Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: Grub worm castings?
Date Posted
Kevin Snyder (TEAM HAMMER) |
I ran onto this by accident. I was picking all the grub like worms out of my patch when I worked up the soil and put them into a small bucket filled with dirt to see what they would turn into and to get them out of the patch. This was a few days ago, last night I got the worm bucket back out to put some more into it and to see what was going on with the ones already in there. What I fould was what looked like a bucket full of mouse turds and small stones. I couln't believe they turned the whole bucket into castings that fast. Does anyone know if these castings would make a good soil enhancment like earth worm castings? Monty J? Tremor?
7/8/2006 8:11:46 AM
MontyJ |
Follansbee, Wv
Huh, you got me. I don't know of any grubs that feed on soil or organic matter. A simple test would be to take several pots, some for control and some for testing. Fill half with garden soil, the other half with soil mixed with your find. Then plant a green bean seed into each pot and compare the results. If they are beneficial, you should see a notable difference.
7/9/2006 1:07:02 PM
Tremor |
Picture of these "grub worms"? Grubs feed on live plant roots. They do relieve themselves of "stuff". But it isn't the same as an earthworm casting.
7/9/2006 2:04:44 PM
Kevin Snyder (TEAM HAMMER) |
You can clearly see the castings in the photo of the worms laying in a plant flat, thats was all that was left in 5 days, castings, pebbles and a few hard mud balls. In the photo of them in the small plastic container you can see they're turning it into castings, they've been in there a little less than two days now. One has made a cocoon like thing out of mud, maybe I'll find out what they turn into before too long. I assumed they were eating roots as well. Also they're much more concentrated in the soil with high OM, 11% in the spring, you'll find at least one almost every time you turn over any soil. In the low OM soil, 4%, its hard to find one worm.
7/9/2006 3:54:26 PM
Tremor |
Yepper...Those are grubs & their droppings. I suppose they would have plant nutrients in them. They can't be too much different in nutrient value than a cow except that they eat lignin rich roots instead of clorophyl rich leaves.
This is fodder for more reasearch.
PS...add a clump of grass (with roots) or those will soon be some skinny grubs.
7/9/2006 4:44:23 PM
pap |
Rhode Island
crap is crap. its all good. although i would not want tnat many grubs around just for there castings, take the worms instead.
unless its human or dog of course. then we would need to call it turd/ferd castings. lol
7/10/2006 6:23:55 AM
Tremor |
Milorginite is human crap & while not recommended for consumables, it makes a pretty good deer repellent & fertilizer.
7/10/2006 7:49:26 AM
WiZZy |
President - GPC
Tremor, Have any experience with sludge from water treatment plants...I heard they have used this sludge to fert acres east of the water treament plant here in Colorado and have done quite well....the sludge was supposed to be clean and free of all the nasties but quite loaded .....Your take on this?
7/14/2006 8:58:35 AM
Tremor |
All of these waste derived fertilizers are tested before release. Just request a copy before using. Personally I don't like them.
For the record, new treatment facilities do adhere to much stricter standards than the old ones. The old facilities are "grandfathered" & can pass metals at higher levels.
7/14/2006 2:42:39 PM
docgipe |
Montoursville, PA
That stuff is processed, by city employees. In some instances by services not even within city control. I'm sure your guys are exceptional, very carefull and do not screw up, on the job. Unfortunately governmental employees and attitudes can usely stand a bolt, of lightening daily, to wake them up. In this instance I am very uneasy about using it.
7/14/2006 4:44:18 PM
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