Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: fresh cow manure
Date Posted
jeff517 |
Is nitrogen the main thing which makes fresh manure so hot???One of my plants yellowed,,,but is starting to green up a little,,,was it the nitrogen in the fresh manure>???
4/12/2002 7:42:32 PM
Poppy |
4/12/2002 9:02:18 PM
Gads |
Deer Park WA
Hi Jeff, be carefull with fresh crap! My first year out I had no choice but to lay down a lot of "straight out the machine" cow crap. That season I had some kind of desease that caused my vines/leaves to turn a copper color and die. The tall that I corn planted in the same area got some kind of crazy mushroom type growth in the developing ears and they too wilted and died. I never used FRESH manure again (4-6 weeks before planting) and have not had a repeate of the problem. I never did figure out what the desease/virus was but I welcome any input. PS Jack LaRue was not mad at me that year, and saw it in it's early stages, and said it may be a pathogen? Best of luck, all serious growers need to stick together, even if they sometimes post things that they regret! I think we all go a little stir crazy for pumpkins in the grip of winter!!! I personally am feeling much better now that I am able to work my humble patch........
4/12/2002 10:39:19 PM
jeff517 |
Was the corn a purplish color where the mushroom looking growth was on the ears??If so,,sounds like alpha toxin...If its bad,,,farmers cant pick here,,,will kill the cows....
4/13/2002 4:17:54 AM
Gads |
Deer Park WA
Yes it was a nasty purple/white marbled looking glob. What is alpha toxin? It didn't kill the tall corn, just the pumpkins.
4/13/2002 1:24:27 PM
Pappy |
North Ga
Sounds like corn blight to me. A very popular mexican dish.
4/13/2002 3:25:01 PM
randy(2) |
walton n.y.
pappy i thought that the edible corn fungus was grey in color forget what it's called
4/14/2002 8:41:25 AM
Pappy |
North Ga
You are correct randy(2) It is a bluish grey color and it's called cornsmut.
4/14/2002 9:35:03 AM
randy(2) |
walton n.y.
thanks pappy couldn't think of the name corn smut i've heard in the right area that stuff is concidered a delacasy and is worth more than ear corn but not to me
4/19/2002 5:47:31 AM
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