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Subject:  Fillet fish?

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Torrance, Ca.

I do a lot of fishing and have a freezer that holds 500lbs of cut fish. I clear out all the old this time of year to prepare for the filling of seabass (I hope).......I've always buried the fillets into my veggie garden and they love it, even this time of year. Is it ok to bury some into the pumpkin patch or should I wait until fall?

Thanks in advance!

3/28/2012 10:28:39 AM

Andy W

Western NY

You'll be fine. When I bury fish - and it's usually closer to planting time than now - I try to keep away from the stump area a bit so it has time to break down by the time the roots find it.

3/28/2012 11:08:53 AM


Torrance, Ca.

Thanks Andy! I have big chunks of yellowtail, grouper, bluefin, seabass and yellowfin. I'm glad you said away from the stump because I was going to bury it right under the stump!

Thanks again! :)

3/28/2012 11:24:00 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Is this the waste portion of the fish or meat that you are not getting around to eating?

3/28/2012 11:49:34 AM



You could also blender it in a old blender, will speed up the decomposing, thats what I do only I strain also.

3/28/2012 2:19:49 PM


Torrance, Ca.

Its mostly grade A fillets that have a little freezer burn North Shore. I put all the waste in the veggie garden after fillets are cut but this time of year I have the good stuff that is no longer tasty.

3/28/2012 2:24:28 PM


President - GPC

Glenn wantZ to bub you for them SO Cal Grower....thatZ why he's aZkin... fer dinner

3/28/2012 4:17:09 PM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

If you have raccoons be careful, one year I lost everything because the could smell fish and tore up my whole patch in one night looking for it!

3/28/2012 6:53:33 PM


Torrance, Ca.

Yea, they got my veggie garden a few years back,,, holes everywhere...... The trap went into place and I think I caught every last one :) The whole family is now at a big field about 5 miles from here!

3/28/2012 7:30:46 PM

Farmer Ben

Hinckley MN

bury it deep and not directly under a planting site, so if the raccoons come back they can find the goodies without destroying your plants. after a month they won't want it anymore, and you won't want to accidentially find it either. thats the other reason for burying it deeper than you till.

3/28/2012 9:51:24 PM


Citrus Heights, CA

Maybe only catch 400 lbs this year.leave some to get older!

3/29/2012 12:30:14 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Your right Wiz...figured we could trade some fresh caught salmon, but if it's freezer burned...then you need a vacuum sealer.

3/29/2012 1:10:08 AM


Rhode Island

personally if i had access to a fish ( a lot or a little ) id mix and blend it in with my compost pile. let it break down before adding directly to the patch.
this would also keep the coons ,etc, out of the patch during early stages of decomposition.

3/29/2012 9:04:37 AM


Hamilton Nj

i use the carcus of the fish in the fall,rather than waste the fillettes,lol, try donating it to a food bank before it gets freezer burnt!!! i bury the carcus in the fall 1-2 foot down,and my maters love it!!!! the fish regs on seabass are really strict on the east coast 15 fish a person at 12 inches!! and geting worse!!! pizza

3/29/2012 9:42:13 AM


Torrance, Ca.

So many great ideas, thanks guys!

3/29/2012 10:24:13 AM


President - GPC

This remindZ me of an old Camping trip I will never forget......
Went with my other brother...Steve...he wasnt adopted like BiZ waZ..... Sorry BiZ...
We went to Jefferson Lake....Beautify high mountain lake...with his boat before he got his 11.5 foot camper....We tented it....Got in early Friday morning....got a great camp site...couldnt believe our timing was so perfect that this spot was open....

After we paid for the spot...we went fishin....didnt do that well..only caught two 12 "... saved them for dinner that night.....as we got back to camp

3/29/2012 11:14:43 AM


President - GPC

another camper came over...told us the previouZ camper at our spot left early....due to bearZ. Broken the window on their van to get the food out. He said we better not store our foodZ local, to hang it in a tree up high. So we did....took all our food, put it in a nylon bag we had.... Took our juicy Rib Eye steakZ and our two fish put em in a smaller cooler with ice. Threw a rope over a tree branch up high...and pulleyied our two packageZ up high....
and tied it off.....

That night, LATE....while in the tent.....we heard NoiZes...outside the tent...in our camp. Racket...snorting....I went to wake brotha steve...he waZ already awake... BUt he waZ Quiet.... That thin tent wall....waZ the only thing between us and the bear.... I can remember thinkin...Crap..I have gum in my pocket... and I laid quiet....We dare not look outside..... We heard the bear .......

3/29/2012 11:22:02 AM


President - GPC

go farther on down to another camperZ site...more smashing and lotZ more noiZes.....then the bear went farther on down..to the next site...then eventually quieter...then gone.....Whew.....we went back to sleep....

