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Fertilizing and Watering

Subject:  Tossed out all my Miracle Grow.......

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President - GPC

After reading and studing, many organic and soil web books, I have tossed all my chemical 20-20-20 out into the trash......Makes sense to me.....I'm convinced.....check this out....

My neighbor across the street every year spreads lots of chemical lawn fertilizer on his lawn to have the greenist lawn on the block, but by summer his lawn in taxed and spotted brown....Next to him is some folks who do not take care of their yard at all, never water, come late summer its damn near dead, they never fertilize much less water, and rarely mow. But this year since COlorado had so much snow and moisture, everything is green. Now guess whose lawn is the greenist in the neighbor hood. Yup, the one who hasnt put on any fertilzer salts and high chems on their lawn killing all the good bacteria and fungi and worms.....To me this proves the notations from Dr. Elaines book that once you apply high level chemical ferts, your lawn is hooked on chems to stay green and one is killing the benefical soil food web.......its like crack for the lawn.........

3/19/2007 3:03:59 PM

Peter Pumpkin

Rainbowlake Alberta

Awesome info, Ill keep my Miracle grow to experiment with.

3/25/2007 10:38:48 PM


Montoursville, PA

Hey Wiz..........in your early weeks at least the first year you may come up with a foliar need for the nitrogen your patch is not yet ballanced enough to provide. This is why some coaches advise backing out to get to less use of the chemistry you are trying to take out of your plans.
....getting from where most even lightly nuked patches are to a biologically sound management takes time and patience.
,,,,,ya see your fish and other organic addidives need a really active ballance to produce the plant food using the in patch soil biology. If for any reason you are not getting results it likely is the fact you need time for this to take place over several years.

3/27/2007 3:54:07 PM


President - GPC

Yo Doc,

I understand, I have always stayed away from chems in the garden and will go kick it up a notch this year organically with CT and foliar spraying.....looking forward to my soil test here in a few days.....

3/28/2007 9:22:03 AM


Montoursville, PA

Hey there..............I keep mine for that unexpected cold early spring and the patche's inability to kick the natural nitrogen into play. Limp yellow anything is not a pretty sight...and one that will first be hit by mother's army of sick plant killers.

3/28/2007 2:17:06 PM

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