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Subject:  6 month old horse manure.

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Danville Va.

I was able to get some 6 month old horse manure. It's still in a ball shape,will this break up when I till it in? Or should I break it up manually before I apply it?

2/4/2014 10:09:45 PM


Danville Va.

It has hardly any smell,,,earthy at best.

2/4/2014 10:47:12 PM


Deerfield, Michigan

Wherever you put it you will have a big increase in your weeds. I would cover it up and let it bake all summer then apply it in the fall.

2/5/2014 4:30:13 AM


aurora, IL

The 6 month old horse manure might burn your plants if you use too much.

2/7/2014 7:14:33 PM

curtlave (team extreme)

Sourthern Utah

it will work,, just spread it thin,,

2/7/2014 9:35:51 PM


Seattle, WA

horse manure does great in worm bins if you have the time to set one up. The final product after worms have finished with it is an amazing soil amendment. I'd be worried about weeds if it were me too and would probably want to thermally compost the material to get it up over 130F but below 160 for a few days to kill off the weed seeds.

2/12/2014 8:57:48 PM


Seattle, WA

Oh and many people use dewormers and antibiotics that could be present in the manure as well. Not to scare you off, but it's something to be aware depending on how the horse was managed.

2/12/2014 8:58:31 PM

John H

Dundee Michigan

Tad12---Just curious, what issues happen if the animal was given any kind of medications.

2/12/2014 9:29:02 PM


Seattle, WA

Some antibiotics can persist and end up in your crop. Not so much of an issue in this case with AGs. Dewormers could potentially hurt your microbial communities though I'd like to see more research on this. I don't use a lot of horse manure so I haven't put a lot of time into learning more. Most of my knowledge on the subject is from Jeff Lowenfels, author if Teaming With Microbes.

2/13/2014 12:22:40 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I like my poop 2 years old unless composted correctly.Ball shape I dont feel is ready yet.

2/13/2014 8:40:18 PM

John H

Dundee Michigan

Tad12---Thanks for the input, always wondered about that. Mark---LOL I almost couldn't resist responding to that one. My eyes are still tearing up. LOL

2/13/2014 10:01:45 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I hear a lot of people talk about using manure & grass/leaves the first year.I wouldnt do it.Science says it needs to be broken down.It will tie up your nutrients in your soil.Sure you might grow a 1000 pounder or even a 1300 1400 lb kin.I want to hit the ball out of the park.To do that everything needs to be at its best.I will be testing my compost this year.We are now shooting for 2500lbs.If I do everything right and the sun shines here in Muddywaters in 2014 and the creek dont rise.I think me & Bubba have a shot at it.lol

2/15/2014 6:27:33 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

A local grower told me he put a big pile of fish guts a few feet from his pumpkin plant last June.He was excited he just went fishing in one of the Great lakes and had a tub full of guts.I told him to go home & dig them up asap.He said no he wasnt going to,He claimed the Indians used to plant a fish head with every corn seed they planted.I told him poppycock,And my grandpa milked his pumpkins.lol If I had a dollar for everytime I heard that one.Well needless to say he didnt even get a 200 lber grown.Another local grower who did listen to common sense growing, grew a 550 lber & won rookie of the year at Andy Ts in 2013.

If it dont look like composted soil dont use it.Tiny twigs and clumps of unbroken down matter,will tie up your nitrogen.no IFS & or Butts.lol

Always remember! If your Aunt had testicles,She would of been your uncle.lol

2/15/2014 6:44:10 AM


Brisbane Australia

We use horse manure all the time, ours are from stables so with saw dust in it. It cooks out really quickly if you have a little heat in the day. Definitely can bring weeds but I am yet to have it burn plants even when pretty fresh. Added to compost horse manure is ideal to add a little heat to help cook out a pile.

2/24/2014 3:35:13 AM

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