Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: Pyrosol - Anyone ever used this?
Date Posted
giantvegenetics |
New Jersey
Anyone ever used this product or any similar one?
Here's a product writeup... "PYROSOL™ Pyrophalitic Clay
Pyrosol is based on a silica rich clay, formulated to dissolve in water to release silicates and a range of trace elements into hydroponic or fertigation (fertilized irrigation) solutions. The application of silica to hydroponic solutions has been shown to produce numerous benefits, illustrated by our numerous crop trials over the past three years. This data has been presented at several international conferences, and published in industry magazines.
PyroSol strengthens plants and provides an all-natural shield against environmental stress and water loss. The organic Silicon clay plus more than 72 other beneficial elements in PyroSol provide your plants with a growing environment that leads to healthier, more robust and faster growing plants.
Pyrosol contains Pyrophyllitic clay, known to introduce an important buffering capacity to hydroponic nutrient solutions. Also present in the formulation are silicates, and a range of beneficial mineral elements, usually lacking from conventional nutrient formulations, but known to be necessary for healthy produce. Silicates have been implicated in a wide range of beneficial effects on crop plants. These beneficial effects include stress resistance, strength and disease resistance, which promote better nutrient uptake and increased yields. Pyrosol reacts instantly with water to release silicates and other minerals from within a clay structure. No other horticultural product can compare to the unique formulation and action of Pyrosol.
Pyrosol added at the recommended rate supplies silicates at levels 10 x more than currently recommended. These are rates at which silicates in solution exert their most dramatic effects. Silicon has been shown to be a major component of soil solutions, and plants grown in soil take up appreciable amounts of this vital nutrient.
7/31/2005 1:05:58 PM
giantvegenetics |
New Jersey
Pyrosol will not interfere with the solubility of other nutrients in hydroponics. At the maximum recommended dose (1g per litre) Pyrosol will increase CF by 1 unit (0.1mmho) and result in a pH of 5.3. It is compatible with all conventional hydroponic formulations.
Pyrosol does not pose a risk to plant health, animals or humans. In fact the silicates in Pyrosol have been shown to overcome the influence of otherwise phytotoxic compounds and minerals in water. Pyrosol does not add any toxic minerals to the hydroponic solution, and there is no concern of elements being supplied in quantities above that found in any mineral soil.
The source of pyrophyllitic clay is a volcanic deposit in Nevada USA. The clay structure is such that when formulated as Pyrosol minerals can be released from within the clay molecular plates and transfered into solution. Although some of these minerals may be unfamilliar, it should be pointed out that they are present in a wide range of everyday sources, although many soils are deficient in some of these which are vital for human health.
Adds organic, soluble Silicon and over 72 other elements
"Average fruit size in the silica-enriched plants was 16% greater than the control ...""
7/31/2005 1:06:11 PM
Orangeneck (Team HAMMER) |
Eastern Pennsylvania
WTH isn't there a separate category for selling things?
Does anybody grow pumpkins hydroponically? it's not practical.
8/1/2005 10:55:29 AM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
once somebody does, (i recall maybe two fruit in the 600+ category, NOT vividly) it will be all the rage if thousand-plus-pounders result from it.
the issue of people plugging products and/or promoting things for sale was a VERY hot item back in the winter and early, early spring....let us not get that issue going again; most times these kinds of products are ones that could eventually become the norm for the AG grower.
8/1/2005 1:49:58 PM
giantvegenetics |
New Jersey
Excuse me, I'm sorry, Did I try to sell you something? Kinda funny because I don't sell things. Sorry. So no need for the WTH stuff :)
Yes, you can grow pumpkins hydroponically. And do me a favor and read the first sentence again, you must have glanced through distracted by the thought of me selling something. Please look up any words you do not understand, Here's a link that might help ok? http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=define%3Afertigation
Finally, Who said growing giant pumpkins was a practical endeavor anyway?...
My apoligies, i thought posting the product description would be easier for those who might read my message to understand what I'm talking about rather than having to look it up somewhere...
8/2/2005 8:31:06 PM
Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings |
Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)
Sounds like Protekt a soluble silica
8/2/2005 10:32:36 PM
giantvegenetics |
New Jersey
Similar... Ever use it?
8/8/2005 6:48:07 PM
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