Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: composted cows
Date Posted
phat joe |
Zurich, Ontario Canada
My brother started composting his dead cows in his cow manure a few years ago. He's mainly doing it to save money on deadstock removle. I used a truck load of it in the patch this year. Besides a few bones it was broke down to a nice black crumbly compost. Any one know what nutient value this would have compared to just straight cow manure compost?? Thanks p.s My pumpkin is 200 pounds heavier this year than my p.b. but that could be a number of factors!!!!
8/30/2012 5:20:26 AM
spudder |
A fellow i work with has a friend that is doing that with chicken manure and ground chickens. He had it tested as he was going to sell it as compost but was told it would probably have to be sold as fertilzer .I do not know if anything else was being added but it tested very good according to my friend.
8/30/2012 4:34:00 PM
WiZZy |
President - GPC
8/30/2012 5:09:01 PM
Orangeneck (Team HAMMER) |
Eastern Pennsylvania
Burying something in its own crap, now that's just messed up. Of course if I had my way, and the Government didn't interfere, I'd wish to become compost for my patch as well. lol
8/30/2012 6:32:41 PM
lobsterdude725 |
Portsmouth, RI
Lots of ol' time farmers compost their dead animals. I remember getting aged manure from a dairy farmer that had some bones in it. Never had a problem s, it just has to be composted correctly.
8/30/2012 7:04:47 PM
pap |
Rhode Island
same as chicken manure. always find bones .they dont hold funerals at large business run farms.the animals are just a means to an end. sad but true. pap
8/31/2012 9:35:38 AM
Ned |
Honesdale, Pennsylvania
I trade a pumpkin every year for a couple loads of composted cow manure. Love that barter system. Every year I find an assortment of bones in the pile. I assume they are cattle bones.... but I never did ask how many wives he had.
8/31/2012 11:01:42 AM
Donkin |
i'm diggin up bones,i'm diggin up bones,exhuming things better left alone...lol
8/31/2012 8:20:23 PM
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