Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: Calcium Nitrate source
Date Posted
stewee |
Wood River, Nebraska
Does anyone have a source for Calcium Nitrate?
2/8/2002 11:50:56 AM
Tom B |
You live in farm country, dont you? Go to the local coop, and tell them that you want a water soluable CaNO3. That is how I found some. Tom Beachy
2/8/2002 12:14:16 PM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
Same here I just went to a co-op in Columbus & picked a bag up........Paul
2/8/2002 12:19:02 PM
My local Agway doesn't stock it, however they will order it for me in the spring, so if you have a local Agway try there.
2/8/2002 12:53:18 PM
kilrpumpkins |
Western Pa.
It also holds up better if packaged in a plastic,not paper sack.
2/8/2002 1:29:38 PM
Brian C. |
Rexburg, Idaho (brianchristensenmd@gmail.com )
I've tried my coop and other fertilizer dealers here and they give me a stupid look and say "what's that".
2/8/2002 3:16:52 PM
randy(2) |
walton n.y.
i know that feeling brian some "farm stores" can't tell the difference between fence posts and fertilizer our co-op does pretty good but unless they can buy enough volume they don't want to bother belive it or not i found water souluable calcium nitrate at lowes home center go figure
2/9/2002 7:30:21 PM
stewee |
Wood River, Nebraska
Tom, that's the first thing I did was to check with my local CO-OP. They couldn't even find it in their book. I did find some Green-house grade that is a high quality soulable for $13-15 /50lb. Here is the link that may help others. http://cropking.com/cgi-bin/cropking/start/apps/store/start.html I see they also have a product ZEROTOL. Is this Zero-Tolerance? If so the price is great for 2.5 gal. I've e-mailed them for details. dave=stewee
2/10/2002 4:56:04 PM
Alexsdad |
Garden State Pumpkins
I just found some water soluable in 5 lb box makes 500 gallons...10 bucks a box...10 bucks to ship it... 2 to 3 weeks delivery ,,, at Hydroron@mpinet.net
4/2/2002 8:57:03 PM
kilrpumpkins |
Western Pa.
Save your money on that Zero-Tolerance. Clorox disinfects just as well, and is a lot cheaper. You will want to rinse your utensils well, and coat with a little oil, because it can cause corrosion of metal. I just picked up 100# of Cal. nitrate for $22.
4/3/2002 8:57:08 AM
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