Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: Excess Nitrogen=aborted fruit?
Date Posted
EP |
Ashland, KY
Friends- quick question: I have what seems to be the normal number of male and female flowers, and I've been able to hand-pollinate each female with pollen from stamens from at least two males each time. It's also been hotter than heck....heat indexes of more than 100 deg. F day after day. Unfortunately, the females seem to double in size, then lose their shine, get soft, and thats the end. I am pushing the nitrogen a bit heavy in my hydroponic system, but not by much. Can excess nitrogen, or perhaps a deficiency in P or K cause these fruits to stop developing? Or is it most likely the heat?
Thanks! EP
7/2/2012 10:41:46 PM
Farmkid |
Braceville, IL
I had the same problem last year. Had way to much nitrogen.
7/3/2012 12:42:54 AM
Dasnowskier |
Hard to tell with crazy heat that you have ? Could all just be it's to hot. That being said, I don't think you need N now. Cut it and see what happens.
7/3/2012 7:52:52 AM
Dasnowskier |
I am no expert so it is just an opinion.
7/3/2012 7:54:05 AM
pap |
Rhode Island
high heat and high nitrogen are most likely a combination causing the problems.ioo degree heat is the bigger of the two. being from kentucy id suggest starting earlier next year and getting your pollinations completed before the extreme heat arrives?
7/3/2012 8:04:54 AM
Ron Rahe (uncron1@hotmail.com) |
Try the ice packs and styrofoam cooler. Ive got a couple at day 10 still going. I'm using the cooler and ice everyday until the pumpkin won't fit under it.
7/3/2012 4:15:39 PM
EP |
Ashland, KY
Thanks all-I've cut the nitrogen by half, and have two more females to pollinate tomorrow. I'll get coolers and ice packs and will give that a try! I have misters covering the patch, but it is a losing battle with daily 95-100 degree days. I hope the cooler gives me a chance this season. Thanks again! EP
7/4/2012 10:11:46 PM
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