.Again due to the increase of number of requests every year there are hard choices to be made and not everyone is going to be happy. They do the best they can.

10/25/2003 12:44:00 PM


Webster, NY

I agree with southern, that no one should just keep money and not send anything. However, I think Bill does probably throw bbl packs away, more then likly without looking inside. If money is sent without anyones knowledge, and no prior commitments, then there really can be no gripes.

10/25/2003 7:28:28 PM


northern indiana

I am a newbie so my opinion most likely means little. But I ask permission before sending a bubbler to a grower. The grower knows I am sending it because i actually contact them and get the ok. And I have gotten seeds back with each i have sent this way. Good ones, not coveted ones, but good ones. And I thanked them for their seeds. If you send out a bubble pack to someone who is getting hundreds of them without the grower expecting "yours" dont be surprised to get nothing in return. You may have sent money southern, but I have to agree with others here and say your pack probly hit the circular file without being opened.

10/26/2003 12:11:51 AM


Itzetown City

Two things!
First, to receive undesirable letters can get on someones nerve, as we all know about spam in our mail-boxes. Who will be entitled to receive an answer of undesirable mail? I guess noone.
Second, to send money to some one requires trust in the addressee. Even if, often the money is lost on the postale way so there´s not a reason to blame anyone, at most themself for the stupid to send money with unregistered mail to someone he did´nt want it.

10/26/2003 5:47:01 AM


Covington, WA

Criminy all the guy asked for was an address. I will email it to him privately. I sent Mr. Bobier a seed request a couple years ago with a letter and seed of my own and received a letter back and seeds. Go figure. He allocates some, but not all of his seed to Ray Waterman and that's his business. If you want a particular seed that Ray has you deal with P&P, it's that simple. A 723 or 845 Bobier seed is no guarentee of success, even in the hands of a grower that has some skill and a history of success. I am a firm believer in growing your own seeds and am looking at growing at least 3 of my own next year. I don't have room in my patch for a 723 or 845 or any of the copies. Now a 723 X 845?, that's a different story.


10/26/2003 12:36:32 PM


seed requests can drive you crazy. I am getting about 10 seed requests a weekasking me for some seeds out of my best pumpkins of the season. A usual letter even starts by congratulating me on another fine growing saeson, (I haven't had a pumpkin since 2001.) Tells me that most seed requests are from people who don't take the time to do their homework, or are just collecting seeds.

10/27/2003 8:31:58 PM



Well said Craig.....

10/28/2003 6:03:08 PM

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