Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: Just the basics
Date Posted
Jordan Rivington (JRO) |
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Ok, likely this thread will benefit more from a quantity of answers, than quality...of course quality is nice too.
Elaborate watering systems are not cheap, while overhead watering is pretty cheap. Of course, there are benefits as well as disadvantages of using either method.
A survey of three questions would probably benefit most users, whether planning to switch from one method to another or not.
1. overhead OR soaker OR both 2. PM problems, if so, when 3. other diseases 4. successful disease control, if yes, what organic/chemical products did you use
I will go first...
1. soaker 2. yes, mid-late august 3. no 4. 50/50, daconil, myclobutanil
1/8/2008 3:55:18 PM
Big Kahuna 26 |
Ontario, Canada.
1. I use mostly soaker but switch to overhead for plant cooling and misting in hot and low humidity conditions.
2. Yes, late August, baking soda & oil.
3. No, But lost a 947 Hunt due to unknow condition in 07.
4. Fuginex, Abound, Baking soda & oil
1/8/2008 7:20:59 PM
Richard |
The All American Garden Hose (2nd year grower)
1/8/2008 7:57:23 PM
CountyKid (PECPG) |
Picton,ON (j.vincent@xplornet.ca)
1. Drip Tape, plan to use Wizzers this year for cooling, pehaps small soakers around stump area. 2. No 3. No 4. 50/50 Pyraclostrobin (Headline), Myclobutanil (Nova)
1/8/2008 8:11:38 PM
pumpkinhead vic |
Mt Vernon Ky
CountyKid i know your a pro but dont get the soakers to close stump i mess up 1 for the best plants i had last year 977 wallace
1/8/2008 11:11:56 PM
Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.
1.Overhead sprayline. 2.Minor,showed up late sept. 3.no.lost a leaf or two at the end of season where they were directly in under drips from sprayline. 4.used peroxyacetic acid on affected leaves only(about a dozen),didn't do any harm.
1/9/2008 3:38:38 AM
LiLPatch |
Dummer Twp - Ontario
Used soaker 1/4" soaker hoses but will switch to larger ones next year. Misted some with hand held sprayer on hot days. Sulphur and milk to prevent PM. Will use neem oil spray more next year.
1/9/2008 9:03:59 PM
1.soaker and over head. going to use drip tape this year. 2.get pm but no problem to controll. 3.no other disease. 4.ortho disease control(daconil) baking soda, neem oil,milk yes i said milk. lol
1/10/2008 5:17:28 AM
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