Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: Foliar spray question
Date Posted
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
I bought this product called Seaboost which will be used as a foliar spray only. It seems like a quality product but here is where I'm a little weary. The Minimum analysis is N- .3%, Available Phosphoric Acid(P2 O5) .3% and Soluable Potash (K2O) 4%. The directions on the label say " Dilute at a rate of 15ml per litre ( 1 tbsp per 35 oz ). One litre covers 350 square feet. That sounds like a soil conditioner to me, but what do I know. Can anyone tell me if 15 ml per litre is an appropriate mix for a foliar application. Thanks.
6/1/2008 10:39:00 AM
Big Kahuna 26 |
Ontario, Canada.
Andy, without direct knowledge of the product I would say that spraying at the labeled rate would do no harm. With such low levels of NPK there is really nothing at this strength that could hurt an AGP when spraying by foliar.
From my past exp I could also chime that when I spray foliar with seaweed or other similar products a full sized plant of more than 700 sq.ft. would use at least 4.5 liters of tank mix or about 1 Canadian gallon.
I hope this helps.
6/1/2008 1:18:43 PM
CountyKid (PECPG) |
Picton,ON (j.vincent@xplornet.ca)
If you are concerned, try it at half rate for the first spray. Most of the foliars I apply are used at 30ml/gal.
6/1/2008 1:24:25 PM
*Old *Man* |
Sheridan . NY
I Would suggest you use it as a drenchon the ground -- our products it says what it is for and how it used --some products will make a cloudy mess and put film and seal the leaf ---causeing a problem--craig
6/1/2008 3:45:04 PM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
I appreciate the input guys, thanks.
6/1/2008 3:50:53 PM
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