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Fertilizing and Watering

Subject:  Feeder size?

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Santa Cruz, CA

How big should your inline feeder be? Will 3/4 of a gallon be big enough to put fish emultion etc into for one plant? The one I was looking at today cost around $60.00. Any good sources out there? Thanks for the help!

2/3/2006 1:47:47 AM

the gr8 pumpkin

Norton, MA

You meen one of those hose end ones that you hold and the fert. mixes in slowly? If so, I would advise against it. Mine always just leaked and clogged and needed refilling. What was suggested to me by Don Langevin is a method that I believe he said Dave Hampton uses. Get some 55 gallon drums, or big plastic trash barrels, mix your fert. to the desired application rate in them (let it heat up in the sun for a couple days if you want) and with a sump pump attached to a hose and a sprayer hand water the plants. It worked great. Just make sure to run your liquid ferts. through a filter before mixing as they will clog the sprayer (especially fish and seaweed). AleX Noel.

2/3/2006 7:43:02 PM


New Carlisle IN

You talking about a fertilizer injector?
3/4 gal should be fine.

2/3/2006 8:02:05 PM


Santa Cruz, CA

I am talking about a fertilizer injector. It sits just after the hose spicket and before the soaker hose. Tahnks for the help.

2/3/2006 11:19:07 PM



I do believe you are thinking of a cheap form of Dosatron fertilizer injection system, if so then they cannot be used with a Soaker Hose as the system relies upon water pressure to opperate the injector. The method that Dave Hampton uses, as described by AleX in the above post, would be your best bet if using a Soaker Hose system.

If it is a Dosatron Fertilizer injection system you are thiking of this link will help you...


2/4/2006 7:06:55 AM

the gr8 pumpkin

Norton, MA

Actually though, most of the type of pumps that would work and be cost effective have a great GPM output and pressure when unobstructed (a hand held sprayer), but really can't run things such as impact sprinklers or water jets. I believe this is because they are impeller pumps and if the impeller faces alot of resistance then it will slow way down and no longer be effective. Not sure about soakers. AleX Noel.

2/5/2006 1:23:10 PM

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