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Fertilizing and Watering

Subject:  Hand Watering?

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If I recall correctly, Larry Checkon mentioned that he watered the 1469 lber. he grew, by hand. I'm wondering what is meant by this? The thought of hand watering seems like a very labor intensive process.

6/21/2007 12:59:41 AM



I believe the Wallaces also hand watered.I have hand watered all my plants this year.So far it doesn't seem to take all that long.I also purchased a water meter so i know how much i put to each plant.I have 8 plants,so ill let you know if i still like watering by hand later.

6/21/2007 10:47:36 AM



How do you do it? With a two gallon sprinkler bucker? Or with a water sprayer at the end of a hose. Just wondering the method of hand watering? Thanks.

6/21/2007 11:25:17 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Doug, when possible I use a water wand and water underneath the canopy and around the vines (especially where you have them buried)

Certainly takes time and dedication and depending on the size of patch really eats up any free time. You kind of have to know how many gallons per minute your water source puts out and then time the amount of time you water.

Water wands look like this


6/21/2007 7:38:45 PM



Doug I use a water wand i got at Wal-Mart.It could be a little longer though. MY nephew uses a gutter cleaner wand with good success.I got my water meter,which attaches to my hose from Dripworks.Like the northshore boyz i also water under the canopy and in between the vines.At the current size of my, it takes me about 40 mins to put 30 gallons to each plant. I have 8 so iam watering 4 one day and the other 4 the next. Hope this helps.

6/22/2007 11:51:14 AM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

I have seen video footage of Larry's patch and there were sprinklers set up.

6/22/2007 12:54:54 PM



Think of the watering wands with the water directed to the soil. The leaves remain dry.

Like this thing:


6/22/2007 7:23:45 PM



Thanks for all the replies. I do have something similar to the Water Wand. I'm currently using a sprinkler for overhead watering, as I can set it up and do something else while it's going. One problem I've had with a couple of these back and forth sprinklers, is that they tend to get stuck in one position at times, which is frustrating. Anyone know what causes this, and what I can do to prevent it? The sprinkler isn't getting clogged by dirt, that I know of. Is it a water pressure issue?

6/24/2007 11:45:20 PM


Cottage Grove, MN

My sprinkler will do the same thing if the pressure is low, I think that's the main cause. I do like to use it that way for a good soaking in one area, otherwise the wand. Looks like another dry week coming Doug!

6/25/2007 11:43:19 AM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Doug, low pressure, or high pressure, or cheap sprinkler, I would guess, I spent the $'s and bought a top end sprinkler, works well with ultra low or ultra high pressure...metal frame, heavy duty. I used the cheapo plastic framed ones for a while and water pressure flexed the sprinkler, putting pressure on the cam mechanism, causing pauses, and freeze ups at the ends of the passes. I no longer use this type of sprinkler in my pkn patch. Whizzers or hand watering only. Hope this helps

6/25/2007 1:31:02 PM



Thanks bjx and Wayne. My sprinklers are fairly cheap plastic framed models. I'm wondering what kind of overhead sprinkler would be best? I know overhead sprinkling has it's drawbacks, but it's what I'll be using for the most part. I've been using the back and forth sprinklers, and like the coverage they give, when working properly. I don't have much experience with other types. Would you suggest a good quality back and forth model, or something else? I really appreciate the help!
bjx2, I sure hope we get rain tomorrow. 30% chance forecasted here. This season is starting out similar to last year; hot and dry. At least the temps. are supposed to cool down some.

6/25/2007 2:34:19 PM


Cottage Grove, MN

Doug, yep, same as last year. I'm lookng for coolers and filling up plastic bottles for the freezer, just now getting females of course. My sprink is just a cheapy, but still works ok. It works really good when hooked up to the rain barrel pump, but for some reason the barrels are dry as of yesterday. I ask again, why do we do this? Got nailed by sbv's over the weekend, then a cuke beetle comes flying in and I needed another beer. What to do? Bob J.

6/25/2007 7:41:33 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Doug, not sure of the brand name of my good one, but just buy a top end metal frame one, and most of your hesitation at the end of the pattern prblms will go away. Peace, Wayne

6/25/2007 9:19:27 PM

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