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Fertilizing and Watering

Subject:  algae in the water tank

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Joze (Joe Ailts)

Deer Park, WI

Here's one for you all- I got a couple of big water troughs to hold and warm up my water. I was thinking about buying a pump and setting up my watering system that way, but last year these tanks grew a fair amount of slimy algae in them. Wouldnt this clog the pump or more importantly the sprinklers? My sprinkler system is set up like the one in th holland vid, small overhead misters attached to pvc. anything I can add/do to the water or pump to avoid this problem? Really want to use the warm water method this year.

5/10/2002 9:11:14 AM


Bemidji, MN

Joze, I use the same set up and have not had any clogs in pump/sprinklers from algae. If you put a board or something over the top to keep light out, you will reduce algae bloom. I know for our horse water troughs, couple times a summer when they get low, we'll dump any water out and take a brush and hose and 5 minutes of scrubbing it'll be clean. Steve

5/10/2002 2:47:38 PM

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