Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: Neptune fish
Date Posted
moro (sergio) |
Cologne Brescia Italy
HELLO, how do you think in to use neptune fish? my pumpkins are 20 to 30 days old two of them, are about 400 lbs, is good thing to use it? which is the advantage in to use fish? or is better to use seaweed + fish? Thanks Sergio
7/10/2006 4:20:26 PM
pap |
Rhode Island
fish alone is high in phosphorus but kelp (seaweed) has many benefical growth ingredients
i suggest using "north atlantic sea crop" has both and works very well for the wallace patch
sounds like you have a couple nice ones going. send me some pictures if you can
dick wallace
7/10/2006 10:47:02 PM
I don't know about the Availability of Neptunes Harvest, or North Atlantic Sea Crop, in Italy or the rest of Europe but one thing i do know is that there are no stockists/suppliers of those products here in the UK. I spent a whole day searching for Fish Emulsion and/or a combination of both Fish Emulsion & Seaweed/Kelp and came up with nothing with just one exception. This was for the Fish Emulsion but the cost of it and it being only available over the Internet makes it totally impracticle to even concider buying it. Seaweed/Kelp based products are widely available but it's just getting that Fish Emulsion that is a pain in the A**
7/11/2006 7:16:26 AM
Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings |
Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)
If I was not able to get fish and kelp. I would make an alfalfa tea. Alfalfa is high in everything and has a few growth hormones to help things along.
7/11/2006 9:33:53 AM
christrules |
I believe in How to Grow Giant Pumpkins II Mr. Langevin has a nice feeding chart. I don't know which page. If I remember... Early season is fish, mid-season is kelp/seaweed and fish, late season (pumpkin bulking) fish. Mike: There are non-liquid forms of fish ie. Joel Holland. Then, fish ferts can be purchased from soil testing labs which also make ferts. It may be more likely to find these products from labs that specialize in organic programs. Or, just try to make some yourself? Have you searched for 'fish fertilizer' or fish hydrolysate? Best wishes and blessings!
7/11/2006 2:02:58 PM
Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.
Mike,I agree that its expensive I used bio bizz fish mix it was ok when the plants were smaller but would cost a lot now,now using westlands organic tomato and veg which is a mix of fish and vinasse 4-2-6 costs £4/litre better but stil expensive.
7/11/2006 6:43:23 PM
Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.
I just remembered we used to use a fishmeal called Provimi 66 in feed rations it is a fairly fine powder.All farm stores used to keep it but it got banned for ruminants after B.S.E. I think only Pig farmers can use it now.Its 66% Protein which equals roughly 10-11% N. Fishing tackle shops sell it for use in groundbait but of course they are expensive as well but you could get a small amount to play with.It might be £10 for 56lbs from a farm store. Mix it with water and you'd have a liquid feed it might be to coarse to come out of a rose may have to steep in a bag. Anyone have any idea how long to leave it stand?
7/12/2006 2:43:59 AM
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