Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: ocillating sprinkler
Date Posted
pg3 |
Lodi, California
I know quite a few growers use ocillating sprinklers but I am having some troubles with mine. The water collects on the leaves and drips down to one point on the soil. I know that a good ammount growers get good water coverage with ocillating sprinklers and I was wondering what I have been doing wrong.
8/6/2013 11:25:28 AM
Nor-Cal_BP |
Concord, CA.
Yeah, I won't be doing any overhead watering after this season. The leaves tend to umbrella the water from wetting all the soil under the canopy. On the bright side though, the evolution of the plants have given the leaves a funnel shape that collects water and causes it to run down the leaf stalk to the roots that should be growing at the base. Specific watering doesn't get much more direct than that. However I'm concerned that as the roots spread from that leaf axial, the outermost root ends away from the leaf axial don't get water by overhead watering. I'd like to hear other thoughts about this.. anybody?
8/6/2013 12:50:25 PM
Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings |
Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)
Ahhh there is a reason the plant does that...to make sure the roots get the water they need when it rains. I have actually seen the leaves all tip up to catch the rain and concentrate it.
8/6/2013 1:47:41 PM
WiZZy |
President - GPC
Yup... right to the base of the root...I talk to mine at night when I feed.....and get the same reaction....takes practice.... Give it a try..... theyZ....Callout to me
The PumpkinWiZperer....
8/6/2013 5:21:48 PM
So.Cal.Grower |
Torrance, Ca.
God created the perfect funnel, right to the node!
8/6/2013 5:27:44 PM
VTSteve |
South Hero, VT
Ron Wallace hand waters his pumpkins so there are no dry spots anywhere. Moist soil equals microbial activity equals increased uptake of nutrients through all those fine roots the mycorrhizae created.
8/6/2013 8:14:41 PM
VTSteve |
South Hero, VT
On the other hand, Steve Connolly used an oscillating sprinkler to grow his 1674. Do whatever works for you.
8/6/2013 8:16:28 PM
WiZZy |
President - GPC
Oscillator iZ a good way to cool the plantZ in a field type environment. I can cool in HOT tempZ...
8/7/2013 9:58:19 AM
Slainte |
Missoula, MT
My first attempt. Growing in hot Western Montana using sprinkler. Is it bad for the pumpkin to get direct water? Do I have to cover it?
8/30/2013 2:51:19 PM
VTSteve |
South Hero, VT
Slainte, if your plants can dry off before nightfall, and it's not humid, everything is all right. Too much moisture/humidity can lead to disease, which is why a lot of growers use drip tape or sprinklers that water under the canopy. You also get better water coverage with them.
8/30/2013 8:20:04 PM
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