Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: Biomin Boron
Date Posted
pg3 |
Lodi, California
Does anyone know the biomin boron application rate per gallon? I am trying to figure out how much I need. Thank you!
10/20/2013 1:45:12 AM
Ludwig Ammer |
10/21/2013 3:05:32 PM
WiZZy |
President - GPC
Ashton.... Beware..of the Kraken-LobZster
10/21/2013 4:32:53 PM
cntryboy |
East Jordan, MI
Ashton, Just like everything else, it depends on how much boron you NEED as to how much you should apply. Boron is one of those things that can become toxic and a little goes a long way, so BE CAREFUL.
It is not labeled by per gallon because water is just the vehicle to get it spread over the area that you desire, so if whether it takes 50 or 150 gallons of water to spread it over the entire area evenly you use the same amount of the product.
To answer your direct question -- If you want to apply something labeled per acre to your patch (in sq ft), you have to first determine how much of an acre you have. To do this, multiply your patch's width x length and divide by the number of sq ft in an acre (43560).
Then you would multiply the result by the application rate per acre on the label.
An example: if your patch is 16x24 = 384 sq ft 384/43560 = .0088 acres .0088 x 16 ounces (pint) = .14 ounces .0088 x 64 (4 pints) = .56 ounces .0088 x 32 (quart) = .28 ounces .0088 x 128 ounces (gallon) = 1.13 ounces
So according to the label of biomin boron, you can apply between .28 and 1.13 ounces on a 384 sq ft patch as a drench at plant time with a .28 ounce maintenance dose
.14 to .56 ounces as a foliar every week to 2 weeks.
The label also states to dilute by at least 20 times if applied foliar.
I SAY AGAIN -- BORON CAN BECOME TOXIC. MAKE SURE YOU NEED IT BEFORE ADDING IT! and don't add to a certain ppm that you saw on someone else's soil test.
The CA:B and K:B in YOUR soil are the ratios that need to be balanced.
10/23/2013 8:13:22 PM
KathyS |
West Paris Me.
thanks for that answer cntryboy. It answers a question that I asked a while back. I am glad that I did not do what the siphonject people recommended. It sounded like over kill. KathyS
1/11/2014 12:53:17 PM
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