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Fertilizing and Watering

Subject:  0-0-60

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Joze (Joe Ailts)

Deer Park, WI

Time to start pumping the potassium. I have a bag full of 0-0-60 granular and was wondering what the best way to apply this stuff is, when I know it burns leaves and its hard to spread beneath the canopy.

It will dissolve slowly in warm water, so is it okay to run it through the Miracle grow feeder/sprayer??? Or is it a little to potent for that?

anyone with experience with this stuff please advise!

8/2/2002 11:11:41 AM



Joe,,it gets sticky so to speak when dissolved..It left a red film in my hose end sprayer...The film seemed to stay in container after spraying...I'm thinking its what eventually clogged my sprayer....Hope this helps...Jeff

8/2/2002 11:32:07 AM


Buffalo, NY

Perhaps use it half strength in the early morning & half strength in the evening? This would dilute it more at each application to spray easier while still putting the same amount down per day.


8/2/2002 12:08:30 PM


Kennett Square, PA

Something that concentrated and imbalanced I would likely hand water 6' near your keepers paying attention NOT to get any on the leaves. The anchor roots near by should be able to transport the 0-0-60 to it's final destination. Where did you purchase this if I may ask? please reply @ email address: liskagb@kennett.net Thanks.


8/3/2002 7:29:55 PM


Bristol, ME (stunner906@roadrunner.com)

I got the white variety of 0-0-60 instead of the red. Papa Greg told me on here you can mix 1/2 cup per gallon in a five gallon bucket and apply. It dissolves very easily but I have the rookie jitters and don't dare apply it that potent. So I have been spreading about a half pound a week by scaling it under the canopy, moving to different spots to get a good scattering. I have had no burning as of yet and the plants respond to it very nicely.
Just my rookie offering.

8/3/2002 7:46:16 PM

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