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Fertilizing and Watering

Subject:  Yellow or dead leaves

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Mount Airy, N.C.

I am a first time pumpkin grower and I need someone's help!
I fertilized my pumpkins with 15-30-15 when they were small plants, then I switched to a more balanced 20-20-20 after pollinating several fruits. I ferlize only once a week, applying approxiamtely 8 ounces (H20 & 20-20-20) to each plant. Recently, I noticed a few plants had yellow or dead leaves and/or stems. Despite this, some of my plants have anywhere from softball to bowling ball size fruits. Should I stop fertilizing or try something else? What is going on! Please someone help!

7/7/2001 10:37:29 PM

Think Big

Commack, NY

let me ask you this, where are the dead leaves and stems? are they in various locations in the plant? or are they confined to a particular area? usualy, there will be some leaves that turn brown and die starting from the stump and extending out to the first few leaves, this is normal.


7/8/2001 12:03:34 PM


Mount Airy, N.C.

The dead leaves and/or stems are in various locations. There isn't an enormous amount, but it still scares me a little. I saw another pumpkin growers' plants two days ago and her plants looked so green and healthy, while some of mine appear yellow. I was just wondering if I need to change my watering or fertilizing methods. I haven't fertilized my plants in approximately one week. What should I do?


7/9/2001 10:52:04 PM


Sloughhouse, CA

I have been watering every other day.

7/10/2001 12:45:06 AM

Nappy G

Charlotte, North Carolina

Could be heat stress.

7/12/2001 12:30:32 PM

Total Posts: 5 Current Server Time: 3/6/2025 9:51:04 PM
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