When we got up early.....we found...that the bear had climbed up the tree....and got both our two packages...with all our foodZ in it... No sign of the lil cooler with our steakZ and fish in it to be seen. The nylon bag was tore open.... What waZ left waZ packageZ....Hot cocoa.. bread rapperZ (entrie loaf), eggZ, DonutZ, Corn, CHocolate barZ,Coffee package Whole bag of MM's.... Nothin but Trash waZ left...a can of Chili beanZ, and a bottle of PlanterZ peanutZ...waZ the only thing to survive.....

3/29/2012 11:29:28 AM


President - GPC

As I waZ a smoker then....it had started to rain early morning aZ well....I got up early to smoke.....aZ sat on the boat to smoke...out ofZ the rain....WHile sitting there I noticed long black/brown fur hanging on the sideZ of the wall on either sideZ inside the boat...the damn bear had got on the boat...He didnt find anything but had climbed up on the boat lookin.....
Later we went searchin for our lil cooler... We had rapped a bungy cord around it to keep it shut.... We found it about 100 yardZ away...as we tracked the bear printZ.... found a big ole pile of bear poo....diareah.... Well yeah..... with all the MM's and choclate barZ, I would think so.... The bear had bitten open the cooler like a walnut shell...SteakZ gone....the only thing left waZ two fish...with a bear biteZ thru the AL foil....and a empty bacon package.....

3/29/2012 11:40:20 AM


President - GPC

So we gathered up whatZ we had left for the weekend...It waZ only Saturday... Jar of un opened peanutZ...a can of chili beanZ, and two potatoeZ....and a hairy boat. Hell we still had fish bait...and wormZ...so we figured to go fishin....for our food and stayZ the night. No bear waZ gonna ruin our trip...... MOst of the day it rained... on and off..fishin sucked...only got one fish... A super storm had come thru whileZ we were at the other end of the lake....Ill alwayZ remember thiZ trip....We docked the boat...and got off aZ lighting and thunder came thru BIG TIME....I remember while I waZ next to that tree....thinkin...thiZ aint too smart...lighting crackin everywhereZ.... most impressive...I started to move.... UNTIL the hail started....small at first...then 1 incherZ....I decided to get back under the tree...Hell at that point...lighting waZ all over...2" of hail in the boat.....Wish we would of had a camera....

3/29/2012 11:47:53 AM


President - GPC

Finally it stopped...When I got back onto the boat....It waZ slippery....I knocked over the bottle of planterZ nuttZ...when it hit the ground it opened...and kicked it....nuttZ everywhereZ, and now wet...Oh well...No no nuttZ..D@mn... Wind started to kick up again....we decided we where done...soaked to the bone...cold...back to the dock we went....What elZe could happen that weekend?

3/29/2012 11:51:01 AM


President - GPC

Well... I dropped brotha Steve off at the shoreline to go get the truck....and circled back out to the lake to wait for him... There was no pier..just a concrete ramp....

The wind had kicked up ALOTZ...I waZ having a real issue lining up the boat to hit the trailer in the waterZ....Over and over again...I tried...must of did it 10 timeZ...we were new at thiZ thing... Other boatZ where waitin....FisherZ on the shore were laughin...... Brotha Steve, iZ not too patient...to say the leaZt....askZ brotha BiZ....lol huffy puffy he waZ....Finally Brotha WiZ got the goal postZ staddled on the boatZ trailer.... I aimed the boat to coincide with the croZZ wind push.....If you havent ever did this...itZ not Freakin eaZy.....I Made it.... Huffy Puffy came down..and just used the wench strap to secure the boat to the trailer....fairly looZe... then got in hiZ Big Dodge to haul it out of the water...Huff Puffy gooZed it.....and snapped the rotted webbing on the only thing holdin the boatZ on the trailer....

3/29/2012 11:59:41 AM


President - GPC

Back into the water Brotha WiZ went....on the boatZ....D@mn...

3/29/2012 12:00:19 PM


President - GPC

Well we finally got the boatZ back onto the trailer..after a few more trieZ....I almost rammed the shore line I waZ going so fast forward.. Back at camp...it waZ so wet..we couldnt start a fire... so we cooked our 1 fish on the coleman camp stove...and split the can of beanZ>..at leaZt we had burbonZ and beerZ and beanZ.... BearZ came back that night....again...but we had nothin left.. WaZ a Momma BLack Bear and her two cubZ....We decided in the morning...to just leave...even though we had wanted to stay till Monday.... Ill never forget that trip.....Sorry to ramble....the froZen fish got me started.....

3/29/2012 12:09:50 PM


President - GPC

So Brotha BiZ>..now you know why Brotha Steve bought hiZ camper and will never sleep in a tent again....

3/29/2012 12:36:52 PM




use code 708 for free shipping

3/29/2012 1:07:10 PM


Linden, Mi.,

Thanks Wiz, today I needed a laugh.

3/29/2012 3:18:43 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Pap is right,throw in the compost pile.It can only lead to problems in the patch.Disease & coons.

4/1/2012 8:04:28 AM

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