Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: Guidance please
Date Posted
hound46 |
Northwest Missouri
I'm a second year grower that killed my first year plants by frying them in one day with Miracle Grow. My personality type is to think if a little is good, well a whole bunch has got to be a whole bunch better.
My process this year was going to use the less is more philosophy. Do some basic soil prep prior to planting, use some anti-bug tactics, mulch and weed control, and just do basic slow and steady care with nothing more fancy than a weekly feeding of miracle grow PER WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS. :) The Miracle Grow I'm using is 24/8/16. I am burying leaf nodes and making sure water is plentiful.
The plants are looking great-as plants go-I'm pretty sure they're doing well as AGs go, too. That little voice in my head is starting to taunt me to think about doing something different with the feeding/fertilizing. I have no idea what that would be. I'm in a rurual town in NW Missouri and there aren't a lot of exotic things available. I do have access to some fish emulsion liquid mix and other things that Wal-Mart and Sutherlands carries.
What's everyone think? Continue to play it safe?...it's working so far. Is there anything safe that I could add to the regimen as far as nutrition or fertilizing goes or do you think I should reign myself in and get fancier next season?
6/27/2007 8:06:56 PM
Jordan Rivington (JRO) |
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
I would do some fish emulsion and neptunes harvest. Maybe some calcium too. No need for miracle grow at all.
6/27/2007 8:17:56 PM
hound46 |
Northwest Missouri
JRO, does the fish emulsion give you something different than nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium? How about the neptunes?
Do I still have time for these things?
How is the calcium available and applied?
Thanks for your patience with the questions.
6/28/2007 8:30:38 AM
*Old *Man* |
Sheridan . NY
A blance steady feeding is the key -- and feed what the plant needs for the stage your plants in --never let you plant go hungry-- it invites disease and plant shut down--you wont starve your self--dont starve you plants grow em big --craig
6/28/2007 8:43:40 AM
*Old *Man* |
Sheridan . NY
To see a feeding schedule that will give you a idea what to feed and timeing go to www.candjfert.com --hit> our products--scroll down--hit giant pumpkin fertility program-- scroll down hit Agro-k feeding sked- -craig
6/28/2007 8:54:02 AM
Jordan Rivington (JRO) |
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
As long as your pumpkin is growing still, you have time. Both of those will have some other elements and micronutrients in them (you fertilizer might too) but these are organic. You would have to buy some chelated calcium and put it in the water too. Any seadweed fert will also have some specific hormones in it which is supposed to act as a natural fungicide.
6/28/2007 9:34:40 AM
Tremor |
24-8-16 is OK in moderation to get stubborn spring vines moving. But you don't need or want that kind of Nitrogen any more.
Fish & Seaweed (Neptune's & others) deliver the same elements in a lower N formula that is very slowly available. This greatly reduces the likelihood of blowing up fruit or burning the leaves. They also pack some naturally occurring hormones that Pumpkins like.
Craig's Agro-K has a nice sprayable Calcium (Vigor-Cal & Vigor-Cal Phos I believe?). Other's to look for are Nutri-Cal, etc. Even side dressing Gypsum or Calcium Nitrate (LIGHTLY) will add some supplemental Calcium.
6/28/2007 7:34:18 PM
Richard |
I'm a newbie to, I asked the same question you did, they all said fish emulsion #1, then seaweed, and then K, I think they mean calcium, and seed stock, come here in the fall and try and trade or get some seeds for next year they also told me, and good soil/dirt.
7/2/2007 9:27:18 PM
Jordan Rivington (JRO) |
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
K is potassium. If thats what you meant by "...and then K, I think they mean calcium...". The best way to remeber this chemical symbol is "(K)iss my potassium". LOL. Ahh, nerd jokes.
7/2/2007 9:32:20 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
Sorta thinkin the surfer meant "Agro-K"...maybe not...hope every one grows em big!!! Peace, Wayne
7/2/2007 9:47:52 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
Hound, stick around this site, in the late fall, you will be made available to more "GREAT" seeds than you can ever plant...all for the price of "Bubbleopes"!!! Peace, Wayne PS...soil prep is the key!!!!!
7/2/2007 9:50:30 PM
hound46 |
Northwest Missouri
Will definitely be sticking around. Everyone is very friendly and helpful--and I like the "nerd jokes".
7/3/2007 8:07:12 AM
WiZZy |
President - GPC
Ah......stay away from the dark (Chem) side, for once you travel down its path......forever it will dominate your destiny (Patch).
7/3/2007 8:38:35 AM
Jordan Rivington (JRO) |
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
As for the dark side, isnt it so much more fun to be bad?
7/3/2007 1:30:33 PM
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