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Subject:  Can you use Epsom salt

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I've always heard that you can use epsom salt on pepper plants to make them greener and increase the size of the fruit, is this also true with pumpkins?

6/17/2002 6:14:39 PM


Garden State Pumpkins

Not the best at this skygazer but I believe the epsom salt is actually used for the magnesium supplement it gives the plant. Magnesium is essential to Calcium uptake which pumpkins love. so if your light in magnesium use it! Chuck

6/17/2002 8:35:08 PM


Deer Park WA

I also am not an "expert" but I used a ton of gypsum for calcium and I noticed that no matter how much nitrogen I used this spring the leaves seemed kinda pale with yellow veigns. I applied epsom salts regularly and heavy around the plants and foilarly three weeks later the plants were a nice dark green and rushing across the patch.

6/17/2002 10:25:37 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York

Epsom salt can lock up your Calcium from the gypsum you put on the patch. so if you applied alot of Gypsum and now your going to use Epsom salt, your wasting your money and time with the gypsum you already put on your patch

6/22/2002 7:04:10 PM


Garden State Pumpkins

Hey pumpkinbrat I used the gypsum to break up the clay in my soil the calcium was not wanted. It brought my calcium so high I couldn't use the lime I wanted to get my PH where I wanted. Or is the calcium what breaks up the clay and thats what does it.

6/22/2002 9:46:52 PM

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