Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: I hate water!
Date Posted
Pumpkin Pastor |
Pinedale, WY
Water or lack of it has killed me this year. Everything started off real well, I was going to fly by the 500 lbs mark, which was my goal. Then we left for 5 days for vacation and the automatic watering system broke, and we lost 2 of our 4 plants and all the pumpkins on a 3rd plant. Only the smallest plant with the smallest weakest pumpkin survived. And now my well is having problems. I can't get enough pressure to water. I have to take it our bucket full at a time, it doesn't have enough pressure to run it through a hose, let alone a sprinkler. This bites, but I guess this is part of the sport, and at least I have good reason for whats wrong with mine. The poor Biz, having such an awesome plant and pumpkin going, only to crack it. I know lots others have it worse, but it still stinks.
8/27/2008 12:26:31 PM
LongmontPete |
pastor- what happened to your automatic system?
an irritrol timer with looping capabilities and some overhead misters will give you complete control over water.
8/27/2008 3:37:07 PM
Pumpkin Pastor |
Pinedale, WY
I didn't have the money to invest in something good, so I got a $50 one from Home Depot and it literally blew apart. Did you get your stuff at dripworks or somewhere else? That is my project for this next off-season.
8/27/2008 6:33:12 PM
Captain Cold Weather |
Boulder County Colorado USA planet Earth
dont give up duke, when the time is right itll happen
things happen for a reason. we all have to pay our dues lol
8/27/2008 9:04:09 PM
LongmontPete |
yep, got my misters from dripworks... the irritrol times are EXPENSIVE, but if you search all winter on EBAY, they come up from time to time. thats where I got mine.
8/27/2008 11:09:06 PM
hoots dirt (Mark) |
Farmville, Virginia (mfowler@hsc.edu)
Pastor, have you had your well checked? Sounds like you may have a pressure switch malfunction. If so it is an inexpensive fix. Could also be a bad check valve in the pump. Most likely you would notice your pump running pretty much all the time even when not using water if thats the case. Have your pressure switch checked first.
8/28/2008 12:25:02 AM
Pumpkin Pastor |
Pinedale, WY
The well guy is coming in a couple of weeks, he is pretty busy. I can turn the sprinkler on and it runs for about 3 minutes, then there isn't enough pressure to run it. If it sits about 10 minutes then I can run it again, unfortunatly I can't sit around all day and do that. I hope it isn't anything to bad.
8/28/2008 11:51:13 AM
klancy |
Westford, MA
I finally have H2O Pressure in my patch!!! I'd been watering 8 plants with 3 x 40 Gal.water Barrels and 2 x 2gal. H2O cans. The pressure in the house 40#s. To the outside same as your's Run a little then Pressure drop off. I finally had 0# pressure Friday. I replaced the old pipes, (some Iron)and 2 old valves from the tank & main shut-off,in the house. All heavily clogged. GAME ON!!!! Finally I've got Great pressure over 225' of hose. My neighbor thought I was nuts dancing around the sprinkler. All of those faulty sprinklers I bought over the years actually work!!! Old plumbing, check for clogs/think of replacing. Good Luck kevin
9/2/2008 12:28:13 PM
Pumpkin Pastor |
Pinedale, WY
I am still waiting for the well guy to come.
9/2/2008 12:36:39 PM
seedguy |
Fresno, Ca
Grainger's Has a battery powered sprinkler timer with two outputs one for misting and one for drip/sprinkler I think I am going to try next year. It's $61.35 part number 1HLW9. If you were really concerned you could even pay for the extended warranty, doesn't save your plants if it blows up though!
9/2/2008 1:51:35 PM
Pumpkin Pastor |
Pinedale, WY
We had the well guy come out and he thinks that we are out of water. I guess our neighbor had to go 1.5 miles away to find water. Which means he had to dig a new well there and pipe it over. What stinks is we only have 6 acres, the chances of us finding more water is slim to none. I am taking a shot in the dark and thinking that it will be hard to sell a house that has no water and never will. This could end up ugly, will have to wait until tomorrow to find out.
9/2/2008 11:43:15 PM
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