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Fertilizing and Watering

Subject:  site preperation

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canal winchester ohio

I am getting ready to order my fertilizer for early season needs. I was wondering what to put on my planting site when I turn it under this spring.also going to try ironite ,but i do not know the application rate for pumpkins.Finally is there anything special to turn into the hill itself before planting. thanks paul

2/22/2001 2:29:39 PM


walton n.y.

if memory serves me right 2lbs of ironite per 1000square feet i like to add some extra manure and compost(well rotted)right to my hill before planting along with about 1 lb of 3x10 fertilizer make sure that the fertilizer is mixed in well and far enough away so it wont burn tender roots

2/24/2001 8:47:59 PM


Rush, NY

For several years I have applied about 35 pounds of 15-15-15 grandular Fertilizer and 7 pounds of Calcium Nitrate per plant a few days before transplanting. The 35 ponuds is applied to a 30 foot circle and the 7 pounds to a 10 foot diameter circle. I also spread about 7 pounds of Kelp meal in a 15 foot circle. These items are mixed into the soil with a tractor digger to a depth of about 6 inches. Last year for the first time I applied 3 pounds of Ironite per plant. I don't know if it helped.

2/25/2001 7:11:52 AM

John D.

Connecticut, USA

One word of warning we picked up at the NEPGA Winter Dinner was to be sure to apply Ironite as directed.

I'm not saying it is bad in any way, but like anything else, follow the directions.

2/25/2001 9:28:53 AM


canal winchester ohio

Len thanks for the help I am going to try it this year. I can find all the fertilizer you mentioned except the calcium nitrate, any ideas where I could find it? thanks Paul

2/26/2001 9:18:23 AM


Rush, NY

Paul, I buy my Calcium Nitrate in 2 places. I use FIELD grade and it comes in 50 pound bags. I have to order it from the company I buy most of my Fertilizer from. Last year I found it in stock at a company that sells Greenhouse supplies. There is a Greenhouse grade that costs more and is water soluble.

3/3/2001 7:20:45 AM


walton n.y.

len, i was talking with our farm agent about calcium nitrate he told me that calcium doesn't like to migrate through the plant it tends to stay in the cell walls close to the point of absorbsion and recommended spraying the fruit with a mixture of calcium directly on the fruit he added that most commercial fruit and vegetable growers have been doing this for years to help prevent skin related problems and improve skin color whats your opinion?

3/23/2001 9:44:44 AM


Rush, NY

Randy, I use the calcium nitrate in the center 10 foot circle because Joel Holland reccommended it many years ago. He believes it helps get the plants off to a better start when the soil is cold.

3/23/2001 4:34:58 PM


walton n.y.

thanks len knew there was a reason i'm going to try that as well as spray the fruit as it grows i don't think it can hurt

3/24/2001 6:02:15 AM


Rush, NY

Randy, I suggest you read the article about use of Calcium Nitrate by Wayne Hackney In the N.E.P.G.A. section. Its a good atricle.

3/29/2001 6:37:49 AM


walton n.y.

you're right len , a very good artical on calcium makes me feel good that the farm agents and wayne's recomendations were very close to the same i did add some lime to boost my ph last fall 40lbs to be exact 25lbs regular and 15lbs dolmite to raise magniesium levels that were a little low

3/29/2001 7:05:24 PM

Brian C.

Rexburg, Idaho (brianchristensenmd@gmail.com )

Len, Do you use any other fertilzers through the course of the season or is that all you use?

3/29/2001 11:44:28 PM


Rush, NY

Brian, see my entry above dated 2/25/01. In addition,near the end of June I spread 10 to 12 pounds of 15-15-15 around the outside of the plant and dig it in. I used to folier feed with Miracle Gro every 3 days after fruit was set but didn't do any of it in 1998 (got 1056.5), and only did it 2 or 3 times the last 2 years.

3/30/2001 6:02:11 AM

Brian C.

Rexburg, Idaho (brianchristensenmd@gmail.com )

Len, Sure seems like your fertilizing program is less labor intensive then foliar feeding twice a week and you can't argue with your results. What do you think of kelp and/or fish emulsion?

3/30/2001 11:11:59 AM


Rush, NY

Brian, I use some Kelp because it has about 60 micro-
neutrients. I can't prove that it helps. I have not considered Fish emulsion.

3/30/2001 12:54:13 PM

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